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semtex 06-28-2011 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Lug (Post 1193196)
Pilot Sports are to regular tires what Miata doors are to regular (destructable) doors.

:bowrofl: I have rep for you, sir!

Lug 06-28-2011 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by semtex (Post 1193535)
:bowrofl: I have rep for you, sir!

chest swells with pride....hold head a little higher....notices that the future looks GOOOOOOD now.

Thank you, sir!

ProfessorDave 06-28-2011 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Ztoon (Post 1193270)
I was hitting balls at the local driving range and spotted a guy doing the 360 round 'n round on my Z in the parking lot. He was getting kinda close and familiar, so I walk over with my 3 iron.
''Oh wow, this is absolutely gorgeous!'' he says. He goes on and on, drooling, and asking me all about it. Then he pulls out his keys and walks over to his Merc CL63 AMG.


Impressive...I don't know too many people who still carry a 3 iron! :icon17:

onzedge 06-28-2011 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by ProfessorDave (Post 1193808)
Impressive...I don't know too many people who still carry a 3 iron! :icon17:


kenchan 06-28-2011 11:48 AM

hahahaha, even i (non-golfer) knows to carry spoon. :p

ImportConvert 06-30-2011 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by yakz (Post 1192801)
Walking out of a Kroger (a grocery-store chain around here) with my cart, I see this person bent over looking at my rear-driver quarter-panel. I'm like, "oh ****, this person is looking to see if they'd done damage". As I'm approaching (still far away), he circles around and appears to be inspecting the opposite side in the same place. As I walk, he also sort of semi-glances at the front quarters.

When I walk up, he jumps up surprised. This is a grey-haired guy (50s, probably), semi-unkempt hair, well-dressed. The conversation was really awkward because he was in "caught acting strange" mode and I was in "what the **** has this person done to my car?" mode.

He tells me my Pilot Sports just came out (apparently my recently acquired tires are the latest edition). Following is this really awkward exchange where I am loading groceries etc. and we are making small-talk as he retreats.

Are people really that enthusiastic about the latest version of tires? I'm a software developer, so I could understand (I follow small details about advancements in computer hardware and software)... but.. are the latest Pilot Sports that interesting? The dude left in a black Merc coupe that did not look like a poor-person model (but was too far away to see if it was at least an AMG), probably cost 2x a brand-new 370 for the base model, and he said "that's a nice looking CAR" at least 3 times as he walked away from me.

Weirdest encounter so far.

And yet, after the whole thing I wish I had stopped the guy and talked to him about it. It was so ******* shocking though. This is the first car I've owned where people just suddenly interact with you.

Sure, some people are like that. I am, but I would attempt to maintain better situational awareness and approach you instead of you approaching me. "Hey, nice Z! I noticed you have the new *insert whatever* on it. How are you liking them?"

So much better than acting like a priest caught leaning on a playground fence.

Halcom2 07-02-2011 10:25 PM

The stock rear Bridges of my 2009 have been replaced with Michelin Pilot Sports. The previous owner should have replaced the front, since that is where 70% of road noise comes from. Will be putting Super Sports on the front ASAP.

m4a1mustang 07-02-2011 10:28 PM

When I ordered new tires for my Z last year I wore one of the 275s around like a necklace in my garage until it was time to get them mounted.

So yeah, I'd have been checking out your tires too (I'm ordering a set of Pilot SS's this month.)

onzedge 07-02-2011 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 1201683)
When I ordered new tires for my Z last year I wore one of the 275s around like a necklace in my garage until it was time to get them mounted.

So yeah, I'd have been checking out your tires too (I'm ordering a set of Pilot SS's this month.)

You are going to like them. Mine get better and better. I just took my Z down highway 1 from Santa Cruz to Big Sur and they ate up all those curves like thry were nothing.

MightyBobo 07-03-2011 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by ProfessorDave (Post 1192863)
Blame Kroger's. Any store that turned a pronoun into a verb ("let's go Krogering") inspires this kind of odd behavior.

This type of behavior NEVER happens at Wegmans!

Seriously, I don't get why the guy was nervous. I'd have not problem admitting I was admiring the tires, rims, exhaust, or girlfriend of another car guy. ;-)

Oh sir, you just named the best grocery store, EVER. Do you also eat the best hot dogs, ever? Those would be Sahlens, btw :)

wstar 07-03-2011 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by semtex (Post 1193533)
Yes. Many of us who understand that those four contact patches are the only thing separating us from life and death as we go around curves at "brisk" speeds aren't just enthusiastic, we're downright obsessive. I have a tendency to fondle my tires every time I wash my car.

Hell I fondle my tires half the time just when I'm waiting for the car to warm up for a drive. My excuse is I'm clearing out any small rocks stuck in the channels and feeling for nails or other new problems before I find out on the side of the highway. But really, I just love my tires :tup:

m4a1mustang 07-03-2011 02:32 PM

Wegmans is awesome.

MightyBobo 07-03-2011 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 1202103)
Wegmans is awesome.

Why yes, yes it is. Nice to have been able to grow up with it. And its nice its finally getting to my current neck of the woods :)

The BlueMax 07-03-2011 06:18 PM

I come from a past of mostly domestic iron "F-bodies" and with the 370 you earn the repect from Porsche, Benz, & BMW owners, especially the Porsche owners.:tup:

Mike 07-03-2011 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by MightyBobo (Post 1202093)
Oh sir, you just named the best grocery store, EVER. Do you also eat the best hot dogs, ever? Those would be Sahlens, btw :)

I'm sorry, but Kroger is the best. There is one near my layover hotel in Columbus that has Donato's Pizza inside it at the deli, and a bar with wine and beer happy hour right outside the door in a little fenced in area. A grocery store with a bar beats everything!!!!!

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