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chuckd05 07-26-2011 09:30 PM

import hows the z06? any mods? pics? better than ws6?

ImportConvert 07-27-2011 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by chuckd05 (Post 1231959)
import hows the z06? any mods? pics? better than ws6?

Z06 is doing well, only mods are F1 Ceramic tint, floor/cargo mats, Ventureshield Ultra, and a Valentine 1 hardwired into my HUD.

To be honest though, as I stated a long time ago, I really cannot stand living in the south and I am strongly tempted to downsize in a year or two and get the hell out.

Hence my renewed interest in the 370Z and the direction it's taking.

Realistically, I own one of the fastest production cars on the world--and it's starting to feel slow.

Now I could mod it, and all that, but it would just feel slow again in a few months.

People are remarkably adaptable creatures and although I know it to be fast, it is still feeling about the same as my WS6 did at this point in ownership, comparatively. I know that may sound stupid, but it is what it is. The other day, I threw it in 2nd at about 60 and hammered it to get around some idiot spraying gravel on the road off the back of his semi-trailer flatbed. It felt about like I remember my WS6 feeling as far as I was concerned. I then looked over and my passenger had latched onto whatever she could find like some sort of koala bear in a hurricane and had this look of raw terror in her eyes. So no, it's not slow, but it all feels the same after a while. What is grating on me is the interior. I freely admit that I agree with GM when they say "The C6's interior is an embarrassment". Yes, I LOVE! the gauges, shifter, ESPECIALLY the stereo, and whatnot, but the seats and everything else belong in a $20K car, not a $80K car. It's annoying.

It does handle absurdly well and I love that. That never gets old.

Late '12 I am sorely tempted to downsize and go with a '13 370Z if the C7 does not look awesome. If the C7 looks awesome and puts out decent power, I am heavily tempted to pick up a loaded-out "base" model 5-6 months after people start beating on them if they are solid/no reports of failures begin occurring involving the same system.

Basically: I want a nicer interior. Anything I drive, I will eventually become "numb" to. I hate the south and want to buy a house elsewhere and saving up a down-payment for a house is a bit difficult when insurance and car-note alone for just one of my cars is $1200/mo. (The other is paid off, but it still needs maintenance and fuel). I would also like to travel more, and buy more guns (One of my other hobbies)

Oh...would I do it all over again? HELL YES! Regardless, it was a life-goal for me, to own a world-class super-car. The Z06, arguably, is. The performance certainly qualifies it. Sure, I will lose money, in total, but that's the price you pay. Cars are not monetary investments, they are emotional investments, and I'm getting my money's worth and then some!

Anyway, pic:

Red__Zed 07-27-2011 08:08 AM

Pic too small :facepalm:

b1adesofcha0s 07-27-2011 08:42 AM

Looks good :tup:

chuckd05 07-27-2011 10:15 AM

That car is fn bad ***...

If you got the Z I think you'll miss the TQ

But again this is why the Z is good because it's value is best in class IMO.

The new sti is a decent car as well but interior falls short. The interior is what you look at / sit in the most in your own car.

I think you may have a case of thinking the grass is greener on the other side, hopefully you find it. Lol.

Car def looks great tho dude. Z06 is a good purchase.

ImportConvert 07-27-2011 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by chuckd05 (Post 1232570)
That car is fn bad ***...

If you got the Z I think you'll miss the TQ

But again this is why the Z is good because it's value is best in class IMO.

The new sti is a decent car as well but interior falls short. The interior is what you look at / sit in the most in your own car.

I think you may have a case of thinking the grass is greener on the other side, hopefully you find it. Lol.

Car def looks great tho dude. Z06 is a good purchase.

Thanks! I think if I got anything short of a Viper I would miss the torque, but after driving a Z, and pouring over the numbers, the 0-60 and the 5-60 and the 0-130 times are identical to the C5 corvette--a 3200# car with an LS1 V8. Noone ever said an LS1 was gutless on the bottom-end. It's all relative. The Z is pretty fast for a 6-cylinder. I do hope that if I get one, by that time, they are making 400+bhp though. If not, the C7 is VERY tempting. I also loved watching my car built. Can't very well do that with the 370Z.

Really all up in the air except I do know that I need to move in a year or two and while it is easily do-able as-is, I would prefer a larger cash-buffer so I can buy a house in a new location sooner. Am starting to kinda want something other than an apartment, oddly enough. Land, mainly. Easier to go shooting :)

m4a1mustang 07-27-2011 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by ImportConvert (Post 1232921)
Thanks! I think if I got anything short of a Viper I would miss the torque, but after driving a Z, and pouring over the numbers, the 0-60 and the 5-60 and the 0-130 times are identical to the C5 corvette--a 3200# car with an LS1 V8. Noone ever said an LS1 was gutless on the bottom-end. It's all relative. The Z is pretty fast for a 6-cylinder. I do hope that if I get one, by that time, they are making 400+bhp though. If not, the C7 is VERY tempting. I also loved watching my car built. Can't very well do that with the 370Z.

Really all up in the air except I do know that I need to move in a year or two and while it is easily do-able as-is, I would prefer a larger cash-buffer so I can buy a house in a new location sooner. Am starting to kinda want something other than an apartment, oddly enough. Land, mainly. Easier to set up a defensive perimeter when the SHTF :)

Fixed! :tup:

ImportConvert 07-27-2011 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 1232960)
Fixed! :tup:

That, too!

I live in a small apartment with only 1 window and 1 door. I specifically waited until it became available for this exact reason. There are walls on all 3 sides that have buildings on the other side of them. The front wall is the only "exposed" wall, and the window is right next to the door. It's pretty damn defendable. Electric bill is well under control, too!

Cmike2780 07-27-2011 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by ImportConvert (Post 1232988)
That, too!

I live in a small apartment with only 1 window and 1 door. I specifically waited until it became available for this exact reason. There are walls on all 3 sides that have buildings on the other side of them. The front wall is the only "exposed" wall, and the window is right next to the door. It's pretty damn defendable. Electric bill is well under control, too!

Who's after you?

Red__Zed 07-27-2011 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Cmike2780 (Post 1233004)
Who's after you?

Lots of 370z fanboys

m4a1mustang 07-27-2011 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by ImportConvert (Post 1232988)
That, too!

I live in a small apartment with only 1 window and 1 door. I specifically waited until it became available for this exact reason. There are walls on all 3 sides that have buildings on the other side of them. The front wall is the only "exposed" wall, and the window is right next to the door. It's pretty damn defendable. Electric bill is well under control, too!

When the system collapses I want to be the hell away from the city.

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