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you havent seen annoying tuners till youve driven around orlando or kissimmee florida in your Z..between every civic hatch, mazda, scion tc etc. wanting to rev their stock 4 bangers with fart can mufflers every oppurtunity they get it honestly gets annoying..And hot import nights is this weekend so you can only imagine the attention a Z will get on the streets...but it is cool to come across chilled enthusiast who just give the head nod of respect and keep it rolling.
I like to take turns quickly because, well, its a lot of fun. Really annoys me when someone can't keep up in the corners, but then rides my *** when we're going straight. :mad:
I was driving my friends S2000 the other day. If you think the attention you get from the Civics is bad in a Z, go drive a S2000.
Pulled up behind an obviously modded RX-8 yeasterday at a stoplight on my way home from the dealership. He kept revving his little fart can like a jacka$$. Thankfully, he turned left while I went straight. When he did turn, he was clearly trying to show off his ability to accelerate through a turn from a stop :ugh2: His fart can kept popping and spitting out nasty black smoke, too. All I could do was :shakes head:
I took my name (cindy)off my license plate because it was constant challenges on the road. :wtf: x 100 :shakes head: Much better now-tinted windows and Zynful plate has worked wonders:tiphat: |
Since autocross and track i'm feeling way more confident in my 6mt:tup: And i got a mom smile from a woman last week...she looked really happy to see my Z. I smiled and waved at her! |
So on my way out of town today I was in the left lane just cruising past some people like normal. Not flying. Not being an a**. There was an old '80s white Chevy wagon with wood panels (yeah, eww) and some old guy driving it. He was the last car in the slower lane and as I passed him he started to pace me. I have no patience for that crap because all I want to do is get back over in the right lane after I pass someone. So I slughtly blip the throttle just to maintain separation and I get back over. Boy was he mad at me. At first I thought he just had an issue being behind someone. But then immediately steps on it and flies past me and I'm like, uhhhh... ok? I give him the whatever gesture and then I just start cracking up laughing and wave goodbye.
Not the end of that story, sadly, since he slows down enough for me to get back beside him and then he floors it again as if he really thinks I'm going to race him. I left the cruise control alone and just did my own thing. But again, I'm obviously just losing it at this point. And then he pulls some daredevil maneuver to exit up ahead and as I'm passing him again by the exit and I see him give the "whoopie-do" finger like I had nothing on him. Jealous and hater are the only two words I can use to describe this guy. |
Had a good one on my way back from Indy today. Going thorugh a construction zone in the left hand lane. Maybe 1 or 2 mph over the speed limit, but passing a solid line of trucks. Guy in a Grand Am is riding me the whole time. Just as we get out of the construction zone, I am able to get over, so I do and speed up to the speed limit (okay - few over) 72 or so. Guy pulls up beside me, looks over and guns it. I'm still at 72. Probably gets up to 90 or so in his 'race' with me. He was obviously paying a lot more attention to me than to the cop sitting in the median. LOL!
So of course the cop pulls out, the guy slows down & ducks back over to the right hand lane in front of me. HE's HARD on the brakes now and I catch up to him about the same time the cop does. Cop pulls up beside me, gives me a little smile, I back off, let him in between us and he pulls the guy in the Grand Am. I so wanted to go back and talk to the cop after that one. I mean this happened right in front of him. Hardest I'd laughed in a while. The guy was so focused on trying to get me to race that he never saw the cop... |
Sitting at a stop light: Turn lane: WS6 T/A Left lane: Smaller car Middle lane: Us Right: lane: Cop The WS6 proceeds to just roast the tires at the green arrow and then take off around the turn. The traffic light turns green and the smaller car and us don't move, the opposing lanes of traffic don't move. We just let the cop pull out and cut across the intersection and pull this guy over before he even gets across the crosswalk. :bowrofl::bowrofl::bowrofl: Probably the funniest thing I've ever seen on the road. |
I have every damn crustang and rustaro reving at me, even a damn minivan this afternoon! Sad that not a single car (save one rustang) sounded decent.
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Had this come up beside me on the highway and do the whole speed up then slow down again beside me thing.
Then I dropped it into 4th and sped off. He flipped me off when I slowed down 2 miles up the road to let him catch up. Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2 |
So Dallas has this crotch-rocket motorcycle club where the members wear helmets with a goofy mohawk on it. Maybe other cities have this mess too, I dunno.
Anyways, I was cruising down the tollway a couple weeks ago and one of these kids comes screaming up behind me at probably 120 mph. I was in the middle lane, he was in the fast lane. He slows down and matches my speed, looks over at me, then takes off again accelerating while doing a wheelie from about 80 mph to at least 100 mph. Ha! I had seen them do this **** before in packs but I had never been singled out and given a show. Maybe being in the Z had something to do with it, maybe not. I wish I had my GoPro running! |
On the way back from lunch I was in the left lane and passing a Nissan Titan p/u. As soon as I got along side, the guy floored it. Pretty good acceleration for a big p/u.
Love this thread. :yum:
Today as I was sitting at a red light in the right hand turn lane a g35 rolled up next to me and revved his engine. I revved mine back and he pointed to the light then revved again. I nodded and revved back. The light turned green and he took off. I slowly eased out and turned right. Guess he should have noticed my blinker and lane when he pulled up lol. Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2 |
They get a good look at my tail lights shrinking. Just because I drive a Z.
Had a cop pace behind me for a few miles then turned off the highway. Thought he was gonna get me since I passed a slower car on the right but maybe he was just admiring me instead:driving:
Had some a**hat today on the bridge tunnel in an Acura RL trying to accomplish god knows what. I passed him some miles back, we catch up to the toll booths, he exits before me but he's crawling and I usually don't take much time to get back up to speed so I wind up passing him. Kind of. He floors it to maintain speed with me. I'm like, dude, don't even think about pacing me.
So since he proved he was going to be difficult I just drove like he wasn't even on the road anymore. He had the lead-car syndrome for sure. No matter what speed I adjusted to he was trying to get back in front of me but when he got there he never went any further. And when he stayed behind some slow person coming out of the tunnel I passed and guess where he was? Right on my tail trying to keep up. When we would approach the alcoves where the cops usually sit he'd try to position himself behind me as a radar blocker. I was like, really? 5 over. I'm not getting pulled now matter what and you are going to hide behind me? Once I finally had it And there was no one else for at least a mile behind and he was riding my blind spot I just came short of locking 'em up and forced him to get in front of me. Can you believe this clown still never got more than 20 yards ahead of me the entire time and even after that? If I could I would have eaten his soul. |
There was a stupid truck driver tailgating me last month. He was tailgating me on any speed I drove. My speed limit was 70, so I did 75 to pass every cars on the right, and if he want to do speeding against the law, he can easily do it by doing 80 to surpass me because i left him with plenty space to do ,but he didn't. So I changed into a slow lane then he slowed down, and he didn't pass me on the left, so I went back into fast lane again. He chased up to my rear again at 80, so I decided to be an a$$ by cut all 4 lanes when my hwy merge to four lanes hwy then the lanes merge again into 2 lanes again so I decided to passed two 18wheels trucks and let those trucks blocked the lanes for me, so he can't tailgating me anymore.
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I surprisingly got a lot of respect in the Z on my recent trip to Vegas. Went to the Red Rock Canyon state park and had several cars pull over to let me by on the scenic drive even though i wasn't tailgating them or anything. On the drive back to LA, I also have several cars move out of the fast lane when they saw me coming even though i wasn't speeding down towards them. It actually gave me a little pressure to drive a bit faster since they got our of my way to let me by.
There was a Civic si that was the weavy type and when I happened to be behind him in the fast lane, barely gaining on him at my cruise speed, he moved over and got back in the fats lane behind me and proceeded to follow at a safe distance. It was quite refreshing, though i drove a bit faster to not slow him down, haha. |
I had a Nismo the other week not let me merge onto the freeway infront of him so I had to ride it out in the emergency lane :shakes head: Do Nismo owners think they are better than regular Z's? :confused:
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Seriously, I do notice people getting very close behind me and wondered if that was to check out what kind of car this was..but i have had tons of very nice comments and waves from others...Never a nasty look.. |
I've gotten a few nasty looks (not in the Z) and I usually smile back and wave. That seems to get under their skin even more! Gotta play the game!
I'm pretty proud to say I got my very first Genesis douche fly by yesterday. Trouble (for him) was that it was on a main road here with a red light every couple blocks.
He sure showed me how fast he could get to each one and wait for me. |
Had a few ricer fly bys this week as usual. They stop look at your car, love it, pretend they hate it, but gas it to show their 100hp cars. Even a guy a with a 350z. But of course he was stock hp. :tup:
If someone is riding my rear too close for comfort, I tap the brakes very briefly to let them know that I'm going to slow down. Once they adjust to my speed, I downshift from 6th to 3rd or 4th depending on my speed and let the Z slow down a bit more via engine brake (no brake lights). Invariably, they won't take notice, and as soon as I see their front end dip when they hit the brakes, I gun it and put some distance between us. It rarely takes more than a couple of those for them to back off for good - they hardly ever want to lead faster than me anyway.
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