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Oh god....... LOL. :icon17:
:tup:They're jealous cuz it looks better.
I didn't read all the replies but I'll give you my first-hand expert advice. I have gone through the courts, faught a few speeding tickets and won every time. Here's the deal.
If you admitted/acknowledged to speeding in any way during your traffic stop then do not attempt any of what I'm about to write as you will most likely be exposed by dashboard audio/video or notes taken by the office who ticketed you. They just want their $. If you make the court work, AKA trial, subpoena etc.. they will plea you down to a no-pointer. From what you've stated, you could go a few ways with your arguement. But if you were going more than the written 9mph over and the cop was cutting you a break, you may be opening up a hornets nest. If you want to go to court and fight it, you need to start by submitting your not guilty plea CERTIFIED MAIL - SIGNATURE REQUIRED. And then subpoena the court for documentation necessary to present your case. This is where you can ask for information on the officer that ticketed you, the method that he captured your speed, and also his training for using that equipment as well as the maintenance/calibration records for that device. You could certainly roll-up the innacuracies that he made on your written ticket into a good credibility case but I think the mistakes alone will not get your ticket dismissed. EVERYTHING you ask for will be in writing, certified mail, signature required. Keep everything documented and have these ready for your court date. Here is what will most likely happen: You will never receive any response from your "discovery subpoena". i.e. NO MATERIALS to base your case on... Except your receipts that the court received and IGNORED your requests. You will arrive at court, meet with the prosecutor who will try and convince you that you are not going to win. After you show him that you've subpoena'd the court and they have failed to respond, they will try and postpone your court appearance (regardless of the ticketing officer is there or not). Stand firm and state that you have done everything that you could have done to prepare for this case and that the courts have FAILED. NEVER admit to anything. Stand firm and wait for your plea deal to be offered. This will most likely be a "delay/obstruction of traffic" charge. This is no points but a decent fee. It will remain on your record for 3yrs. I don't have specific details of this charge but it basically stays on your record for 3yrs and if you get any other points then this offense will come back to life and burn your ***. If you keep your record clean, after 3yrs, it's all gone. If you're prepared to invest some of your personal time and money to fight this, you will win. It's not that hard. Me personally, I would much rather keep my record clean than accept a ticket with points, so it was well worth it. I've successfully faught and won 2 cases that I took to trial and they have all gone exactly how I explained. My tickets were 98 in a 55, and 88 in a 65 zone. Good luck! |
Oh shizz nitt..... end it now before the storm comes. ( Sarcasm ) Uh... pay the ticket and take the driver improvement course so it doesn't raise your insurance.
The best way I have found is to use a traffic lawyer. Depending on where you live, for between 100-500 dollars, they will go to court for you, and have the violation reduced to some sort of non-moving violation. Google search "traffic lawyer tampa" and see what you find. Call them, tell them what happened, and see what they say. Can't hurt! I found this after searching... http://www.fightyourtickets.com/ My friend got a speeding ticket, used a lawyer, and it ended up becoming a noise violation :) You have to pay the court fees and attorney fees ($300 in his case) Link to the speeding ticket section... http://www.fightyourtickets.com/prac...g_tickets.aspx |
WTF then is the point of having a fast car when the friggin law does not allow you to exceed the speed limit even when it is safe to do so? Governments make too much money from roadside revenue! Don't get me wrong i am pissed at the government not the z drivers.
It's getting to the speed limit quickly with handling and engine growl is what provides the thrill. Going fast (unless it's really, really fast) is not so thrilling. For me anyway.
Some states like the Republc of Virginia, Driving School ain't $hit for the insurance company. It does nothing for you, Damn freaking state! :mad:
Get a traffic lawyer. The cop made a mistake called a scribners error. You will pay but your lawyer will get the judge to withhold adjudication. Call Dom Ferriello. Not sure of the spelling of his name. You'll find him.
Plead not guilty. Keep putting off the court date for a year, then show up with proof that you were at work for instance, at 11 AM. The Judge will be hard pressed to find guilt, when the cop, a year later, can't even be sure you were the one driving. It has worked for my buddy a couple of times without the benefit of a typo on the ticket.
If you lose you can always take traffic school. |
If anything is wrong on a ticket the judge can dismiss it. I keep my dads address on mine just cause a cop is suppost to ask is the address correct. If he does not, which none do, then the ticket is thrown out because I do not live there. So I would bring it up to the judge that the car model and time is wrong.
Did i told you i went last weekend 165 mph over the german autobahn, and it was not illegal
Sometimes i love it to live in germany. Be careful because you can get tickets for speeding here also....its not everywhere allowed to drove that fast. Best wishes form Zermany :) |
Some sections of the Autobahn has Speed Limits and cameras also. |
Is this your first ticket? Your insurance company might not even care. Right before I got the Z, I has a $210 speeding ticket that I paid and the insurance company didn't even see it (according to my agent). My insurance didn't go up, only some de-merit points from the DoT or something. |
OK seriously this thread needs to stop...
I probably have had more speeding tickets than the whole lot of you combined and most of them I get reduced or dropped. In the OP's case if it was originally only 9mph over just pay the fine. Anything under 14mph over does not get reported to your insurance company. Also your infraction is a zero point based rule (here in GA). Most of the times if you go to court the judge will change it to a county ordinance or something thats not a moving violation or drop it entirely... I have seen it dozens of times. for 9mph over you DO NOT NEED A LAWYER lmao if you got 9mph as a reduction of speed your still fine! I just got one in NC from a State trooper headed the opposite direction for 78 in a 55. I have prepaid legal and will have my lawyer get it reduced to under 14mph get zero points and send them a check. Its a money system to them they really honestly do not care about driver safety!!! if they did they would follow the european standard for speed limits where the right lanes have one speed and the left lanes have another and you get a license for what speed you are qualified to drive at and you post a sticker on your car. There are soooo many things I would change about our traffic systems its not funny. It is like they made everything an idiot could do it and guess what we have too many idiots on the road!!! |
The problem with traffic ticket threads is that laws vary so much between the states, what seems like good advice in one state may be the exact thing NOT to do in another.
Georgia clearly has different laws than other states. 9 over IS reported to your insurance company in Florida. It's also 3 points on your license. From FL DMV: Unlawful speed - 15 MPH or less over lawful or posted speed 3 Points |
Bullitt is absolutly right. We do have it made in some departments though. I have had several dropped/reduced and not on my record. Due to my job pulls my record every year. I have a CDL and there are stricter laws for us. That's why I had to go to court to get them reduce to keep my CDL. But I have been good for awhile now.Two major offenses in three years (kind of harsh) you lose your CDL for 60 days. Major offense for CDL's are running light/ stop sign, 15 over, following to closely, school zone violation, and DUI, which can only be half the legal limit of a normal driver. So that's not much.
I have hired a lawyer for about 10 years now for all my traffic citations. My man has won about 15 cases for me, lost 0. Yes, I drive fast, it's a hobby. Hire a very good lawyer.
Your traffic violations go on something called a Motor Vehicle Report. Most states charge insurance companies a lot of money to view these reports. At least, a lot compared to what you pay for 6 months of auto insurance premium. Thus, companies usually only check these reports at new business. Therefore, unless you decide to switch insurance companies it is unlikely your insurance company will find out.
Also, why don't we demand that our politicians relax the driving laws? We're the voters! They should fear us! |
In my area (Philadelphia) usually if you show up for your ticket you can usually work out something with the judge, if you don't have a history of tickets. Multiple occasions I just payed the fine and they waived the points. Just don't be a jerk with "The Man" and they might be cool with you. It's really all dependent on where you live and the nature of the ticket..a 9 over is nothing so its worth a shot to ask.
They will ask you to plead innocent or guilty. Do neither. Tell them you want to speak with the prosecuting attorney. They will shuffle you to the back of the line, as it were, and you will get your chance to speak with the attorney. At this point, I always politely admit that I was in the wrong, and understand that a fee must be paid, but that I don't have the extra $$ to cover driving-school to keep it off my insurance (in my state, they will dismiss 1 ticket per year via a 1-day course at a driving school where they show you videos of drinking/driving accidents and try to make you feel bad). I tell them I don't have the $50 or $75 or whatever, and that I was able swing the money I needed to pay my ticket, but that was all, and I sure can't afford an insurance price hike--gas alone is killer as it is! At this point, they will either hard-line you and you get the ticket and the driving school (you qualify for that per my state and TX, for your speed, btw, if that means anything)--or they will confer with the judge. What has always happened in my case is I get charged $120 for a missing gas-cap or some other such nonsense. The last ticket I did this with was a 41 in a 25 residential area. Hey, it was a huge 2-lane with noone and no cars on it and the bastard was hiding behind a bush and had his motorcycle out of site. I felt cheated. Good luck! ALWAYS GO TO COURT! Court fee's for the arraignment are included in the ticket. Make sure you get your money's worth out of the damn thing! I have only had ONE ticket ever stick, and it was an 89 in a 60 and the cop had been jockeying a desk for 5 years and was itching to draw some blood. The court did allow me to take the driving-course and keep it off insurance. In LA, tickets are cheap. That costme $160+Driving-school=$200 total. |
I got my first ticket in 15 years this fall. 65 in a 55. Cop was a total ****, of course it was in a "work zone" so it was a double fine too. I didn't have time time to fvck with the system so I just paid it.
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