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kensin0429 12-22-2010 01:01 AM

handbreak wasnt on,rear end collusion.
well,isnt all that bad

but today i forgot to set my handbreak when i parked,and my car rolld back
to another persons car.
i moved forward,and try to see the damage,and found nothing.
my back bumper is fine with no hair on it .

but the other persons back bumper haves a circle mark (size of a shirt button)
and it was RUSTED (chip flake)
the person trys to blame that on me .
other then that there is no damage at all , ie no dents nothing.
what makes me wonder is , the back bumper of my Z doesnt have anything size or shape that way to cause it .

we exchanged our insurance info. and i took off. ( the police told us they were gonna take 2 hours to get to the scene)

and 2 hours ago the insurance company called me and left a messege about my claim. and wants me to call back.

so , now im just all :shakes head: what should i do ?
should i call my insurance to tell them this ?
will they some how come up with a big *** bill saying thats what i gota pay ?

thanks every one

Cyberium 12-22-2010 01:36 AM

Here's the deal. It's your fault no matter how you look at it. Since the other car is a POS, I'm assuming he's going to try and get as much money out of your insurance company as possible to fix any damage to his car. Even if your car didn't do the damage he's saying it did, you'll most likely have to pay.

How much? Well as much as it costs to fix his problem. That's why you have insurance =)

kensin0429 12-22-2010 01:39 AM

I know . But my rates will go up .
But I didn't cause the damage they claim I did.
What can I do in this case ? They already filed a claim against me
But I'm not letting them have any story from my side yet .
I'm confused :(

Cyberium 12-22-2010 01:42 AM

What's your side of the story? You forgot to set the hand brake? I don't think that's going to help at all =)

You'll have to pay whatever your insurance company deems reasonable. I mean if they come back with a 5000 dollar bill saying it needs a new front bumper, etc of course they will fight it. But I could see it being easily 500 bucks or so

Holliday 12-22-2010 03:06 AM

You should settle without the insurance companies. Offer him $500 and he will run with it! HAHA! That is at least your deductible anyways. It will cost more than that in the long run when you premium, goes up from it.

Good Luck :tup:

spearfish25 12-22-2010 06:12 AM

^that's what I'd do. Call the guy, tell him that insurance will only be a headache, and ask how much cash he thinks will cover the damage. Negotiate and then give it to him. Then you're done and no insurance issues.

ClemsonWill 12-22-2010 07:00 AM

:iagree: My wife just had a similar situation. We settled outside of insurance to save her premiums from going up. Just make sure you get documentation.

flashburn 12-22-2010 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by spearfish25 (Post 861667)
^that's what I'd do. Call the guy, tell him that insurance will only be a headache, and ask how much cash he thinks will cover the damage. Negotiate and then give it to him. Then you're done and no insurance issues.

I think it's too late now. Even if he was to do that, there would be nothing to stop the other guy from continuing with the claim, since he has the other guys insurance info.

I'd just pay the penalty, learn from your mistake, and move on. Regardless of the damage, it was your fault. Insurance inspectors can be pretty stingy, so they might not pay out as much as you think for that guy once they see his car.

m4a1mustang 12-22-2010 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by spearfish25 (Post 861667)
^that's what I'd do. Call the guy, tell him that insurance will only be a headache, and ask how much cash he thinks will cover the damage. Negotiate and then give it to him. Then you're done and no insurance issues.


When I was a dumbass kid I rear-ended another dumbass kid in a Civic when we were driving home from college for Thanksgiving. We exchanged info and instead of going through the insurance my dad wrote his parents a $700 check to cover the repairs and their troubles.

SO... go to your dad and ask him to bail you out. :icon17:

ClemsonWill 12-22-2010 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 861711)

When I was a dumbass kid I rear-ended another dumbass kid in a Civic when we were driving home from college for Thanksgiving. We exchanged info and instead of going through the insurance my dad wrote his parents a $700 check to cover the repairs and their troubles.

SO... go to your dad and ask him to bail you out. :icon17:


m4a1mustang 12-22-2010 07:56 AM

BTW... thread title "rear end collusion."

An agreement between two parties in reference to illegal activities involving their rear ends. :bowrofl:

Mt Tam I am 12-22-2010 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 861715)
BTW... thread title "rear end collusion."

An agreement between two parties in reference to illegal activities involving their rear ends. :bowrofl:



Cell 12-22-2010 09:38 AM

Should do what my cousin does.

He was delivering food at the time and he rear ended another lady. My cousin got out the car and started to scream at the lady like it was her fault. She got scared, said sorry and left...

I was amazed at how stupid the lady is to think it was her fault.

I have another cousin that reversed into his friend's car. My cousin got out his car and yelled at him and blamed him for parking there. His friend ended up saying sorry. I couldn't stop laughing...

Both accidents were my cousins fault.

As for your claim, you should of settled outside your insurance to avoid that increased rate. Did you at least take TONS of pictures? I would of taken like 400 pictures from close to far and from the position you guys were at.

daisuke149 12-22-2010 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Cell (Post 861831)
Should do what my cousin does.

He was delivering food at the time and he rear ended another lady. My cousin got out the car and started to scream at the lady like it was her fault. She got scared, said sorry and left...

I was amazed at how stupid the lady is to think it was her fault.

I have another cousin that reversed into his friend's car. My cousin got out his car and yelled at him and blamed him for parking there. His friend ended up saying sorry. I couldn't stop laughing...

Both accidents were my cousins fault.

As for your claim, you should of settled outside your insurance to avoid that increased rate. Did you at least take TONS of pictures? I would of taken like 400 pictures from close to far and from the position you guys were at.

one day your cousin is gonna yell at the wrong guy and get shot.

kenchan 12-22-2010 10:09 AM

kensin- you dont really need a police report for a fender bender. :) just snap some shots, take notes (time of day, weather, location, other person's info if they give them to you, etc) and call/email your insurance agent to expect a call from the other person's insurance for wat happened. chances are their agent will contact your agent first.

GL with the repairs.

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