Z Back to Dealership after 6 days...
Novemeber 16th i came out to leave for work (Friday) and voila, my car wont start, break wont engage. The Key Light was turned on (insturment panel). I quickly searched "370z wont turn on" and ofcourse, first few entries bring you straight to this site (love you guys.) So, i got it towed to the dealership and it took them till the 29th to get it fixed (13 days). They replaced the DCM and car battery, that was it. They said they were having Difficulties finding the root of the problem.
For the last 6 days everything was fine then when im ready to leave work again yesterday... WOW, the same damn thing is wrong with it again. Had to have it towed, rode with the towe truck to the dealership. I was furious. I tried explaining to them the first time it was the IPDM or steering wheel lock. I dont know what the heck they were doing for 13 days, but alas.. here it is in the shop again. What opinions of my situation do you guys have? At least Nissan has payed for everything except the car battery.
2009 370z, Warranty is out January 1st 2012. I love this car, but i def havent enjoyed the hassle the last month. (not to mention just got new tires for 950 big ones).
Tickets are on sale for the QQ train, im in first class, where's your a$$?
Last edited by Santent; 12-06-2011 at 01:59 PM.