steveg78 |
11-09-2010 11:42 PM |
Jesus guys, lay off the crack. I was in no way trying to dog anyone. I was actually giving props to the lincoln and One_Quick_Z. I mean come on guys, I'm a Z owner! Of course you wanted to defend the Z, yadda yadda yadda... I simply found a RECENT video that hasn't been posted 1,000 times (clear Z anyone?), and it was pretty impressive. It's amazing how debates start in just about every thread and of the simplest of topics. And then some people start expanding the BS and implying that I don't even understand drag racing when I haven't even said anything else?!?!?! I know what test and tune is. I know what bracket racing is; I've done it for over 10yrs. I grew up 5 miles from Englishtown Raceway Park in Old Bridge, NJ. I worked there as a kid. I've seen a 22 second Chevy Cavalier station wagon WIN bracket racing contests. And I've even won for my bracket once back in the mid-90's with my 300ZX. So I KNOW this video means nothing except the Z threw up respectable numbers and that Lincoln is badass (and OBVIOUSLY NOT STOCK). And for the guy who thinks a 290HP car vs a stock 370 would be a close race just because the closeness in HP, learn about power to weight ratio as well in addition to gearing and torque.
There's something I need to get off my chest here and I think this is the time to say it:
I feel a lot of people here are quick to jump to conclusions and attack people. I personally am hesitant to even post a lot of times because I just want to say something or ask a question and not get a wise-*** remark. And yes I know this is "the internet" and I certainly know how to take heat when it is due or in good humor. But people here are really a downer. I mean is it just me? Maybe I'm too old for this sh!t and I should relent back to lurker status and extract the useful info that is available here and remain a quiet member. When I owned the 300ZX the Z community was a lot different and there were a lot of cool people. Not much banter about a simple video posted up. I enjoy reading and learning about the 370Z here and researching mods... I think AK does a good job with this site and that is why I paid for membership but really the attitudes of some people here is pretty crappy.
Thanks and let the flames begin!