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What should i get 370z or the new camero coming out soon

Originally Posted by MightyBobo 1) Even though you fat fingered it, you were going to spell Camaro, "Camero" - bravo 2) You honestly think the 350HP Nismo Z is going

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Old 04-17-2009, 09:43 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MightyBobo View Post
1) Even though you fat fingered it, you were going to spell Camaro, "Camero" - bravo
2) You honestly think the 350HP Nismo Z is going to be a huge difference on acceleration?
3) Jappanese? Besides, keep the bias out of the post

God, what is with all these people who have NO idea what they are talking about tossing in their two cents? Please spare us from writing a review on any car - you're more biased than Top Gear reviewing an Aston Martin...

Whatever happened to purchasing a car for its abilities, rather than who makes it, or where it was made?
yea it will make a difference ok name me a good american car?? my dad had a dodge horrible it kept breaking down. cheap plastic everything was bad. mustang i respect tho. i made a typo sorry for spell camaro wrong. we all make a typo at some point give me a break. jappanese does make better cars accept it.
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Old 04-17-2009, 09:47 PM   #47 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ssqpolo View Post
mightybobo--Whatever happened to purchasing a car for its abilities, rather than who makes it, or where it was made?

in that case, we would all have caterham cars because they have amazing ability. what do u mean purchasing a car regardless of who makes it and how its made???....that's how most people do it! The camaro is a cool looking car, but like most all of american cars, they use that cheap plastic interior and body panels and the car will probably fall apart in a couple of years. i had a dodge magnum, brand new. in one year, the underpanels of my car flew off going down the turnpike (no i didnt hit anything or damage it). the interior looked cool at first, but in a couple of months you realize how cheap the quality of everything is. moreover, after 2 and a half yrs and 45000 miles, i thought the thing was gonna die if i drove it any more (i kept it well maintained, so dont blame it on that). where a car is made and who makes it makes a hugggggggggeeeeeeeee difference when purchasing a car. thats why many people buy honda accords and toyota camrys. those things last forever! even after yrs of abuse. after 1000000 miles on a camry, u might only have to change a timing belt.

and about Bias...this is a 370Z forum. we are here because we admire and adore THIS specific car. obviously we're gonna have bias towards it.

"2) You honestly think the 350HP Nismo Z is going to be a huge difference on acceleration?"--MightBOBO...considering the Nismo Z has an all new exhaust, i think it will make a difference. maybe not 0-60 so much (i think thats a poor test anyway), but maybe in the 1/4 mile. We saw someone in another thread run a 13.4 in the 1/4...then added those stillen intakes and run almost a 13.1. Thats a HUGE performace leap.

for the OP, when buying a car, look at the looks, the quality, and performance. Whichever one YOU feel is best suited for you, pick it. dont worry what other people will say or think is better. there will always be haters. If u like the camaro...pick it (that's if it ever comes out). It's a cool looking car.
i couldent have said it better myself. thanks for getting my back
maybe ill go tomorrow to he 370z event in lakeworth ill let you know.
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Old 04-17-2009, 09:53 PM   #48 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MightyBobo View Post
Nuff said.
dude dont mess with hondas. why do you see so many of them?? 95's!! 14 years my friend has one runs great. now in the other hand we have a mustang 95. the engine messed up after a week. soo yea buddy. jappanesse> american
the over heating is just in track. not EVERYONE goes in the track very few people does!!! so thats "bias statements" of your part mr.

have a good day
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Old 04-17-2009, 10:08 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by msl82 View Post
Get the Camaro.

I want my 370z as limited and rare as possible.

Please, get Camaro....

I 2nd the choice for a Camaro. For same reason as above

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Old 04-18-2009, 06:39 AM   #50 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by juan05 View Post
dude dont mess with hondas. why do you see so many of them?? 95's!! 14 years my friend has one runs great. now in the other hand we have a mustang 95. the engine messed up after a week. soo yea buddy. jappanesse> american
the over heating is just in track. not EVERYONE goes in the track very few people does!!! so thats "bias statements" of your part mr.

have a good day
Horray for more blanket statements and generalities lol.

I proved ssq just about completely wrong in his post but you thanked him anyway just because he backed you up lol. I think I would have thanked someone who made an intelligent, well organized post, but his was just as bad as yours - completely full of bias. You pick single examples of vehicles and generalize that ALL of a brands vehicles are like that. I cant think of a worse possible practice. Besides, how do we know how your buddy's treated their vehicles? You can say whatever you want about how they all did all required maintenance, but we want statistics here - not here-say.

So, going off your standards, is a 1998 Chevrolet Prism a bad vehicle? It IS a Chevrolet after all...

Look, you're going to have to come in here with something a lot more solid than what you have so far. Spouting off stuff from the hip because your buddy's 1995 Mustang wasn't as reliable as your other buddy's Honda lol - solid argument you have there!

Besides, no comment on the GT-R tranny, or Suzuki's reliability (or lack thereof)? How about all of the rattles in the 370, and why does it take so long to get the valve train lubed up on a cold start in the VQ versus a horrifically simple small block chevy? Or, what many think is (albeit new and interesting) an overly complicated valve train system in the VQ? I know this is all over your head, but humor me anyway.
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Last edited by MightyBobo; 04-18-2009 at 06:57 AM.
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Old 04-18-2009, 07:21 AM   #51 (permalink)
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OP Get what you want...Its your money.
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Old 04-18-2009, 08:52 AM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MightyBobo View Post
Horray for more blanket statements and generalities lol.

I proved ssq just about completely wrong in his post but you thanked him anyway just because he backed you up lol. I think I would have thanked someone who made an intelligent, well organized post, but his was just as bad as yours - completely full of bias. You pick single examples of vehicles and generalize that ALL of a brands vehicles are like that. I cant think of a worse possible practice. Besides, how do we know how your buddy's treated their vehicles? You can say whatever you want about how they all did all required maintenance, but we want statistics here - not here-say.

So, going off your standards, is a 1998 Chevrolet Prism a bad vehicle? It IS a Chevrolet after all...

Look, you're going to have to come in here with something a lot more solid than what you have so far. Spouting off stuff from the hip because your buddy's 1995 Mustang wasn't as reliable as your other buddy's Honda lol - solid argument you have there!

Besides, no comment on the GT-R tranny, or Suzuki's reliability (or lack thereof)? How about all of the rattles in the 370, and why does it take so long to get the valve train lubed up on a cold start in the VQ versus a horrifically simple small block chevy? Or, what many think is (albeit new and interesting) an overly complicated valve train system in the VQ? I know this is all over your head, but humor me anyway.
ok ok listen i know ssqpolo in real life he lives less than a mile away from me. I also know how he treats his cars. my father owned amercian vehicles, never happening again. thats why we dont have none. we have a sienna xle 04, and a lexus is 250. you cant compare their quality with any of american car's. secondly is what you get for what you pay. ill rathher pay a little more for a lexus than a cadillac. just face it jappanesse cars are better.why would you buy a car from a company that is struggeling econically because of how their cars performed (bad) in the past? GO NISSAN! now if we were comparing bmw or other european car now its a different story. except volvos lol

Last edited by juan05; 04-18-2009 at 08:56 AM.
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Old 04-18-2009, 09:25 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by juan05 View Post
ok ok listen i know ssqpolo in real life he lives less than a mile away from me. I also know how he treats his cars. my father owned amercian vehicles, never happening again. thats why we dont have none. we have a sienna xle 04, and a lexus is 250. you cant compare their quality with any of american car's. secondly is what you get for what you pay. ill rathher pay a little more for a lexus than a cadillac. just face it jappanesse cars are better.why would you buy a car from a company that is struggeling econically because of how their cars performed (bad) in the past? GO NISSAN! now if we were comparing bmw or other european car now its a different story. except volvos lol
All you had to say was the first sentence, and now I know why you have each others backs lol.

There is a LOT more to why GM and other domestics are struggling right now, than quality issues. Again, you're generalizing instead of looking at the big picture. Just a few reasons off the top of my head:

-Excessive labor costs here, particularly due to health care and retirement. Japanese cars have about $1000 of a cars value going to these things. American cars send about $2000-2500. In the end, thanks to unions, workers are getting FAR too much for how little they do...

-Putting too many eggs in one basket. They hoped the SUV market would explode...which, in actuality, it did. And then oil prices sky rocketed, and as per usual, the consumer got scared. The funny part of all this is that Vespas, which were selling like HOT CAKES a year ago, dropped in sales drastically now that oil is cheaper again. People will never learn...they actually think oil will stay this cheap? lol...

-Too many models, too many brands. How many different versions of the same car do we REALLY need? Dont like the Sierra? Get the Silverado. Dont like the Cobalt? Get the G5. Its excessive and pointless. Same goes for other companies, too. Trim the fat, get rid of the worst companies, and go with your strongest brands and improve on a single car GREATLY, versus improving several cars barely...

I'm not saying that many Japanese cars ARENT superior to many American cars right now. Not at all. All I'm trying to say, is that many American cars aren't NEARLY as bad as you make them seem. The new Malibu is leaps and bounds better in quality and fit/finish than ever before. The Focus is one of the best sub-compacts on the market. ANY American pickup is better than the Ridgeline in utility (no, a silly storage area in the bed would never make me want to buy that poor excuse for a "truck"). Cadillac's CTS is an amazing luxury car, and one of the best in its segment. The Mustang is being viewed by MANY magazines as a huge performance bang-for-the-buck (even over the 370Z).

I could go on and on here. I appreciate your enthusiasm for a particular market, and there is nothing wrong with it. But there is a difference between being enthusiastic for a type of car, versus completely blinding yourself of OTHER types of cars purposefully just because you don't like them. It all goes back to being able to appreciate any type of car (even if its from a brand you don't appreciate), versus just the ones you like.
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Old 04-18-2009, 09:33 AM   #54 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MightyBobo View Post
All you had to say was the first sentence, and now I know why you have each others backs lol.

There is a LOT more to why GM and other domestics are struggling right now, than quality issues. Again, you're generalizing instead of looking at the big picture. Just a few reasons off the top of my head:

-Excessive labor costs here, particularly due to health care and retirement. Japanese cars have about $1000 of a cars value going to these things. American cars send about $2000-2500. In the end, thanks to unions, workers are getting FAR too much for how little they do...

-Putting too many eggs in one basket. They hoped the SUV market would explode...which, in actuality, it did. And then oil prices sky rocketed, and as per usual, the consumer got scared. The funny part of all this is that Vespas, which were selling like HOT CAKES a year ago, dropped in sales drastically now that oil is cheaper again. People will never learn...they actually think oil will stay this cheap? lol...

-Too many models, too many brands. How many different versions of the same car do we REALLY need? Dont like the Sierra? Get the Silverado. Dont like the Cobalt? Get the G5. Its excessive and pointless. Same goes for other companies, too. Trim the fat, get rid of the worst companies, and go with your strongest brands and improve on a single car GREATLY, versus improving several cars barely...

I'm not saying that many Japanese cars ARENT superior to many American cars right now. Not at all. All I'm trying to say, is that many American cars aren't NEARLY as bad as you make them seem. The new Malibu is leaps and bounds better in quality and fit/finish than ever before. The Focus is one of the best sub-compacts on the market. ANY American pickup is better than the Ridgeline in utility (no, a silly storage area in the bed would never make me want to buy that poor excuse for a "truck"). Cadillac's CTS is an amazing luxury car, and one of the best in its segment. The Mustang is being viewed by MANY magazines as a huge performance bang-for-the-buck (even over the 370Z).

I could go on and on here. I appreciate your enthusiasm for a particular market, and there is nothing wrong with it. But there is a difference between being enthusiastic for a type of car, versus completely blinding yourself of OTHER types of cars purposefully just because you don't like them. It all goes back to being able to appreciate any type of car (even if its from a brand you don't appreciate), versus just the ones you like.
all i said was jappanesse had better quality. ok american cars have a couple that not enough to beat jappanesse. at the end we will see if gm actually survives this economic problem. i doubt it. but you never know. intul this labor unions actually start doing some real labors except of working just to work. then maybe just maybe american cars will actually be in competition to other foreign cars. till then japan owns. lol
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Old 04-18-2009, 09:42 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by juan05 View Post
all i said was jappanesse had better quality. ok american cars have a couple that not enough to beat jappanesse. at the end we will see if gm actually survives this economic problem. i doubt it. but you never know. intul this labor unions actually start doing some real labors except of working just to work. then maybe just maybe american cars will actually be in competition to other foreign cars. till then japan owns. lol
GM will survive - there are far too many jobs that depend on GM and the other companies to simply let them disappear. The government will save them, GM will trim their fat (like Saturn, Pontiac and Hummer), and we all will move on. Hopefully, GM will be a little bit wiser this time around and focus their money on improving fit and finish, rather than making 10 billion models of the same car using the same platforms. They have LOTS of quality vehicles, its just a matter of improving them.

*sigh* But you're young I can tell. Im not that old either, but I remember back when I was all for GM and nothing but, just because my family was all GM. Thankfully I matured and realized theres a lot more to getting a good car than simply assuming that all vehicles from a certain part of the world are bad or good simply because they come from there
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Old 04-18-2009, 11:21 AM   #56 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MightyBobo View Post
GM will survive - there are far too many jobs that depend on GM and the other companies to simply let them disappear. The government will save them, GM will trim their fat (like Saturn, Pontiac and Hummer), and we all will move on. Hopefully, GM will be a little bit wiser this time around and focus their money on improving fit and finish, rather than making 10 billion models of the same car using the same platforms. They have LOTS of quality vehicles, its just a matter of improving them.

*sigh* But you're young I can tell. Im not that old either, but I remember back when I was all for GM and nothing but, just because my family was all GM. Thankfully I matured and realized theres a lot more to getting a good car than simply assuming that all vehicles from a certain part of the world are bad or good simply because they come from there
im not all about jappanesse cadillac i respect. cts is very nice car. gm just need exactly what you said improve their cars. till then...well idk. so yea they need to actually start competing against other brands be moore aggresive. build their cars with more passion. 370z is probably one of the best cars invented. yes it may have some faults but not that many. remember humans make it. we all make mistakes only GM makes more...jaja jk
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Old 04-20-2009, 09:10 AM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by juan05 View Post
im not all about jappanesse cadillac i respect. cts is very nice car. gm just need exactly what you said improve their cars. till then...well idk. so yea they need to actually start competing against other brands be moore aggresive. build their cars with more passion. 370z is probably one of the best cars invented. yes it may have some faults but not that many. remember humans make it. we all make mistakes only GM makes more...jaja jk
My blanket statement:
The only mistake GM has is the labor unions; which for some reason the US still supports. Hopefully GM will file chapter 11, get rid of all the unions, and will finally be able to compete... Till then, they will keep paying a guy $75 a hour to sweep with a broom.

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Old 04-20-2009, 11:25 AM   #58 (permalink)
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yeah after all get the camaro. helps keep the z a bit more rare and itll help the american economy get back on track. Its your american duty to buy the camaro . wink,wink
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Old 04-20-2009, 02:58 PM   #59 (permalink)
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fyi here are the most recalled cars of 07

1. Volkswagen New Beetle: 1,002,000
2. Toyota Sequoia: 533,124
3. Jeep Liberty: 149,605
4. Nissan Altima: 140,582
5. Hyundai Tucson: 128,300
6. Dodge Nitro, Jeep Wrangler: 80,894
7. Suzuki Forenza, Reno: 75,697
8. Volkswagen Passat, Passat Wagon: 58,800
9. Chrysler Sebring, 300, Dodge Caliber, Magnum, Charger, Nitro, Jeep Compass, Liberty, Commander, Grand Cherokee, Wrangler: 50,665
10. Infiniti G35 Coupe: 23,934
11. Chevrolet Aveo: 17,676
12. Nissan Versa: 16,309
13. GMC Acadia, Saturn Outlook: 13,032
14. Ford Expedition: 10,061

as you can see there are 6 asian, 6 american, 2 german vehicles on the list

so with that said if you want reliability get a jag
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Old 04-20-2009, 03:01 PM   #60 (permalink)
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do you really want a bunch of internet strangers pick the car you will have in the near future?

Go drive them both and chose for yourself....
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