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shoopajae10 11-19-2010 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by RiCharlie (Post 815211)
You have caused me untold misery!! ( LOL) I am recovering from prostate cancer surgery and one of the problems is "leakage". I have these pads that you wear under your underwear.. on one side is an absorbent material and the other is a very sticky layer that sticks to your underwear to keep this pad in place.. I was laughing so hard at your post while changing that I got the wrong side in the wrong place!! The result was the absorbent part was against my undies and the sticky part stuck to my private parts!!!! Oh my God trying to get my private part lose was so damn painful!!! ha ha ha!! all thanks to you!

I lol'ed...

butdamnbrian 11-19-2010 02:32 PM

on topic: like kenchan mentioned in another thread, nurturing the wife/gf's expensive purse habit goes a long way when it comes time to buy the ride. "when it comes down to it babe, your new purse could pay my monthly for the rest of the year! so what's your beef with the new car?" victory right there.

off topic: never ever cool to hit a female ever. and it's not the same as fighting a weaker guy. if that's sexist, then i'm sexist. i'm ok with that haha.

dixon cider 11-19-2010 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by turbodog (Post 816013)
Well, to sort of get back on topic, ahem:
My wife came home one day and said "we need to buy you a sports car."
I spent a week or so driving various cars, and settled on the Z. She came and hung out with me at the dealership while I made the deal.

She had just finished a Master's degree (which cost 1/2 the price of the car) while also working full time. During that time I took over a lot of household workload so she could focus on school. She is very happy with the new job her degree brought her, and wanted to spread the joy. Mission accomplished, I'd say....

Now that's a good woman!! Congrats. :tiphat:

ClemsonWill 11-19-2010 02:46 PM

Everytime I come by this thread I start smiling.

shoopajae10 11-19-2010 03:08 PM

It makes me feel all warm inside. =)

ProfessorDave 11-19-2010 03:13 PM

Wife got a puppy. I got a Z. On the same day.

Off topic: Does spanking count?

ImportConvert 11-19-2010 05:47 PM

Meh. I still think this thread can be simply summed up: Who's paying for it? It's THAT person's call.

If she is a threat, neutralize her in the least violent way possible. If that means punching instead of shooting, then that. If it means pinning instead of punching, then yay for that. Same for any other animal, person, etc.

ImportConvert 11-19-2010 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by ProfessorDave (Post 816149)
Wife got a puppy. I got a Z. On the same day.

Off topic: Does spanking count?

If you live in a state like LA, then it is probably going to fall under "consent to battery" if you want to get all technical.

Dwight Frye 11-19-2010 06:17 PM

I'm divorced. I buy what I want, do what I want, and the only person that I answer to is the person who pays my salary.

frost 11-19-2010 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by elm_tx (Post 815558)
Are you Sh@@ting me? Some of the folks on this sight just amaze me. Are you saying YOU think it's right to hit a woman? I'm not saying they can't push your buttons to the point that you want to do it, but it's just flat out wrong. Maybe I'm sexist, but if a guy wants to take his chances with me, that's his problem. However with a woman, it's a safe bet I'm stronger and she's going to get hurt. It's just not the right thing to do and if you think other wise than you need to go talk to your dad and grow up.:shakes head:

Only open fist. Then it's okay.

antennahead 11-19-2010 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by frost (Post 816657)
Only open fist. Then it's okay.

LMAO, I should have known you'd respond with something like this :bowrofl:

antennahead 11-19-2010 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by SmoothZ (Post 815525)
I'm curious, too. If women wanted to be treated equally, they should man up and be able to take a few hits every now and then. I also think they should help pick up the tab for Valentine's day, parties at strip clubs, and tickets to a sporting event.


Dude, they live by that "double standard equality", you should know that :rolleyes:

frost 11-19-2010 10:29 PM

Any woman who can't take a punch isn't a woman I'd want to be with anyway.

antennahead 11-19-2010 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by ProfessorDave (Post 816149)
Wife got a puppy. I got a Z. On the same day.

Off topic: Does spanking count?

Spanking, 9 times out of 10, is desired, even begged for :tiphat:

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I can still hear her now: "spank me Daddy, harder...... harder" :excited:

dixon cider 11-19-2010 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by antennahead (Post 816697)
Spanking, 9 times out of 10, is desired, even begged for :tiphat:

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I can still hear her now: "spank me Daddy, harder...... harder" :excited:

Man antenna.........

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You sure like that spoiler feature, don'tcha??? :bowrofl::bowrofl: jk

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