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PaulZ370 09-21-2012 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by onzedge (Post 1255724)
I had a guy pacing me for a while yesterday in a Honda Accord. I wasn't paying attention to him other than I was irritated a little that we was right next to me. I could not do anything about it due to traffic conditions so I just went with the flow. Things opened up a bit and I changed lanes to put some space between us and he got in right behind me. I glanced at him in my side view and saw that he was flipping me off. It was almost as if he purposely got behind me just to do that.

What the heck? I did absolutely nothing to this guy. Very odd.

WOW... Is it something with Accord drivers maybe? I had one follow me on the Causeway Bridge (24 mile long bridge over water from New Orleans to the North Shore). He was up my A$$ so I sped off, created some distance pretty quickly then slowed down (65mph limit) and went to cruising again. Next I know he was up my BEE-Hind yet again, so I again sped off and created some more distance... this happened about three times till the fourth time I decided ok, have had enough, so I boxed him in with another large vehicle (it is a two lane bridge either direction) so he couldn't go anywhere, and completed the last 8 miles of the bridge going the speed limit... about 3 miles from the end of the bridge, he puts his flashers on... hmmm... by the time I reach the end of the bridge, a Causeway PD unit was staged waiting. The Accord came to almost a stand still and the cop very reluctantly slipped in behind me, now about 50 yds yards behind me... and stayed that way till I got to the first light. Cop's lights go on, I pull over, cop comes up to me and says "we've had some complaints about you speeding and weaving in and out of traffic... I didn't get a violation on you myself, so I'm not gonna write you a ticket, but just be careful"... now how about that? That Accord SOB called me in even though he was being the Jerk... the only thing I could think off is - pure Jealousy... he must have been GREEN with envy... Really? Sorry Dude, and all like him... I work very hard for my money, and this is my reward to myself - what a bunch of losers there are out there...:gtfo2:

bigsix 09-21-2012 02:39 PM

No question the 370z is one of the most beautiful/sexy designs on the road today = = =

Pintsize725 09-21-2012 03:06 PM

Not annoying, but I do love it when the workers at fast food joints hang out the window to see the car and tell me it's badass. Although I do get asked if it's a 350 a lot.

ShinyBlueZ 09-21-2012 03:15 PM

I get a LOT of minivans and pickups checking out my car at red lights.. then they floor it and peel out when it turns green, like "see? my dodge caravan is every bit as fast as your car."

but the craziest thing is that lately.. in the last month or 2.. I get 'a lot' of ALTIMAS and SENTRAS staring me down then doing their best to take off on me at red lights. what kinda retardation is that? it's the SAME BRAND but like 2/3/4 models lower! :eek:

it's like if I revved my car like I was fast and furious beside a GTR.. how do you not expect to just get laughed at? :shakes head:

OMGiGOTaZ 09-21-2012 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by ShinyBlueZ (Post 1926449)
I get a LOT of minivans and pickups checking out my car at red lights.. then they floor it and peel out when it turns green, like "see? my dodge caravan is every bit as fast as your car."

but the craziest thing is that lately.. in the last month or 2.. I get 'a lot' of ALTIMAS and SENTRAS staring me down then doing their best to take off on me at red lights. what kinda retardation is that? it's the SAME BRAND but like 2/3/4 models lower! :eek:

it's like if I revved my car like I was fast and furious beside a GTR.. how do you not expect to just get laughed at? :shakes head:

:rofl2: same thing happens to me, Minivans peeling out :bowrofl:

JungleZ 09-21-2012 03:25 PM

This car is a straight up magnet for people trying to race me. Its crazy i almost wish i had more blind spots so i didnt have to see these fools trying to get next to you or past you.

nmjaxx9 09-21-2012 03:43 PM

from the time I made this thread to now I have realized that the annoying people have become and less and less apparent. The compliments for my Z keep pouring in though, and those outweigh all the weird behaviors on the road. But i see the weird behaviors are a compliment as well, just in an unorthodox way. :bowrofl::tup::driving::happydance:

ShinyBlueZ 09-21-2012 03:53 PM

oh wait I TOTALLY forgot the MOST annoying thing about my Z!!! I should have had this damn car when I was 16 instead of 30.

almost EVERY time I pull into a coffee shop or mall.. and at red lights, medium-sized groups of giggly slutty girls tell me how sexy or 'hawt' my car is.. so I'm all like SCORE, WHORES!

but then it's like:

"hold up so.. how old are you ladies?"


"k cool.. thanks for the props.. I gots to go.."


:shakes head:


nmjaxx9 09-21-2012 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by ShinyBlueZ (Post 1926524)
oh wait I TOTALLY forgot the MOST annoying thing about my Z!!! I should have had this damn car when I was 16 instead of 30.

almost EVERY time I pull into a coffee shop or mall.. and at red lights, medium-sized groups of giggly slutty girls tell me how sexy or 'hawt' my car is.. so I'm all like SCORE, WHORES!

but then it's like:

"hold up so.. how old are you ladies?"


"k cool.. thanks for the props.. I gots to go.."


:shakes head:



brucelidat 09-21-2012 03:59 PM



Bucketlist2012 09-21-2012 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by ShinyBlueZ (Post 1926524)
oh wait I TOTALLY forgot the MOST annoying thing about my Z!!! I should have had this damn car when I was 16 instead of 30.

almost EVERY time I pull into a coffee shop or mall.. and at red lights, medium-sized groups of giggly slutty girls tell me how sexy or 'hawt' my car is.. so I'm all like SCORE, WHORES!

but then it's like:

"hold up so.. how old are you ladies?"


"k cool.. thanks for the props.. I gots to go.."


:shakes head:



Z_ealot 09-21-2012 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by ShinyBlueZ (Post 1926449)
I get a LOT of minivans and pickups checking out my car at red lights.. then they floor it and peel out when it turns green, like "see? my dodge caravan is every bit as fast as your car."

but the craziest thing is that lately.. in the last month or 2.. I get 'a lot' of ALTIMAS and SENTRAS staring me down then doing their best to take off on me at red lights. what kinda retardation is that? it's the SAME BRAND but like 2/3/4 models lower! :eek:

it's like if I revved my car like I was fast and furious beside a GTR.. how do you not expect to just get laughed at? :shakes head:

:iagree: even worse is the one's in the versa hatchbacks, i dont know what it is but they always seem really ticked off that they are driving the versa when they pass me while they are flooring it.

B&W_Evader 09-21-2012 07:43 PM

In the last 24 hours I've had 3 douch encounters...
1st, new BMW 3 series, (not M3) rush hour traffic last night, drops a gear or 2 and punches it next to me. An M3 would never do that but the 3xx seem to have something to prove to themselves since they know they're slower. Didn't do anything , just thinking WTF. Actually he was the least annoying of the bunch.
2nd, nice turn coming onto a 45mph road. I like taking the turn at 45, gives me a little boost like a shot of espresso when it's all clear. This beo^#h in a minivan pulls decides to pull out of the McDonalds parking lot just as I'm coming out of the corner. WTF, have to slam on the brakes and nearly come to a stop waiting for her to make an illegal left turn. :ugh2:
3rd, getting onto the highway, about 50 feet before the ramp in a 35 zone, a new v6 camery had to jump in front of me. This is a nicely banked highway on-ramp. Man that ramp is fun when noone's in front of you. So, I have to cruise about 15mph slower than I would of and just putt around the ramp. Then he punches it when it's straight.:roflpuke2:

BeemaaZ 09-21-2012 08:28 PM

Had this guy talking on my driver side window to tell me how he loves 370Z... blah blah blah... how he is so amazed about SRS feature blah blah blah... and then he said... greatest thing about 370Z is... it's CHEAP!!!!

I thought WTF?!? :mad:

Eighties Meta 09-21-2012 11:07 PM

I get this alot also but for the most part I bought a 370z because I wanted something alot nicer than my 1997 camaro z-28 that I drove for 15 years, still have it mind you. Anyway, I wanted something nicer that handled really well and was sufficiently fast. Thats it, I've had it a little over a month and a half people in rustbuckets get next to me on the highway at about 65 look at me then take off, me I never adjust my throttle I'm simply in cruise mood and ignore them. 90% of them are in cars that it isn't even a race. Red lights, everybody tries to race me at them, well, if the driver is male and under 35 I suppose. Me I'm 42. I find it pretty amusing. Think of all these people that think they smoked a 370z on the highway or left one just standing at a red light. anyway, I did have one guy irk me enough that I did smoke him. This morning going to work an Acura TL got right behind me and tailgated me pretty bad for about 1 mile even though I couldn't go any faster because of traffic, so when traffic breaks he jumps over to right and goes full throttle, I let him get the running start on me and just go by me, I then dump it to 3rd, go full throttle and rapidly pull him back then continue pulling away from pretty badly I might add until I got off it at 95mph then of course 5 seconds later I get the obligatory he comes screaming by me. ;)

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