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SouthArk370Z 01-14-2013 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by blackcherry20 (Post 2111410)
:shakes head: :iagree:
BUT, do they annoy you when you're in Z?
On a highway?
Or in a tree?!
Tell me do they annoy you in a Z?!

Yes, they annoy me.
Yes they do.
At the zoo
or in a car of blue.
They do annoy me. Yes they do.

Haboob 02-28-2013 06:19 PM

So I finally found me one of these annoying people! (Yay! :excited:)

On the way to the Pavilions (free car show), cruising around 75.

First this S2000 flies by - whatever, another ricer fly-by. Then this Grand Marquis comes flying up on me just after the Honda. Mind you, we're in the HOV lane and the two lanes next to me are empty for a few 100ft. in both directions. He proceeds to ride my *** for a good mile flashing his high-beams over and over.

I'm on cruise control, so I cancel it and just coast... slowing down ever so slightly to the actual posted limit of 65, not knowing if it was an unmarked Crown Vic. or not at first. That entices him to swing out wildly, then cut in front of me about 3ft off my bumper and brake check me. :shakes head:

Luckily I perfected that move in my road-raging, adolescent years, so I was prepared for what may happen.

blackcherry20 02-28-2013 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Haboob (Post 2189843)
So I finally found me one of these annoying people! (Yay! :excited:)

On the way to the Pavilions (free car show), cruising around 75.

First this S2000 flies by - whatever, another ricer fly-by. Then this Grand Marquis comes flying up on me just after the Honda. Mind you, we're in the HOV lane and the two lanes next to me are empty for a few 100ft. in both directions. He proceeds to ride my *** for a good mile flashing his high-beams over and over.

I'm on cruise control, so I cancel it and just coast... slowing down ever so slightly to the actual posted limit of 65, not knowing if it was an unmarked Crown Vic. or not at first. That entices him to swing out wildly, then cut in front of me about 3ft off my bumper and brake check me. :shakes head:

Luckily I perfected that move in my road-raging, adolescent years, so I was prepared for what may happen.

things that make you go :wtf: :icon14:


Zythaxus 03-02-2013 05:49 PM

Yeah, others are stupid when I'm driving vision around. like just now on my way home from taking my wifey to lunch. Sitting there waiting for the light to turn green so i can turn and a 328i pulls up going right...revs it a little then attempts to burn around the corner, 180 degrees later he is facing the curb and has my full attention...he back ups, and tries again this time spinning 260 degrees and is pointed strait my way. i lock eyes and shake my head.

DavidInIndy 03-02-2013 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by KSFastah (Post 1933353)
The ricer fly by makes me laugh....the family sedan/minivan fly by or tearing off from a light makes me laugh.

It's the idiots in jumbo sized pick up trucks that go flying by that are annoying. The fools with the giant cow balls hanging off their bumper are particularly annoying. I'd never seen anything like that prior to moving to Kansas from Boston.

Must be a gay cowboy thing or something....and gay cowboy business in Kansas must be BOOMING based on how many of them are around.

Oh my goodness is this true about Kansas!!!

Drex 03-02-2013 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Haboob (Post 2189843)
So I finally found me one of these annoying people! (Yay! :excited:)

On the way to the Pavilions (free car show), cruising around 75.

First this S2000 flies by - whatever, another ricer fly-by. Then this Grand Marquis comes flying up on me just after the Honda. Mind you, we're in the HOV lane and the two lanes next to me are empty for a few 100ft. in both directions. He proceeds to ride my *** for a good mile flashing his high-beams over and over.

I'm on cruise control, so I cancel it and just coast... slowing down ever so slightly to the actual posted limit of 65, not knowing if it was an unmarked Crown Vic. or not at first. That entices him to swing out wildly, then cut in front of me about 3ft off my bumper and brake check me. :shakes head:

Luckily I perfected that move in my road-raging, adolescent years, so I was prepared for what may happen.

sounds like you were in the left lane, and the crown vic was trying to pass you? he was probably flashing his lights so you'd get in the right lane and he could pass safely.

Haboob 03-02-2013 10:51 PM

I was in the HOV lane with the two lanes right of me open. He can go around, not like I was in the fast lane.

LMBmikeZ 03-02-2013 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Haboob (Post 2189843)
So I finally found me one of these annoying people! (Yay! :excited:)

On the way to the Pavilions (free car show), cruising around 75.

First this S2000 flies by - whatever, another ricer fly-by. Then this Grand Marquis comes flying up on me just after the Honda. Mind you, we're in the HOV lane and the two lanes next to me are empty for a few 100ft. in both directions. He proceeds to ride my *** for a good mile flashing his high-beams over and over.

I'm on cruise control, so I cancel it and just coast... slowing down ever so slightly to the actual posted limit of 65, not knowing if it was an unmarked Crown Vic. or not at first. That entices him to swing out wildly, then cut in front of me about 3ft off my bumper and brake check me. :shakes head:

Luckily I perfected that move in my road-raging, adolescent years, so I was prepared for what may happen.

Or better yet try being the bigger man, just move the F%ck over if some one wants by you that bad just move it's easy. HOV lane or not. There is no need for stupidity and games on the road. These are some of the things that gives North America a bad name for having the worst drivers in the world. The left lane is a passing lane not to be cruising in or coasting what so ever, after you pass move the F over and get back to the middle and to have HOV lanes is stupid people will use them regardless because this is america and everyone thinks they are privileged for some reason :shakes head:

Haboob 03-03-2013 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by LMBmikeZ (Post 2193670)
Or better yet try being the bigger man, just move the F%ck over if some one wants by you that bad just move it's easy. HOV lane or not. There is no need for stupidity and games on the road. These are some of the things that gives North America a bad name for having the worst drivers in the world. The left lane is a passing lane not to be cruising in or coasting what so ever, after you pass move the F over and get back to the middle and to have HOV lanes is stupid people will use them regardless because this is america and everyone thinks they are privileged for some reason :shakes head:

I'm sorry? I won't move the **** over if you come flying up on my *** with two lanes open. It's not my job to make the road convenient for you when you can clearly see what's ahead. It was someone trying (and succeeding) to be a complete douche.

Not sure where you got that I was playing games, as I wasn't.

Z_ealot 03-03-2013 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by LMBmikeZ (Post 2193670)
Or better yet try being the bigger man, just move the F%ck over if some one wants by you that bad just move it's easy. HOV lane or not. There is no need for stupidity and games on the road. These are some of the things that gives North America a bad name for having the worst drivers in the world. The left lane is a passing lane not to be cruising in or coasting what so ever, after you pass move the F over and get back to the middle and to have HOV lanes is stupid people will use them regardless because this is america and everyone thinks they are privileged for some reason :shakes head:

sorry, but thats just idiotic the advice you just gave...i have been on the highway more than enough times when people come up behind and ride your bumper like that and 99 percent of the time when the person they are trying to get to move does so, they swing wildly into the right lane to try and pass and end up almost hitting the person that is moving for them. besides that he was already speeding to begin with going 10mph over the speed limit, might as well be telling people that it ok to speed while you're at it :shakes head:

doda74 03-03-2013 01:08 AM

Last night another complete f'ing idiot in a Mazda cut me off, sped off on a busy 40 mph road and then had to brake hard before the red light just a block down the road.

Here's a very good one from late last year. On Christmas eve night 2012, I was heading down 680 southbound in the fast lane when I noticed headlights quickly approaching in my rear view mirror. Thinking it was a cop, I slowed down to the speed limit. As the car rides my a$$, I realize that it's a BMW. So I move over to the right and the guy guns it. As he passes, I see that it's an E46 M3 and decide to downshift, move back over to the fast lane and then ride his a$$.
Now here's the funny part, I can hear his fart-can exhaust vibrating really loud and then next I know there are sparks flying from under his car. I slow down to create distance and move over to the right when sh!t starts flying out from under his car, metal, plastic, etc. Some chunks of plastic ended up bouncing off the front of my car but luckily did no damage (black scuffs buffed right off). My guess is that the screws came loose from his exhaust or it fell off it's hangers somewhere before the mufflers and got dragged along the freeway.
Because I was pissed off from his car parts bouncing off my car, I pulled up next to his passenger side and gave him a thumbs down and head shake. He then proceeding to the next exit. :eekdance:

Haboob 03-03-2013 01:23 AM

That's one of the worst things - when stuff is flying from under (or off of) a vehicle in front of you.

I remember I took a full tire tread on the nose of my SRT three days after I got it back from a front-end collision.

I was so pissed. Giant scuff marks, ripped off the intercooler piping and dragged the BOV on the highway at 70mph. :shakes head:

KngScottieV 03-03-2013 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Z_ealot (Post 2193684)
sorry, but thats just idiotic the advice you just gave...i have been on the highway more than enough times when people come up behind and ride your bumper like that and 99 percent of the time when the person they are trying to get to move does so, they swing wildly into the right lane to try and pass and end up almost hitting the person that is moving for them. besides that he was already speeding to begin with going 10mph over the speed limit, might as well be telling people that it ok to speed while you're at it :shakes head:

Not sure how it is in other states but out here if you are in the HOV lane there are only some areas where you can move in/out of the lane, double white line means no going into or out of the HOV lane, so if state laws are similar he may have been in a position where changing lanes would have been illegal. Yet as a passive aggressive person I've done it to, so...

That is one thing I have noticed driving around in my Z is that out here every small member wanna-be redneck with a lifted truck and huge tires wants to race me stoplight to stoplight, I just don't understand it, but I do giggle on the inside a bit when I watch this giant cloud of black smoke come out of there exhaust as I just take it easy.

Haboob 03-03-2013 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by KngScottieV (Post 2193740)
Not sure how it is in other states but out here if you are in the HOV lane there are only some areas where you can move in/out of the lane, double white line means no going into or out of the HOV lane, so if state laws are similar he may have been in a position where changing lanes would have been illegal.

Here we can move in/out anywhere. But it's a general knowledge that the HOV lane is NOT the fast lane nor passing lane - it's a cruising lane (unless HOV rules are in effect (Mon-Fri 6-9a, 3-7p must have 2ppl), then I do use it as a passing lane when no cops are around... sometimes. :icon23:)

Daishi9000 03-03-2013 01:50 PM

The most hatred I've gotten is from people driving 350z's. (engine revs, bad looks, and they always want to race me.)
Hondas just drive next to me and slowly speed off! lol.

One time i was in my driveway doing something to my car, and this black guy with a 80 something mustang 5.0 stopped in front of my house and when i looked up, he just started to do a burnout. i'm like, "what the hell are you doing? i know you live like 5 houses down the street". then he sped off!

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