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import111 03-23-2011 08:20 PM

I don't do the mp3 thing. I still prefer CD's and use the CD player daily.

bleufiend 03-23-2011 08:32 PM

Nope, aux in for my iphone.

OldGuy 03-23-2011 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dwight Frye (Post 1006367)
I'd use the CD player even more if the car wasn't so damn noisy inside. You ipod generation youngsters don't even know or care that the music is compressed and seriously compromised in order to store it in that fashion.
But then again if your are listening to Chris Brown and other currently popular artists it doesn't matter.

I guess that's why the tracks played by my iPod through the Aux port are so much weaker than the songs played on cd's through the cd player. I don't suppose there's anything I can do to improve that. The iPod is so much easier to use than all those cd's---which were a great improvement over all those cassette tapes I used to carry around----which were a great improvement over those 8 tracks I was thrilled to use, etc. etc. etc. but all true. How far we've come from the days of only an AM radio in my first car!

themann1984 03-23-2011 08:42 PM

I don't get it.

Let's say you're cruising down the highway or any other road and you want to listen to a particular artist or song. How do you fiddle with your tiny ipod player to find the song without getting into a car wreck? I feel like that would be kind of like texting while driving.

CDs are easy to pop in and out of the player with minimal driving distraction. And you can just as easily create customizable CDs.

By the way. I didn't get the Nav system, either. $2,000 for something that will be obsolete in a couple years and that my phone can do just as easily didn't seem worth it. So that could also be part of my problem.

And to be consistent.
The 370 Z is pure sex! It is hot, loud, and rough!

sonic370 03-23-2011 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by OldGuy (Post 1006575)
I guess that's why the tracks played by my iPod through the Aux port are so much weaker than the songs played on cd's through the cd player. I don't suppose there's anything I can do to improve that. The iPod is so much easier to use than all those cd's---which were a great improvement over all those cassette tapes I used to carry around----which were a great improvement over those 8 tracks I was thrilled to use, etc. etc. etc. but all true. How far we've come from the days of only an AM radio in my first car!

play your iPod using the USB cable it will sound way better
Than the aux cable. and you should be able to control your ipod features from your HU

OldGuy 03-23-2011 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by sonic370 (Post 1006594)
play your iPod using the USB cable it will sound way better
Than the aux cable

I have the base model---no music box, so there's no ability for me to use a USB cable, right? Or, am I missing something?

sonic370 03-23-2011 09:06 PM

If you've got the base unit your pretty much stuck with what you have.Using the aux cable. It works it's just not as good a signal

optiontrader 03-23-2011 11:40 PM

Thanks for the replies, all - poll looks so far what I was expecting.

(Dunno how to edit the poll to include Music Box - can anyone steer me in the right direction?)

Keep the replies coming!

sonic370 03-24-2011 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by ProfessorDave (Post 1006503)
Yes, under these circumstances:
I forgot my iPod
I left the iPod in the Mazda, then decided to take the Z
I forgot my iPod and got tired of listening to my FI exhaust (OK, that's a lie...I never get tired of listening to my FI exhaust)

Which is why i just bought a second ipod from a pawn shop. i know but don't laughi got a 60 day warranty. if it doesn't go down by then it won' it only cost 29.95 with cable works great. didn't have time to go thur amazon.

KaienZ34 03-24-2011 08:37 AM

Nope, haven't bought a cd since 1995. Physical format is dead, this includes cd's, dvd's, blu-ray, games, etc....

Knewrome 03-24-2011 01:04 PM

CDs? Never!

Guys, if you have a Z without NAV, but do have Sattelite-ready radio, there is a simple and elegant option to get full music functionality from your iPod and/or iPhone. Do yourself a favor and look into getting a module from USA-Spec or a similar manufacturer.

The module was about $160 installed. It's a tiny box that is mounted behind your factory stereo. I had them run a cable w/ iPod connector to the center console.

The unit charges the iPhone/iPod, song and artist information are displayed on the head unit and it has worked seamlessly for over a year for me. Sattelite functionality IS retained - you don't lose it by going this route.

My only nitpicky complaint is that you can't skip tracks using the steering wheel controls (volume works fine).

Just throwing this out there. :tiphat:

Sizzle 03-24-2011 01:42 PM

I've never used the CD changer, I have a 16GB flashdrive in the USB slot...I'm going to experiment with a 500GB portable HDD later in the spring.

Jessobear 03-24-2011 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Dwight Frye (Post 1006367)
I'd use the CD player even more if the car wasn't so damn noisy inside. You ipod generation youngsters don't even know or care that the music is compressed and seriously compromised in order to store it in that fashion.
But then again if your are listening to Chris Brown and other currently popular artists it doesn't matter.

Whoa! Dad, did you create an account on the forum with the screen name "Dwight Frye"?

I'm sorry but this is a crock. My dad has said the exact same thing and I know for a fact he has never actually A/B'd a recording on a CD and an MP3. He is simply parroting back something someone told him or he heard somewhere. Even if he is partially right, it has nothing to do with the compression of the storage format, it has to do with the compression done in the production of the music. Seriously, look up "Loudness War" on Wikipedia. It's really nerdy but it explains what you're hearing.

The main reason this is a crock is that the sound fidelity on a car stereo, especially when road/wind/engine noise is factored in (not to mention that you're sitting inside a metal can), is not close to high enough to discern the difference between a CD and a properly done MP3 recording. You would need a proper, quiet room and audiophile components to do this.

The other thing is that people made this EXACT SAME argument when CD's came out in the 80's. All the purists claimed that you could hear the difference between a sampled, discreet recording and a continuous sound wave generated on a vinyl LP.

Sizzle 03-24-2011 02:07 PM

I agree.

Maybe back in the day when storage constraints made for very low bitrate MP3's. I play my high bitrate songs through my home stereo and I can't tell the difference.

And I don't find the Z to be THAT noisy inside...

StLRedrider 03-24-2011 03:03 PM

never used it!!!!!

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