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wheee! 09-25-2012 11:57 AM

Well I DO have a habit of driving in the nude...

onzedge 09-25-2012 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by wheee! (Post 1931183)
Well I DO have a habit of driving in the nude...

:icon18: Me too, just from the top down, though.

wheee! 09-25-2012 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by onzedge (Post 1931209)
:icon18: Me too, just from the top down, though.

I see what you did there....

gurneyeagle 09-25-2012 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by PaulZ370 (Post 1926240)
WOW... Is it something with Accord drivers maybe? I had one follow me on the Causeway Bridge (24 mile long bridge over water from New Orleans to the North Shore). He was up my A$$ so I sped off, created some distance pretty quickly then slowed down (65mph limit) and went to cruising again. Next I know he was up my BEE-Hind yet again, so I again sped off and created some more distance... this happened about three times till the fourth time I decided ok, have had enough, so I boxed him in with another large vehicle (it is a two lane bridge either direction) so he couldn't go anywhere, and completed the last 8 miles of the bridge going the speed limit... about 3 miles from the end of the bridge, he puts his flashers on... hmmm... by the time I reach the end of the bridge, a Causeway PD unit was staged waiting. The Accord came to almost a stand still and the cop very reluctantly slipped in behind me, now about 50 yds yards behind me... and stayed that way till I got to the first light. Cop's lights go on, I pull over, cop comes up to me and says "we've had some complaints about you speeding and weaving in and out of traffic... I didn't get a violation on you myself, so I'm not gonna write you a ticket, but just be careful"... now how about that? That Accord SOB called me in even though he was being the Jerk... the only thing I could think off is - pure Jealousy... he must have been GREEN with envy... Really? Sorry Dude, and all like him... I work very hard for my money, and this is my reward to myself - what a bunch of losers there are out there...:gtfo2:

Hey Paul - I ha a very similar incident in my G37S on the Causeway a few years back. Dumb-arse tried to merge at the last second getting onto the Bridge on the southshore by jumping the line and couldn't make it past me and ended-up getting stuck behind three other cars.

He raced up to me once on the bridge and started running his mouth. I just opened my sunroof and flipped him off. He dropped back, pulled out his cell phone and waived it at me.

As soon as I passed the first crossover, a cop pulls out and follows me all the way to the draw bridge. Apparently, there was nothing he could pull me over for, so he just pulled into the next crossover.

Between the draw bridge and the end of the Causeway, the douche bag catches up to, pulls along side me and flips me off. I looked at him and just laughed. That really pizzed him off. I followed him all the way up 190 laughing at him as he looked nback in his mirror until I got on I-12.

If the cop had pulled me over, I would have pointed out the jerk as he passed up, and told the cop to go after him.

Glad I don't have to cross that bridge anymore!

PaulZ370 09-25-2012 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by gurneyeagle (Post 1931667)
Hey Paul - I ha a very similar incident in my G37S on the Causeway a few years back. Dumb-arse tried to merge at the last second getting onto the Bridge on the southshore by jumping the line and couldn't make it past me and ended-up getting stuck behind three other cars.

He raced up to me once on the bridge and started running his mouth. I just opened my sunroof and flipped him off. He dropped back, pulled out his cell phone and waived it at me.

As soon as I passed the first crossover, a cop pulls out and follows me all the way to the draw bridge. Apparently, there was nothing he could pull me over for, so he just pulled into the next crossover.

Between the draw bridge and the end of the Causeway, the douche bag catches up to, pulls along side me and flips me off. I looked at him and just laughed. That really pizzed him off. I followed him all the way up 190 laughing at him as he looked nback in his mirror until I got on I-12.

If the cop had pulled me over, I would have pointed out the jerk as he passed up, and told the cop to go after him.

Glad I don't have to cross that bridge anymore!

Yep - I guess Causeway PD gets their share of what I'm going to term as "Phone Road Rage"... ie, if you can't beat them on the road, call them in and try to make their lives miserable just to get back... a lot of Douches...

Lucky Dog you - I see you moved to Houston...LOL.. Drivers there are worse!!! Maybe not so lucky?? :icon17:

OMGiGOTaZ 09-25-2012 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by SailFree (Post 1930230)
Driving fast cars fast provokes some strange behavior in other drivers.

1) Used to go trolling for fast drivers, starting out around 80mph and waiting for some guy to stick with me, then gradually speeding up to see how fast they would go. Once a guy in a maroon Buick went up to 90mph with me for a half-mile, but then backed off. I kicked it up to 100 and went off looking for other fish.

2) Once driving 95mph at night through northern Michigan and noticed some lights far back, but they were very, very slowly gaining. I thought a cop would be gaining faster, so just kept going 95. After many long minutes, a caramel-colored old Pinto pulled along side and slowly on ahead. I caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a young guy in a plaid shirt behind the wheel. I went up to his speed, 97mph, which appeared to be the top speed of his Pinto, and we went on through the cool Michigan night for quite a while. Then my radar detector went off and I honked at the dude and slowed down, and he did too, and we motored by a radar cop at 65mph, and after 30 seconds or so, went back to 97mph. When I slowed for my exit, he flashed his lights, i flashed mine, something of a strange bond in the outlaw love of speed. I often wonder about the kid in the caramel Pinto and wonder if he ever got a better car--or a radar detector. He was the only driver I ever ran across who would drive at or above 90mph for more than a few seconds.

#2 great story, on the edge of my seats as the caramel pinto rode off into the night;)

I always find it intriguing when I get a ride buddy, I drive ALOT so several times a week I get prospects but rarely do they span for the trip as yours did:tiphat:

mhcoss 09-25-2012 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by wheee! (Post 1931099)
Really? I have never had that happen here in Oiltown... usually just a lot of gawkers and cell phone picture snappers.

I grew up in texas where everyone has terrible road rage.. I was a bit surprised here by the drivers. They have the road rage but they also seem to suck at driving. I also usually have the gawkers as well or pic takers, but a lot of people are hell bent on cutting me off or making me miss a turn it seems lol

SailFree 09-25-2012 09:18 PM

Kid in the Caramel Pinto
#2 great story, on the edge of my seats as the caramel pinto rode off into the night

I always find it intriguing when I get a ride buddy, I drive ALOT so several times a week I get prospects but rarely do they span for the trip as yours did

Thanks much. One thing I have always wondered is how fast would the kid go with a car that would go faster! Might have been fun.


UNKNOWN_370 09-26-2012 10:58 AM

The most annoying thing is the ricer/family sedan fly-by. HANDS DOWN!

Pintsize725 09-26-2012 11:24 AM

Altima owners are the worst haters. That is all.

enkei2k 09-26-2012 11:25 AM

Not a Z in the vid, but I can picture it happening eventually.

Haboob 09-26-2012 11:44 AM

Looks like I'm going to have to setup a dashcam in all of my vehicles from this day forth. :ugh2:

diesel11679 09-26-2012 11:49 AM

A couple weeks after I got the car, I was driving mom to church since dad was sick. I was doing the limit in the middle lane of a 3 lane expressway. A black 350z comes up, tailgates me a bit, swerves into the right lane, floors it and pulls over in front of me. I try not to make eye contact with other people while driving the Z.

nmjaxx9 09-26-2012 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by enkei2k (Post 1933249)

Not a Z in the vid, but I can picture it happening eventually.

:bowrofl: he decided to take a nap on the hood

KSFastah 09-26-2012 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370 (Post 1933211)
The most annoying thing is the ricer/family sedan fly-by. HANDS DOWN!

The ricer fly by makes me laugh....the family sedan/minivan fly by or tearing off from a light makes me laugh.

It's the idiots in jumbo sized pick up trucks that go flying by that are annoying. The fools with the giant cow balls hanging off their bumper are particularly annoying. I'd never seen anything like that prior to moving to Kansas from Boston.

Must be a gay cowboy thing or something....and gay cowboy business in Kansas must be BOOMING based on how many of them are around.

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