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I've received mostly positive comments. Pizza delivery guy just told me last night how cool the car is. (I was like "shat up ah'm hongray" lol)
I did have a guy in a Kia Optima try to race me on twisty back roads. I just lmao'ed. |
People do drive like idiots around me now that I'm driving a Z. Yesterday a Statey drove onto the oncoming lane to pass me on a local one lane highway while I was doing 65 on a 55. This doesn't bother me as much as the stare downs at red lights.. The best piece of advice my dad ever gave me was to never make eye contact with other drivers, but if you do, smile.
Yesterday I had a guy in a Mazda Protoge try and race me through 5 miles of highway and heavy traffic. I mouthed F.U. to him as he passed me.
When I get the engine rev at the red lights I like to rev back and even rock the Z like I'm getting ready to step on it. When the light turns green I just leisurely excelerate to speed while the other guy takes off like a bat out of he'll. The whole time he thinks he beat me and I just smile.
I think it has less to do with our cars and more to do with sh*tty drivers in general. :mad:
a lot of this talk reminds me of pretty girls who think every girl hates them because they aren't as pretty, but in reality no one cares....
That being said. i had 2 maximas try to race me on 2 consecutive nights on the same road. I just kept cruising at like 70 mph. I really don't like when people try to instigate a race because it makes me look like i'm doing something wrong. The second night, after tailgating me and pulling next to me for a while, the guy sped off and turned on his flashers as if to say 'i won.' I hadn't even turned off cruise control |
Would you like to dance?
No? You didn't hear me I said you look fat in those pants. |
I think I get it worse than most.... probably cuz my plate says "IMFASTR".... lol
I have Mercedes and Bimmers galore chasing my bumper in traffic and then blasting past as if to prove they are better! I just cruise and smile, knowing the plate pisses off the corvettes and mustang fanboi's while I just cruise along. The plate was supposed to be a joke, as I was trying to get "IMSLOWR" for my Lincoln... would've looked cool parked in the driveway together! |
I think they pick on you because your car is the best possible paint color for a Z, but then again I'm biased. :icon17: |
^ so true :icon17:
Where I'm located at work I see hondas left and right and they always rev their engines thinking they're going to have a chance but I don't even pay attention since I know the Z is capable of a lot. =))
well until they offer hot pink....
http://s3.amazonaws.com/plinky-asset...g?200971564256http://fabandfurious.com/wp-content/...issan200sx.jpg |
Aggressive driving will piss people off. I had a guy rage really hard the other day when I wouldn't let him cut me off to get in the left lane, after he came flying up in the right lane, passing like a dozen cars. He tried to fight me at the red light... I lol'd and rode off. Motorcycles fit between cars a lot better than a Dodge Durango ;)
It's possible that you're getting the finger because people think you're driving aggressively or cutting them off. |
Usually for me it's tailgating, cutting me off and my most favorite ricer fly by.
The older folks always roll their windows down and compliment my z it's usually the younger folks driving like maniacs. |
I hate when motorcycles go in-between me and another car. I had one squeeze between me and an accord. We were on the highway about 80 mph and the motor cycle came flying through use like we were standing still. The accord jerked around a bit in his lane and I thought we would end up in an accident with the bike. I think the accord didn't see the bike coming up on us and was surprised when he was between use.
Boarding bandwagon... :hello: I haven't noticed anyone particularly aggressive towards the Z and most give me space. When I had the white Altima, people acted like it was invisible... cutting me off, no blinkers, merging into my lane without warning. And I only put about 30 miles on it! I was happy to be back in the Z!!! |
In my situation, I had 3 choices. Let this angry dude control the situation (No way is that ever happening) Fight him Leave When I was younger, I would have probably puffed my chest out and told him he needed to get back in his car and leave before I got angry. Now that I'm older, I don't need any of that B.S. I chose to just leave because I don't need to get in trouble for road rage just because this dude sucks at driving. Besides, I literally got the last laugh haha. |
Doesnt happen a lot here cuase the people are more civilized (yeah right)
Anyways one time i was driving home from work and the route i choose is a one-lane canyon road cause there are lots of corners and turns that made driving more enjoyable. So anyways i was on the road that merges to the single lane canyon road and some dumbass on a STI cuts me off, to a point where i have to hard steer to the left shoulder. (he sped up so he can overtake me on the merge when i have the right of way) long story short, i managed to overtake him and i wad driving at 25 mph the entire way. Took me 30 mins to get home but it was well worth it. He kept flashing his high beams and honking but i just turn the volume and and ignore him. |
hmmm...never had anyone give me a dirty look or the finger...etc...
maybe because i look the way i do, they probably think ill chase them down, get out of the car, and start bashing their car in :roflpuke2::roflpuke2::roflpuke2: |
especially when i have my head shaved |
A bunch of douchebags were in a 92 Corolla - all 5 of these douche nozzles packed into that sardine can - talking sh*t at the light. They were 4 lanes away from me, but they were talking sh*t trying to goad me into flooring the car off the light.
I just pretended like the music was loud enough that I didn't hear them. But Christ, what a bunch of f*cking goons. Keep your mouth shut if you're talking out of your friend's busted asss Corolla. |
I've seen the same behavior too...I had one moron in an econobox cut in front of me and then speeding off using a highway exit lane. Unfortunately for him, there was a cop not too far behind and he got pulled over lol
IV'e had a couple a holes try and mess with me. The worst or maybe the funniest was this guy pulled up along beside me on interstate. i was doing about 70-75 and he's driving this piece of crap ford f150 like a 1975 model revs his engine up and wants to jack with me. i just laughed at him and looked away.
but to be honest i think we all have a little bit of an ego. which could be one of the many reasons we bought a Z. which screams hey look at me............. |
2 Attachment(s)
Attached these two bumper stickers to your car and no one will mess with you, hell, you will even get more respect:
I had a friend in high school who lived in East Baltimore, in a not-so-nice neighborhood. His neighbor had an NRA sticker on their car and kept empty ammunition boxes in the back seat. That car was never touched. |
The best way to keep these morons driving crappy cars from messing with you is drive faster than them. They'll never catch you.
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