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Just got a ticket
Does anyone here know anything about getting a ticket dismissed? I got a ticket for going 64 in a 55 last night and while it's a cheap ticket I don't want my insurance to go up. The officer put the wrong model car (350ZX) and the wrong time (11a.m. Instead of p.m.) does anyone know if these are grounds for dismissal?
Not sure about the US but a ticket that small will not effect your insurance in Canada
you can always show up in court and ask to see when the radar gun was last calabrated by that officer. if they do not show up or have the documentation the judge will most likely throw it out. The judge may throw it out due to it being only 9 and you could say it may be because of your speedo not being accurate due to tires, etc.
Once here in TX, I got a ticket for 155 in a 55 on my GSXR.. The ticket was
about 800 dollars if paid. The thing is, I was going way faster than that, so I knew there was something fishy about things.. I decided to take it to a jury trial. Needless to say that that ticket was held up in court for about 7 months until my trial. I go to court and the officer that gave me the ticket was not there.. The judge threw it out.. |
But really, 9 over won't really kill you on the insurance side I don't think. I got a 15 over once and it did nothing. |
I got a 10 kms over not miles and it did nothing to my insurance
Well it was reduced from 15
Do they allow defensive driving or some other option?
In Texas if under a certain limit over (I think 15mph) you can take defensive driving and it will not show up on your record. You do still pay a small fee to the court but it is nice, only downside is you can only do this option once every few years in Texas. |
In California most people would opt for "Traffic School" which costs a few bucks but keeps the points off your record, thus not raising rates. For a ticket that minor, I would take the hit though and save traffic school for bigger tickets.
If you were actually going faster, the officer cut you a break and wrote you for 9 over. If you fight it in court, you'll face amendment by the officer to the actual speed which will lower your chance. If you use an attorney they'll represent you and likely motion to plea; in other words, court fees, lesser fine, no points, possibly driver improvement course, etc. It'll end up costing more than the actual citation. See if your state offers driver improvement school to possibly avoid points.
As far as the wrong time and vehicle information, courts aren't going to look at them as the citation does have your license plate and driver information to provide proof beyond reasonable doubt it was you and your vehicle. |
Ya I could do traffic school but my real question is if those innacuracies on the ticket would get it dismissed. I've always heard that if the cop messes certain things up that it will be dismissed.
when i usually go to court i would always have to pay a fine, but it does not show up in my record.
:hello::roflpuke2: |
Instead, I would go to court. If traffic school's an option, then do it. And if your officer doesn't show up, there will be no one to refute your testimony, causing the judge to accept whatever you plea as your verdict. In MD and some other states, we have "Deferred judgment" or "Probation before judgment", which means that if you plead guilty, the judge may place you on probation, so that the offense stays off your record unless you are pulled over again within the next X years. |
Wrong car wrong time I wasn't there.
edit: just read the post before mine, maybe my suggestion would only work with traffic cameras. |
I'd rather show up to court and present the facts. If the officer's there, I was guilty, can the court show leniency? If the officer's not there, then I present that no one is there to support the ticket's merits, so the judge will throw it out. |
I got caught doing 86 in a 55 and went to court with no lawyer and the DA drop it down to 9 over and it's not on my record. But the price was the same.
Another time, not for speeding, I brought my father as a witness, and when I introduced him, the judge railed off about how he was caught in a similar situation a few weeks beforehand and threw the case right out. The only ticket that's ever "stuck" was on a military base, where they forced us to enter a plea before entering the courtroom. I got Probation Before Judgment. That was the last ticket I've had, and that was the same day Dimebag Darrell died, so I've been a pretty clean driver for a long time now. |
I got one for 9 over and I just sent the payment. Plus it was out of town in SC.
That was my XMas gift. :shakes head: |
And every traffic court case I've sat through, I've never seen the judge order the defendent to pay anything more than the cost of the ticket. They usually decrease the ticket cost by court costs and order you to pay it. Again, I haven't been to court in the last 6-7 yrs, so that may have changed. |
At least VA no longer hands out $1000 add-on charges with the tickets...
In Florida you can elect to go to traffic school and get no points. You can do it once every 12 months up to a maximum of 5 times in your life.
If you fight it you better hope that the cop doesn't show or there is a problem with the laser/radar gun documentation. Not many cases are getting dismissed these days, they want your money! |
Why don't you just phone your insurer and ask the simple question: " I got a 9mph over speedlimit ticket...will this affect my insurance? " Make the phonecall.. you won't go to jail for making a phone call and asking someone who will give you the right answer instead of asking us on a msg board who will give you opinions or our own life stories.
I got two tickets. one was 73 in a 55 and the other was 90 in a 70. Neither one made my insurace go up. The first was $93 and the second $277
Locally the cop writes what the actual offense is in a small box next to the official offense. So there is no way of trying to insist that one was not speeding, did not run the stop sign, etc. The judge knows that the cop already gave you a break.
A 9 over ticket is really just an income generator. Showing up can help in some cases. My son was successful in getting a ticket reduced by going to court, being polite, and dressing nice. The judge had him have a conference with the cop, and he agreed to reduce it. Personally, if I'm speeding then I'd pay the ticket. |
one time i got a parking ticket and the meter maid had written down the wrong car color and the ticket got dismissed. |
sarcasm post fails at sarcasm posting. my input is, just pre-pay it or ask for traffic school when you go to court. Either way I doubt it will be dismissed. Sorry bro. |
If you take the class it won't count points towards your insurance. I don't think you can fight it, I went one time to fight a ticket and saw one after another say all kinds of stuff to get out of it and none of them worked. I got a radar detector and keep my eyes open. I go 10mph over usually and so do many cops. But I have noticed that when I'm in my Z the cops tend to radar it more than when I'm in my truck.
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