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wh1te370z 09-27-2011 08:11 AM

Need to vent about being a kid in a sports car and cops
This morning on my way to work im driving down a hwy to go to work. some idiot behind me has her brights on and its the most annoying thing in the world. i tried swithcing lanes so he could pass but the lady would just follow me. So up the road i see a cop. pass him he does nothing. so i start changing lanes to get the lady behind me in front of me. but she hasssss to follow me. so finally she gets past me and FLYS down the road.

All the sudden i see the cop come flying up. so im like nice hes gona get that idiot. so i turn off bc i can get into work right from the hwy. the cop pulls up behind me :mad: ........ now im in one of the main enterance at work and now i feel like an idiot bc out of the 3000 people at work im the only person w a 370 and everyone knows me by my car. He walks up to the car and the first thing he says, in a snotty way is "i hope you dont work here." so i tell him i do and he goes what time do u have to be at wrk. im like 8:30 (its 8:25) so he asks for my license and reg. I give it to him. he goes to his car. Im $hitting bricks bc i have 11 points bc some other ahole cop screwed me for 8 points for a speeding ticket that wasnt me (a long story). he comes back and goes how fast were u going back there. "officer i wasnt going over like 60" he tells me theirs no way bc he was doing over 100 to catch me. then he proceds to tell me that he thought i was trying to avoid him by pulling off the road. I told the cop im like officer you saw my record, i would never do anything stupid bc the next ticket i get i lose my licence. So the cop again tell me that i was speeding and weaving in and out of cars. I was so nervous about the whole situation i forgot about the moron behind me w the high beams. So luckly i didnt get a ticket but it annoys me that they are always looking for me.

I cant enjoy my car anymore bc i keep getting pulled over for no reason. Im 22 in a sports car and cops love me as a target for anything. what makes this story even better is that i had no Reg on my windsheild, bc it fell off. My inspection was up and i have no front plate. But he didnt say anything about those. I feel like cops are just out to get kids in sports cars. That my rant about cops on long island. they are all idiots. This makes me want to trade it in and buy a truck or a stupid civic or something so ill "blend in"

Jordo! 09-27-2011 08:18 AM

Flip the rear view down when dickholes shine their brights behind you and don't pass cops...?

Fair or not, sports cars stand out, no matter who drives them, and if you have a lot of points racked up, you should be extra careful for a while.

bluelion 09-27-2011 08:29 AM

yeah, i typically flip the rear view mirror to "dim" the lights or if i change lanes, i'll slow down a bit/tap my brakes to let them pass.

bflosabre91 09-27-2011 08:34 AM

u reg sticker was gone, your inspection was up and you have no front plate so the cop let you go. how is he out to get you? i find it really hard to believe that he didn't notice all 3 of those issues. pretty much any sports car is a cop magnet. you just gotta be responsible with it and you shouldn't have any issues. gl

da mayor 09-27-2011 08:38 AM

no offense but a lot of other drivers ruin it for the ones that don't drive like an idiot... hence creating the Z to be a cop magnet.

birdmanx1 09-27-2011 08:44 AM

Get one of the rearview mirror with auto dimming. I have one of those and could care less if fools flash me all day long. Your car stands out and the cops are NOT out to get you, just doing their job; they will give you a pass if your story makes sense. I got pulled 3 times last month including twice just the weekend before last, I saw the cops both times from afar and knew they were going to come after me, the car stands out and it's only normal that they do their due diligence. I got away without any issue from being pulled over, get used to it, it's part of the game.

shadoquad 09-27-2011 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by bflosabre91 (Post 1331250)
u reg sticker was gone, your inspection was up and you have no front plate so the cop let you go. how is he out to get you? i find it really hard to believe that he didn't notice all 3 of those issues. pretty much any sports car is a cop magnet. you just gotta be responsible with it and you shouldn't have any issues. gl


I don't like negativity towards LEO's. They're just doing a job. I got pulled over on my way back from Georgia. The cop said we had illegal tints. He pulled out his little tint tester and it came up legal, so he let us go. If he was really out to get us, there were quite a few things on the car he could have gotten us for besides the tint, and we were going 10mph over at the time. Sometimes you have to put it in perspective like that. And to get off with a warning, regardless of all the other circumstances, that's when you should let it go.

edub370 09-27-2011 08:47 AM

yay for being 22 in a z! i got pulled once and when i asked why i had been pulled over the cop said "i was speeding, driving recklessly, and crossed a double yellow." now i NEVER argue with cops, parents raised me better than that. But that was the first time i have actually said to a cop "i am 100% positive i didnt do any of those things you said." he said he had me on camera and when i said i would need to see the footage because i didnt do it, he let me off witha warning.

long story short, i live in a small town where the cops know most of the cars around. a new car with a 22 yr old driving a nice car is begging for attention, and i think i got pulled over so he could put a face with a car and make sure nothing suspicious was goin on. Better safe than sry, but i will agree that its frustrating to get pulled over for "speeding" 3 times, yet not a single cop has gotten me on radar, or paced me to confirm :mad:

wh1te370z 09-27-2011 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by bluelion (Post 1331246)
yeah, i typically flip the rear view mirror to "dim" the lights or if i change lanes, i'll slow down a bit/tap my brakes to let them pass.

I did that she just wouldnt pass me.


Originally Posted by bflosabre91 (Post 1331250)
u reg sticker was gone, your inspection was up and you have no front plate so the cop let you go. how is he out to get you? i find it really hard to believe that he didn't notice all 3 of those issues. pretty much any sports car is a cop magnet. you just gotta be responsible with it and you shouldn't have any issues. gl

It was just the fact that he pulled me over bc he thought i was trying to avoid him. and that ive been pulled over nurmerous times for absolutly no reason. Theyll say i thought ur inspection sticker was up. or i didnt see you inspection sticker. The cop didnt even glance at my inspection sticker and reg. I think that after he realized i was driving to work and not avoiding him he felt stupid.


Originally Posted by da mayor (Post 1331257)
no offense but a lot of other drivers ruin it for the ones that don't drive like an idiot... hence creating the Z to be a cop magnet.

tell me about it..

shadoquad 09-27-2011 08:52 AM

Oh, and since we're on the topic, I read this article years ago and found it very helpful.

It gives you pointers from Law Enforcement about what they're expecting when they pull you over. It definitely helped me out.

birdmanx1 09-27-2011 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by shadoquad (Post 1331275)
Oh, and since we're on the topic, I read this article years ago and found it very helpful.

It gives you pointers from Law Enforcement about what they're expecting when they pull you over. It definitely helped me out.

Sorry Shado but I have found this tip to be far more efficient in what to do when dealing with LEO. it definitely helped me out ;)

wh1te370z 09-27-2011 09:11 AM

Dont get me wrong i understand where the cops are coming from. I do have friends that are cops and their are cool cops out there. just not a lot. Its just being young and in a sports car sucks. I always have repect for the cops while i talk to them. arguing and picking a fight never help the situation. Im a very nice person and it just sucks that i keep getting pulled over for nothing. the post was just bc i was upset and to show anyone around my age that being this young in this car this is what youll have to expect. It sucks but its something that everyone goes through.

When i was 19-21 i had a firebird w a semi built motor and straight pipes, illegal tints, no front plate, my reg and inspection were always laying on the dash. I had that car for about two years and got less cop attention then my z in the past year.

[QUOTE=birdmanx1;1331292]Sorry Shado but I have found this tip to be far more efficient in what to do when dealing with LEO. it definitely helped me out ;)



gotchu99 09-27-2011 09:17 AM

You have 11 points on your licence, but they got the wrong guy. You have an uninspected vehicle, no Reg on the windshield, and no front plate that is required in nys. The cop let you go without any pen to paper. And you complain? This thread can't be serious.

birdmanx1 09-27-2011 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by gotchu99 (Post 1331335)
You have 11 points on your licence, but they got the wrong guy. You have an uninspected vehicle, no Reg on the windshield, and no front plate that is required in nys. The cop let you go without any pen to paper. And you complain? This thread can't be serious.

Let's not beat a dead cow. I think the OP later said that he understood where the cop was coming from and that it's all good. Moving on...

RandyD 09-27-2011 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by birdmanx1 (Post 1331267)
Get one of the rearview mirror with auto dimming. I have one of those and could care less if fools flash me all day long. Your car stands out and the cops are NOT out to get you, just doing their job; they will give you a pass if your story makes sense. I got pulled 3 times last month including twice just the weekend before last, I saw the cops both times from afar and knew they were going to come after me, the car stands out and it's only normal that they do their due diligence. I got away without any issue from being pulled over, get used to it, it's part of the game.

plus you know the right kind of donuts to carry in the passenger seat...

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