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Lemers 08-11-2011 11:20 AM

When I get the engine rev at the red lights I like to rev back and even rock the Z like I'm getting ready to step on it. When the light turns green I just leisurely excelerate to speed while the other guy takes off like a bat out of he'll. The whole time he thinks he beat me and I just smile.

Cmike2780 08-11-2011 11:21 AM

I think it has less to do with our cars and more to do with sh*tty drivers in general. :mad:

newyen27 08-11-2011 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Lemers (Post 1256330)
When I get the engine rev at the red lights I like to rev back and even rock the Z like I'm getting ready to step on it. When the light turns green I just leisurely excelerate to speed while the other guy takes off like a bat out of he'll. The whole time he thinks he beat me and I just smile.

Brilliant. :stirthepot:

Vaughanabe13 08-11-2011 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Lemers (Post 1256318)
I've gotten this. I was driving down a neighborhood street looking for a house number and going about 15 in a 20. This guy walks out infront of me so I stop. He says to me that there are kids playing in the street and I need to slow down. I told him I going under the speed limit and he just tought his 3 yr old that it's ok to walk out infront of moving vehicles.

Not to thread jack, but that story reminds me... My parents live on a cul de sac in a residential area. There is a cop that lives just across the street and the cop lets his kids just play out in the street/circle with reckless abandon all day and all night. None of the kids watch for cars and there are usually stray balls, pucks and gear laying around in the street. So it's super scary driving through there because I have to watch every direction for flying objects or kids running after said objects. Then one day the cop started actually putting parking cones in the street around his kids' hockey nets (that are just right out in the middle) and he stands in the yard and yells at cars to watch out as they go by. He's one of those "tough guy power trip" cops and it drives me nuts. Just teach your d*** kids to watch for cars and get out of the way like every other parent!

Jeffblue 08-11-2011 11:56 AM

a lot of this talk reminds me of pretty girls who think every girl hates them because they aren't as pretty, but in reality no one cares....

That being said. i had 2 maximas try to race me on 2 consecutive nights on the same road. I just kept cruising at like 70 mph. I really don't like when people try to instigate a race because it makes me look like i'm doing something wrong. The second night, after tailgating me and pulling next to me for a while, the guy sped off and turned on his flashers as if to say 'i won.' I hadn't even turned off cruise control

shadoquad 08-11-2011 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Jeffblue (Post 1256423)
a lot of this talk reminds me of pretty girls who think every girl hates them because they aren't as pretty, but in reality no one cares....

stfu Jeff, they do hate me because I'm beautiful. :crying:

Jeffblue 08-11-2011 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by shadoquad (Post 1256432)
stfu Jeff, they do hate me because I'm beautiful. :crying:

stfu whore. those jeans make your ass look saggy.

shadoquad 08-11-2011 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Jeffblue (Post 1256484)
stfu whore. those jeans make your ass look saggy.


Lemers 08-11-2011 12:26 PM

Would you like to dance?

No? You didn't hear me I said you look fat in those pants.

nmjaxx9 08-11-2011 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by gurneyeagle (Post 1256126)
None of this behavior is surprising. We live in a society of entitlement, and when people don't/can't get what they want, it's someone else's fault. Your car is a billboard for their jealousy. Add in the self-righteous twits who believe we should all be driving a Prius or taking the bus, and it's a pretty sad situation.

When I was growing up, my next door neighbor had three Porsches - a 356, a Carrera, and a 928. This was the late-70's.

The best lesson I ever learned from him was NEVER accept a challenge from some loser who wants to race you, it's always a lose-lose proposition.

If you really want to pizz these people off, do what my neighbor always did - drive slow and easy. Save the antics for track day. It absolutely drives the losers crazy. Nothing like revving engines with some guy in a '73 Camaro with Crager mags, glass packs and Hi-jacker shocks (god am I dating myself), only to turn right when the light turns green and watch as Johnny Hero has left 20 feet of Goodyear Polyglas rubber behind him.

It sounds like that's what most of you guys are doing, so obviously the strategy works.

It's not a racial thing, it's jealousy and self-righteousness pure and simple.

I think u hit the nail right on the head my friend. Amen! :tup:

wheee! 08-11-2011 01:19 PM

I think I get it worse than most.... probably cuz my plate says "IMFASTR".... lol

I have Mercedes and Bimmers galore chasing my bumper in traffic and then blasting past as if to prove they are better! I just cruise and smile, knowing the plate pisses off the corvettes and mustang fanboi's while I just cruise along. The plate was supposed to be a joke, as I was trying to get "IMSLOWR" for my Lincoln... would've looked cool parked in the driveway together!

shadoquad 08-11-2011 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by wheee! (Post 1256546)
I think I get it worse than most.... probably cuz my plate says "IMFASTR".... lol

I have Mercedes and Bimmers galore chasing my bumper in traffic and then blasting past as if to prove they are better! I just cruise and smile, knowing the plate pisses off the corvettes and mustang fanboi's while I just cruise along. The plate was supposed to be a joke, as I was trying to get "IMSLOWR" for my Lincoln... would've looked cool parked in the driveway together!

HA that would look funny!

I think they pick on you because your car is the best possible paint color for a Z, but then again I'm biased. :icon17:

wheee! 08-11-2011 01:22 PM

^ so true :icon17:

NFSZ86 08-11-2011 01:24 PM

Where I'm located at work I see hondas left and right and they always rev their engines thinking they're going to have a chance but I don't even pay attention since I know the Z is capable of a lot. =))

Lemers 08-11-2011 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by wheee! (Post 1256550)
^ so true :icon17:

I agree with it being the best paint offered on the Z. I don't agree with best possible.

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