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Annoying things people do, JUST because you are in a Z!
So i have found over the past couple weeks driving the roads are filled with morons. Not only some but now everyone acts like one...especially if you are in a 370z. I have noticed people wave, and give the thumbs up to rev their engine, give the thumbs down, pull up next to you speed off, (but not getting very far because they are driving a camry) or just plain and simple give u the ugly look and give u the finger. I had a lady pull up next to me the other day in her late 40s early 50s prolly, and give me the finger....I dont know why but by the way she zoomed off and looked at my car in disgust I was like uhhh...really? :bowrofl: Are people really that much haters....I find it funny, but then when the cops get in on it its not. One cop decided to follow me down a road then he pulled up next to me, gave the glance then shaked his head...then before the light turned green he floored it ( and went no where) but still managed to leave me at the red light confused. Has anyone else experienced this type of behavior since you have gotten a Z, I mean sheesh I know its a nice car and all....but relax people. Also ESPECIALLY other tuners, or muscle cars act the most annoying...sorry mustang lovers but all u mustang pppl (especially the older ones before 2002ish) always try to "race" me, even when im just cruising on the highway. They intentionally tailgate me and then speed off...like im suppost to chase them? :ugh2::bowrofl: I dont mean to intetnionally show off, I can afford it so I drive it. Never had this problem when I had my T-bird....I wonder what has changed.....:roflpuke2: :driving:
Careful with the Mustang comments, we have more Mustang fan boys on this forum then Z lovers :stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot:
Anyway I think I know what you are talking about. People tend to drive faster around me almost like there trying to race me in there normal everyday cars. I never got the finger LOL but I have had many dirty looks for no reason at all. |
people really are idiots. Most people around my town are just jealous. Especially people my age. I don't even try to show-off or brag or anything and still people look at me with a hatrid look? I have wondered why me too??? but yeah ricers try to race me all the time, but i'm not willing to risk my driving privilages over their pos cars... i just look at them and smile most of the time bc I know i have the better car no matter what is faster. some ppl don't understand. THanks for posting this bc I now know I'm not the only person this happens to.
ok, keeping with the subject...was the lady who gave u the finger and the cop with the dirty looks, were they white?
the lady was white yes, but the cop was african-american
You are not alone.. I have had ol cameros & mustangs, & a G35 all do the same thing.. They would drive next to me & peel out or cut me off without a signal... for no reason...The world is filled with haters...
I had a guy pacing me for a while yesterday in a Honda Accord. I wasn't paying attention to him other than I was irritated a little that we was right next to me. I could not do anything about it due to traffic conditions so I just went with the flow. Things opened up a bit and I changed lanes to put some space between us and he got in right behind me. I glanced at him in my side view and saw that he was flipping me off. It was almost as if he purposely got behind me just to do that.
What the heck? I did absolutely nothing to this guy. Very odd. |
but yeah i think i know wat ur getting at, but i dont think race has much to do with this...jealously has no race boundaries in my opinion. |
The other day I had an Ebay'd out Integra trying to drag race me or something on a bridge. Don't get me wrong, I love the Integra, especially when they're modded properly, but this guy's car looked worse than his stupid looking gang hat. It sounded awful and there was a gallon of Quaker State burning out the a$$ end when VTEC kicked in. I guess he failed 2nd grade math or something trying to approach a 370z like he would ever stand a chance. I paid no attention to him though. It took him 20 seconds to get above 60mph and I didn't even accelerate. His brakes sounded like a NYC Public Transit Greyhound. We met at the same light and he started making some stupid noises and stuff out his window, I guess he thought he just beat a 370 or something. :rofl2:
they hate you cause your car is red, not pink
I have to say it's really classy when you guys don't race after being provoked. But if you look at it from their point of view, they probably hate that because the 370 is basically saying "I'm better than you, you're not even worth my time". I know, people just instantly form opinions about you based on what you drive. Since I've gotten my Z, nearly every single person has asked me, "so how many speeding tickets have you gotten so far?" Ummm, none, just because I drive a sweet car doesn't mean I'm always doing 60 in a 25...
I wonder if it has to do with the economy at the moment in which you'll notice more envious drivers on the road.
Less than 2 weeks after getting the Sonata 2.0T, my mom's car was backed into at her work place. Several years ago someone rammed their truck up against my mom's car. With my car? Someone tailgated and switched lanes, which left me with a scar on my bumper. People either tailgate me or swing over to cut me off as I approach the light. Every week I encounter at least one stupidity. When I drive a different car, like the Xterra, I hardly notice these problems. My dad encountered an elderly Crossfire driver who kept provoking him in traffic (his Z32 TT). They were in bumper to bumper traffic, and the driver wouldn't stop messing around. I think some people are just bait and provoke you in hopes you'll end up pwnd. |
With me, 9/10 times it's been middle aged men in minivans...Apparently if I don't drop my clutch at a red light I'm not going fast enough for them. :confused:
I'm sorry I drive my car in a laxed manner when all the cars around me are soccer moms in SUV's and middle aged men in minivans. |
i get the 'my weenie is bigger' type of behavior on the road too... my favorite was when i was turning into a parking lot, across a sidewalk... and i cut off a bicycle cop (female) who was patrolling... she stopped and looked in - i said sorry.. she smiled and said 'sweeet'.
not all haters i guess :) |
None of this behavior is surprising. We live in a society of entitlement, and when people don't/can't get what they want, it's someone else's fault. Your car is a billboard for their jealousy. Add in the self-righteous twits who believe we should all be driving a Prius or taking the bus, and it's a pretty sad situation.
When I was growing up, my next door neighbor had three Porsches - a 356, a Carrera, and a 928. This was the late-70's. The best lesson I ever learned from him was NEVER accept a challenge from some loser who wants to race you, it's always a lose-lose proposition. If you really want to pizz these people off, do what my neighbor always did - drive slow and easy. Save the antics for track day. It absolutely drives the losers crazy. Nothing like revving engines with some guy in a '73 Camaro with Crager mags, glass packs and Hi-jacker shocks (god am I dating myself), only to turn right when the light turns green and watch as Johnny Hero has left 20 feet of Goodyear Polyglas rubber behind him. It sounds like that's what most of you guys are doing, so obviously the strategy works. It's not a racial thing, it's jealousy and self-righteousness pure and simple. |
i want to know what the hell is up with mouth breathing rednecks tailgating me in a jacked up truck with hid's blasting rap music and wearing a baseball hat with a fish hook on the brim... seriously wtf
Since you're Asian (like me) they think that you are from the Fast and Furious movies haha
I had a cop pull me over one time just to check if the car was mine. no provocation or anything. wtf
Happens on a daily basis to me. Always at least one guy on my commute to/from work where they try to race/tailgate/bait me into speeding. Said person is either in a Corolla or similar vehicle, or a Pep Boys special domestic or import.
I guess it doesn't help that I own one of the more flashier colors available and that I am only 25. Lots of older people are not friendly to me and give me looks at red lights. :shakes head: |
I don't get the finger like I get " SLOW DOWN" from pedestrians in their driveways (not endangering them). Even if I am going below the limit, I still hear it. It just sounds like I am speeding.
yah, last weekend (was it?) some newer M3 pulled up next to me at a light and just floored the living schit out of his car for some reason making a buzzing noise near redline.. i just accelerated normally and watched him arrive early to the next red light...
then about 3sec later a jetta that was behind the M3 blew past me and cut me off and made a turn into a supermarket. wow, that was like 4 fails in a row... driving a jetta, 3 seconds too slow, cutting people off, then turn into a supermarket on a sunny afternoon...all while i drove normally and watched silly people do silly things. i went home, QD'ed my car, enjoyed playing with my new camera and computer, had a nice supper with my wife and kids and just enjoyed the rest of my day. :p bottomline, some folks have a need to prove something cause they are empty inside. |
I don't really get much negativity from other people in the z...it has been mostly thumbs up's that I've gotten.
Now the s2k attracted a lot of ricers...but that was my fault for hanging an intercooler out like that. |
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