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nmjaxx9 08-14-2011 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by nuTinmuch (Post 1261839)
Thanks, Ak!


Not to counteract your experiences, but I'm local to this dealership and I would -not- recommend them to anyone.

I have had bad experiences with them personally, and I believe there was a story on the forum about how poorly they treated a customer about a year ago.

Really? Im suprised to hear that, they were very courteous and kind, they made sure my vehicle was clean and ready to go before I came to pick it up, and all the paperwork took like 45 min and I was out. I didnt have any issues at all although the sales rep who was helping/talking to me over the phone and who I met to put in a deposit got fired the next day so I was skeptical at first, but the sales manager (Mr.Taylor) took care of me well when it was time to go pick up the vehicle. Only minor complaint I have is they are taking longer than expected to send my license plates, but that doesnt effect how well I was treated at the dealership itself.

anyways what happened??

Spec Jay 08-14-2011 10:31 PM

boosted civic si last night consistantly doing pulls right next to me with the HKS queef bov(worst product hks has made imo) **** hurt my ears so i rolled up my window and still kept doing it. it didnt last much longer.

thats actually the first time i got any douches messing with me(excludes lifted trucks and suvs)

actually earlier before there was a army convoy in some kind of military vehicle(had 4 axles 8 wheels) they gave me the thumbs up and pointed forward. had to give them a thumbs up and make a little music as a thank you

Tauruszguy 08-14-2011 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Z_ealot (Post 1260852)
i know how everyone here feels exactly now as i awoke yesterday morning to find that someone had actually spit on the driver side window and i've only had the car for a week now. I mean who the hell spits on someone elses car nowadays really?

I had this happen to me when my car was brand new... but I'll take some of the blame because it happened at the nascar race in Michigan right outside of Detroit.... probably not the smartest idea on my part. lol :iamwithstupid:

Z_ealot 08-15-2011 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by nmjaxx9 (Post 1261165)
U sure it was spit? n dam...flipping someone off is one story, but spitting...:shakes head:

yeah it was spit, little bubbles in it and first i thought it was a big water droplet, but when i looked closer sure enough, someone had decided that they were going to turn back into being a 3 year old and spit on my car :ugh2:

mrflip69 08-15-2011 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by Jeffblue (Post 1256423)
a lot of this talk reminds me of pretty girls who think every girl hates them because they aren't as pretty, but in reality no one cares....

Probably the smartest post in this thread. Some of the hottest girls are the ones who don't realize it, or just plain don't give a sh*t.

How do most of you guys drive your Zs? Drive too fast/aggressive, and people think you're a self-righteous douche. Drive obnoxiously slow, and people will think you're... well, a self-righteous douche LOL!

Maybe you bought the car for its performance, so it would be a shame to cruise around just doing the speed limit? Maybe you don't want to waste your hard earned money by putting your car at risk with spirited driving?

We all make assumptions. I don't doubt that 'haters' exist out there. Me? I drive pretty beat looking cars, but I take reasonably good care of them. If I spot a Z, I get a little excited since I think it's a gorgeous car and still a pretty rare sight, even here in SoCal.

From some of these replies, I know a lot of you guys would get 'rubbed' the wrong way if I followed (not tailgated) you for a bit, or heaven forbid, park next to you, because I admired your car! :stirthepot:

gurneyeagle 08-15-2011 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by mrflip69 (Post 1262152)
Probably the smartest post in this thread. Some of the hottest girls are the ones who don't realize it, or just plain don't give a sh*t.

How do most of you guys drive your Zs? Drive too fast/aggressive, and people think you're a self-righteous douche. Drive obnoxiously slow, and people will think you're... well, a self-righteous douche LOL!

Maybe you bought the car for its performance, so it would be a shame to cruise around just doing the speed limit? Maybe you don't want to waste your hard earned money by putting your car at risk with spirited driving?

We all make assumptions. I don't doubt that 'haters' exist out there. Me? I drive pretty beat looking cars, but I take reasonably good care of them. If I spot a Z, I get a little excited since I think it's a gorgeous car and still a pretty rare sight, even here in SoCal.

From some of these replies, I know a lot of you guys would get 'rubbed' the wrong way if I followed (not tailgated) you for a bit, or heaven forbid, park next to you, because I admired your car! :stirthepot:

Actually, this may be the smartest post in the thread. While I do not doubt anyone's story in this thread, the idea that you all drive like little angels is probably a stretch. It only takes one person acting like a fool to bring prejudice on an entire group.

The smallest mis-interpreted action can generate outrageous responses, especially in today's "it's all about me" society. Anyone driving a nice car, especially a heavily modded one, is going to draw attention to themselves, both good and bad.

nmjaxx9 08-15-2011 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Z_ealot (Post 1262130)
yeah it was spit, little bubbles in it and first i thought it was a big water droplet, but when i looked closer sure enough, someone had decided that they were going to turn back into being a 3 year old and spit on my car :ugh2:

Wow man sad to hear that, people dont respect your car nor act civilized...:shakes head:.....well next time u see their car...:stirthepot:

nmjaxx9 08-15-2011 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by mrflip69 (Post 1262152)
Probably the smartest post in this thread. Some of the hottest girls are the ones who don't realize it, or just plain don't give a sh*t.

How do most of you guys drive your Zs? Drive too fast/aggressive, and people think you're a self-righteous douche. Drive obnoxiously slow, and people will think you're... well, a self-righteous douche LOL!

Maybe you bought the car for its performance, so it would be a shame to cruise around just doing the speed limit? Maybe you don't want to waste your hard earned money by putting your car at risk with spirited driving?

We all make assumptions. I don't doubt that 'haters' exist out there. Me? I drive pretty beat looking cars, but I take reasonably good care of them. If I spot a Z, I get a little excited since I think it's a gorgeous car and still a pretty rare sight, even here in SoCal.

From some of these replies, I know a lot of you guys would get 'rubbed' the wrong way if I followed (not tailgated) you for a bit, or heaven forbid, park next to you, because I admired your car! :stirthepot:


Originally Posted by gurneyeagle (Post 1262178)
Actually, this may be the smartest post in the thread. While I do not doubt anyone's story in this thread, the idea that you all drive like little angels is probably a stretch. It only takes one person acting like a fool to bring prejudice on an entire group.

The smallest mis-interpreted action can generate outrageous responses, especially in today's "it's all about me" society. Anyone driving a nice car, especially a heavily modded one, is going to draw attention to themselves, both good and bad.

Well, speaking for myself, I do not think that how I drive is the main issue here. I follow the speed limits and traffic laws about 97% of the time. Which means I try my best to follow the speed limit, I make sure I indicate when im merging or switching lanes, I dont tailgate, (well not purposely anyways), but I do admit I speed up on the freeway sometimes, on the weekends when im out, or just with other friends we like to go for a drive or whatever, so yeah im in a happy medium between driving too fast/aggressive and too slow/cautious, yet there seems to be some person who decides they have to make a fool of themselves, why? I don't know it could be a combination of many of the factors already discussed, but I doubt its because of my driving habits.

Jeffblue 08-15-2011 11:19 AM

The only people's who's feelings i care about when it comes to my driving are my passenger and police. :p

onzedge 08-15-2011 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Jeffblue (Post 1262500)
The only people's who's feelings i care about when it comes to my driving are my passenger and police. :p

:tup: :driving:

USMCASA 08-15-2011 11:29 AM

i want to know why when **race omitted** people see me coming, they pull out infront of me and drive 5 mph in a 55

Jeffblue 08-15-2011 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by USMCASA (Post 1262517)
i want to know why when **race omitted** people see me coming, they pull out infront of me and drive 5 mph in a 55

not sure if we were supposed to be able to tell what race you are talking about based on the described driving maneuver... but um.... i dont think anyone can.

Streetlife 08-17-2011 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by gurneyeagle (Post 1261062)
I'm new to the Houston area, and have been amazed at the lack of Z inventory, not only in the Houston area, but Dallas and San Antonio as well. So far, I've had no luck locating a Silver Touring 7 AT with Sport and Nav.

While one local dealer had one listed on their web site, the car had been sold. To date, I've actually found only one car so-equipped, but didn't like the color. I'm just going to wait for the spring.

Can you recommend an Acura dealer for service? My wife has an MDX.

I go to Gillman Acura, been going there since 2001. Ask for Wally Mendez as a service advisor, he always takes good care of my wife and I. About the Z, i am on the pre-order list for a 2012 Monterey Blue base+sport+ Auto, there is a serious shortage in Houston i've noticed.

2ndZ 08-17-2011 06:56 PM

Ha, I've had a teenager give me the finger. He was sitting in the back seat of a Civic as it passed me in the carpool lane. I just smiled back at him. :-)

I actually notice less cars try to race me in my 370z. I notice more try to race my '07 Acura TL-S.

gurneyeagle 08-17-2011 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Streetlife (Post 1265908)
I go to Gillman Acura, been going there since 2001. Ask for Wally Mendez as a service advisor, he always takes good care of my wife and I. About the Z, i am on the pre-order list for a 2012 Monterey Blue base+sport+ Auto, there is a serious shortage in Houston i've noticed.

Thank you!

jubei 08-17-2011 10:39 PM

was filling my tires at a service station last weekend when three guys in a tahoe pull up next to my nismo. the driver gets out and yells "take that rice rocket back home". i look around for motorcycles and see none, and say to myself......thank god for ignorant rednecks.

Z RATED OKC 08-22-2011 05:28 PM

I've had other z's wave at me or thumbs up is that a common thing?

11Thumper 08-22-2011 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by 2ndZ (Post 1267114)
I actually notice less cars try to race me in my 370z.

Not me...

I got smoked by a minivan on the way to work today. Too bad I was busy fiddling with the radio and didn't notice him trying to get my attention at the light. Came to the next light and he started talking smack to me (my windows were down) and I was pretty confused by the whole thing at first.

He asked me to race so I spent a good 7-8 seconds looking his minivan over and then said 'Um, why?'

He got pissed and ran through the red light. Nuts!! :shakes head:

christian370z 08-22-2011 06:35 PM

^Haha, you shot down his ego.

onzedge 08-22-2011 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by 11Thumper (Post 1274559)
Not me...

I got smoked by a minivan on the way to work today. Too bad I was busy fiddling with the radio and didn't notice him trying to get my attention at the light. Came to the next light and he started talking smack to me (my windows were down) and I was pretty confused by the whole thing at first.

He asked me to race so I spent a good 7-8 seconds looking his minivan over and then said 'Um, why?'

He got pissed and ran through the red light. Nuts!! :shakes head:


nmjaxx9 08-22-2011 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by 11Thumper (Post 1274559)
Not me...

I got smoked by a minivan on the way to work today. Too bad I was busy fiddling with the radio and didn't notice him trying to get my attention at the light. Came to the next light and he started talking smack to me (my windows were down) and I was pretty confused by the whole thing at first.

He asked me to race so I spent a good 7-8 seconds looking his minivan over and then said 'Um, why?'

He got pissed and ran through the red light. Nuts!! :shakes head:

Minivan and race two words that shouldn't be in the same sentence.

11Thumper 08-22-2011 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by nmjaxx9 (Post 1274594)
Minivan and race two words that shouldn't be in the same sentence.

Hence my confusion. :tiphat:

steveg78 08-22-2011 07:29 PM

Driving into work today I was stopped at a light and as it turns green I notice this sh!tbox intrepid lunge forward in the lane next to me as I begin to let the clutch out. I accelerated moderately but kept the revs down because I didn't want him to think I was gonna race him. He was back there in no time but as I'm coming to approaching traffic and coasting he pulls up next to me and procedes to do a neutral drop from about a 25roll. :roflpuke2:. He chirps his tires and then cuts me off to exit at the next ramp. I roll up along side of him as he's waiting to exit and slowly give him the thumbs up and change it to thumbs down. I was expecting a young kid but to my surprise the guy looked about 50. I cracked up laughing to myself the rest of the drive.

Masa 08-22-2011 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by steveg78 (Post 1274652)
Driving into work today I was stopped at a light and as it turns green I notice this sh!tbox intrepid lunge forward in the lane next to me as I begin to let the clutch out. I accelerated moderately but kept the revs down because I didn't want him to think I was gonna race him. He was back there in no time but as I'm coming to approaching traffic and coasting he pulls up next to me and procedes to do a neutral drop from about a 25roll. :roflpuke2:. He chirps his tires and then cuts me off to exit at the next ramp. I roll up along side of him as he's waiting to exit and slowly give him the thumbs up and change it to thumbs down. I was expecting a young kid but to my surprise the guy looked about 50. I cracked up laughing to myself the rest of the drive.

Hahaha the thumbs down always gets them. I do it all the time.

birdmanx1 08-22-2011 08:16 PM

Some loser in a Civic SI almost rear-ended my lady and I a couple of hours ago while trying to pass. I would have gladly given him a free facial reconstruction session without any anesthesia had he clipped us :tup:

nmjaxx9 08-22-2011 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by birdmanx1 (Post 1274715)
Some loser in a Civic SI almost rear-ended my lady and I a couple of hours ago while trying to pass. I would have gladly given him a free facial reconstruction session without any anesthesia had he clipped us :tup:

I would have too, with a lady like that ;) :bowrofl:

Red__Zed 08-22-2011 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by birdmanx1 (Post 1274715)
Some loser in a Civic SI almost rear-ended my lady and I a couple of hours ago while trying to pass. I would have gladly given him a free facial reconstruction session without any anesthesia had he clipped us :tup:

sir, that is totally overreacting. A car is simply a material possession, and even implying that you might cause another bodily harm due to repairable damage to your vehicle is despicable.

in before people that don't get the reference

steveg78 08-22-2011 10:46 PM


JZNx 08-22-2011 10:47 PM

lol... only thing i noticed is... everyone staring at me while i drive...

11Thumper 08-23-2011 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by JZNx (Post 1275138)
lol... only thing i noticed is... everyone staring at me while i drive...

Because you're JZN in your pants? :p

Just playing... :hello:

birdmanx1 08-23-2011 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Red__Zed (Post 1275120)
sir, that is totally overreacting. A car is simply a material possession, and even implying that you might cause another bodily harm due to repairable damage to your vehicle is despicable.
in before people that don't get the reference

LMAO, you are so right Dan; hey whatever happened to that punk who threw a rock at your Z. I bet he's still having nightmares about a ripped dude with the perfect hair pouncing out of a rolling Z, wooping his a$$ then drifting like a boss on the way out. If I spot that punk he'll still be looking like this...
( Click to show/hide )

I needed you for that punk in the Civic :tup:

Originally Posted by nmjaxx9 (Post 1275114)
I would have too, with a lady like that ;) :bowrofl:

:bowrofl: Shoot I didn't think of it. He was trying to pull one of those Tokyo Drift flirting with the bad guy's girl. Now that you say that, I would have done the same if she were in the punk's car just to get her attention :p

gurneyeagle 08-23-2011 06:49 AM

My second day driving the car to work, my first encounter with the unwashed.

At 5:30 am at a stoplight, a ricer Civic SI pulls next to me, revs his engine, peels out when the light turns green and proceeds to almost run over some guy on a bike! The cyclist was wearing a neon reflective vest and had a bright blinking light on the bike; no way you could miss him unless you weren't paying attention.

Apparently, the cop parked in the Starbucks parking lot on the corner didn't think it was too funny as he lit the gumbals and pulled the guy over.

Made my morning!

JZNx 08-23-2011 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by 11Thumper (Post 1275319)
Because you're JZN in your pants? :p

Just playing... :hello:

Haha u know it=)

somatic 08-23-2011 08:11 AM

parked at work yesterday, and so of course, what with it being my new car and all, I parked in the middle of 4 empty spots. Next thing you know, a fullsized F-350 rolls up and almost parks ON my passenger door!

I promply moved my car over a few spots while he gave me a dirty look :(

Streetlife 08-23-2011 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by somatic (Post 1275416)
parked at work yesterday, and so of course, what with it being my new car and all, I parked in the middle of 4 empty spots. Next thing you know, a fullsized F-350 rolls up and almost parks ON my passenger door!

I promply moved my car over a few spots while he gave me a dirty look :(

That's just another hater man, don't trip about it. If you have plenty of parking at your job, i see why you parked the way you did.:driving:

ZeeingAround 08-23-2011 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Red__Zed (Post 1275120)
sir, that is totally overreacting. A car is simply a material possession, and even implying that you might cause another bodily harm due to repairable damage to your vehicle is despicable.

in before people that don't get the reference

Depends on if he had insurance or not.

birdmanx1 08-23-2011 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeingAround (Post 1275477)
Depends on if he had insurance or not.

hahaha, he was kidding around. Some punk did throw a rock at his car ... he took care of it the manly way. That's all I'm saying ... Red_Zed is no pushover :icon17:

onzedge 08-23-2011 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by gurneyeagle (Post 1275361)
My second day driving the car to work, my first encounter with the unwashed.

At 5:30 am at a stoplight, a ricer Civic SI pulls next to me, revs his engine, peels out when the light turns green and proceeds to almost run over some guy on a bike! The cyclist was wearing a neon reflective vest and had a bright blinking light on the bike; no way you could miss him unless you weren't paying attention.

Apparently, the cop parked in the Starbucks parking lot on the corner didn't think it was to funny as he lit the gumbals and pulled the guy over.

Made my morning!


Masa 08-23-2011 10:40 AM

I was on my commute to enjoying a nice cruise with the windows down, driving calmly just enjoying the weather.

All of a sudden I see this kid in a Celica GTS w/ the horrible factory body kit tailgating the $#$@ out of me. I pay him no mind and continue at my normal pace. We come up to a turn in the road and I guess he doesn't like the speed I am going so he proceeds switch to the left lane and overtake me. At this point I am going 45-50mph and he blows by me at what must be 60+ and all of a sudden I hear his tires break loose. Dumb kid goes into a slide and over corrects, he ends up slamming over the curb and right into the metal guard rail.

I just :facepalm: and continue on my way. I had no intentions of wasting my time and stopping to help a moron that treats public roads as a race track. :shakes head:

birdmanx1 08-23-2011 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Masa (Post 1275767)
I was on my commute to enjoying a nice cruise with the windows down, driving calmly, listening to Lionel Richie, just enjoying the weather and my f****** awesome life.

Much better Ron :icon17: ricers are out there to get you, be careful out there guys.

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