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Annoying things people do, JUST because you are in a Z!

Originally Posted by enkei2k Not a Z in the vid, but I can picture it happening eventually. the walk of shame at the end, the driver even took the

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Old 09-26-2012, 12:45 PM   #301 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by enkei2k View Post

Not a Z in the vid, but I can picture it happening eventually.
the walk of shame at the end, the driver even took the time to stop traffic for that lady.
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Old 09-26-2012, 02:25 PM   #302 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by enkei2k View Post

Not a Z in the vid, but I can picture it happening eventually.
If he wasn't hurt when he hit the car. He would be hurt AFTER I got DONE with him. I would finish the job!

The fly-bys are something that I have gotten used to.

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Old 09-26-2012, 03:17 PM   #303 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by nmjaxx9 View Post
So i have found over the past couple weeks driving the roads are filled with morons. Not only some but now everyone acts like one...especially if you are in a 370z. I have noticed people wave, and give the thumbs up to rev their engine, give the thumbs down, pull up next to you speed off, (but not getting very far because they are driving a camry) or just plain and simple give u the ugly look and give u the finger. I had a lady pull up next to me the other day in her late 40s early 50s prolly, and give me the finger....I dont know why but by the way she zoomed off and looked at my car in disgust I was like uhhh...really? Are people really that much haters....I find it funny, but then when the cops get in on it its not. One cop decided to follow me down a road then he pulled up next to me, gave the glance then shaked his head...then before the light turned green he floored it ( and went no where) but still managed to leave me at the red light confused. Has anyone else experienced this type of behavior since you have gotten a Z, I mean sheesh I know its a nice car and all....but relax people. Also ESPECIALLY other tuners, or muscle cars act the most annoying...sorry mustang lovers but all u mustang pppl (especially the older ones before 2002ish) always try to "race" me, even when im just cruising on the highway. They intentionally tailgate me and then speed im suppost to chase them? I dont mean to intetnionally show off, I can afford it so I drive it. Never had this problem when I had my T-bird....I wonder what has changed.....
I DD and I've not experienced anything out of the ordinary. Then again I just drive to point B safely and ignore people.
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Old 09-26-2012, 03:57 PM   #304 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Pintsize725 View Post
Altima owners are the worst haters. That is all.
hey im an altima owner as well as a Z owner, no hate coming from me

the ones i hate the most though are BMW drivers, i remembered this one lady yelled at me at a signal light because she didnt like my eclipse(this was before i owned my Z) or something and when i told her to stfu, she started going off about how her old *** bimmer was the **** and i was no one and blah blah blah, i just laughed at her and when the light turned green i speed off leaving her in the dust

needless to say after that experience, i noticed bmw drivers are just douche bags in general, like this morning when this guy in his z3 wouldnt move when the light turned green, i beeped my horn and he flipped me off and waited until it turned yellow to attempt to speed off, he didnt get far and when i pulled up next to him i just started laughing because he looked like a typical neckbeard /v/irgin
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Old 09-26-2012, 04:09 PM   #305 (permalink)
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One thing that annoys me more than anything is when people get behind me and flash red and blue lights. I mean what's their problem?
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Old 09-26-2012, 04:22 PM   #306 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lemers View Post
One thing that annoys me more than anything is when people get behind me and flash red and blue lights. I mean what's their problem?
I just ignore them.
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Old 09-26-2012, 04:27 PM   #307 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by luigi90210 View Post
hey im an altima owner as well as a Z owner, no hate coming from me
There's a small group of you that understand the Z thing.

I was stuck behind an Altima yesterday on an on ramp to an 80mph toll road. This guy was going 40 mph. As soon as I can, I swing over to the left lane to accelerate to speed and go around the guy. As soon as I am passing him by a car length or two, he decides to speed up too and ride next to me, not allowing me to get back over. There are cars in front of both of us but I can tell he is closing in on his faster than me and if I keep my speed, I'll be fine and not give him an opportunity to cut me off. So I shut him out of the lane, cut to the right after passing his blocker and gun it. I just hate that they get so uppity about being passed, especially when trying to merge onto a very fast road. Move it or lose it toots!
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Old 09-26-2012, 04:28 PM   #308 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lemers View Post
One thing that annoys me more than anything is when people get behind me and flash red and blue lights. I mean what's their problem?
Originally Posted by shadoquad View Post
I just ignore them.
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Old 09-26-2012, 04:43 PM   #309 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by shadoquad View Post
I just ignore them.
The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies room
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Old 09-26-2012, 04:47 PM   #310 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Pintsize725 View Post
There's a small group of you that understand the Z thing.

I was stuck behind an Altima yesterday on an on ramp to an 80mph toll road. This guy was going 40 mph. As soon as I can, I swing over to the left lane to accelerate to speed and go around the guy. As soon as I am passing him by a car length or two, he decides to speed up too and ride next to me, not allowing me to get back over. There are cars in front of both of us but I can tell he is closing in on his faster than me and if I keep my speed, I'll be fine and not give him an opportunity to cut me off. So I shut him out of the lane, cut to the right after passing his blocker and gun it. I just hate that they get so uppity about being passed, especially when trying to merge onto a very fast road. Move it or lose it toots!
this is true, im part of the minority

i run into that with prius drivers where im at, heck i got one giving me the "wanna race" look one day at a light LMFAO, my brother and I were laughing when we saw the look he was giving us
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Old 09-26-2012, 09:28 PM   #311 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lemers View Post
One thing that annoys me more than anything is when people get behind me and flash red and blue lights. I mean what's their problem?
Originally Posted by shadoquad View Post
I just ignore them.
The best post and the best follow up so far!
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Old 09-27-2012, 10:04 AM   #312 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by KSFastah View Post
The ricer fly by makes me laugh....the family sedan/minivan fly by or tearing off from a light makes me laugh.

It's the idiots in jumbo sized pick up trucks that go flying by that are annoying. The fools with the giant cow balls hanging off their bumper are particularly annoying. I'd never seen anything like that prior to moving to Kansas from Boston.

Must be a gay cowboy thing or something....and gay cowboy business in Kansas must be BOOMING based on how many of them are around.
awwww man. i have a history of pick up truck rants on here that most people who are pickup enthusiasts won't touch or try to defend... lol don't get me started on pick-up a-holes!!!!!!! lol

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Old 09-27-2012, 10:11 AM   #313 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370 View Post
awwww man. i have a history of pick up truck rants on here that most people who are pickup enthusiasts won't touch or try to defend... lol don't get me started on pick-up a-holes!!!!!!! lol

I just try to laugh....assuming their wheel diameter is probably greater than their IQ....and greater than the number of times they've been with a woman who either a) wasn't a relative....or b) had all her teeth. LOL
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Old 09-27-2012, 12:30 PM   #314 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by forza370z View Post
The best post and the best follow up so far!
lol... Yeah thats pretty funny.
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Old 09-27-2012, 03:06 PM   #315 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by luigi90210 View Post
hey im an altima owner as well as a Z owner, no hate coming from me

the ones i hate the most though are BMW drivers, i remembered this one lady yelled at me at a signal light because she didnt like my eclipse(this was before i owned my Z) or something and when i told her to stfu, she started going off about how her old *** bimmer was the **** and i was no one and blah blah blah, i just laughed at her and when the light turned green i speed off leaving her in the dust

needless to say after that experience, i noticed bmw drivers are just douche bags in general, like this morning when this guy in his z3 wouldnt move when the light turned green, i beeped my horn and he flipped me off and waited until it turned yellow to attempt to speed off, he didnt get far and when i pulled up next to him i just started laughing because he looked like a typical neckbeard /v/irgin
i just hope you know all bimmer drivers arent like that... remember its the driver of the car thats a douche, not the car theyre driving...
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