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Waiz 09-24-2010 04:03 PM

The Official Z Greeting
The next time you're on the road and you spot another Z owner I encourage you to do the Z wave to acknowledge them. :icon17:

frost 09-24-2010 04:06 PM

Hmm, I think I like the original greeting more

gladeslvrcoq 09-24-2010 04:10 PM

G Fo12ce 09-24-2010 04:12 PM

LOL the Z wave. I approve of this message. Flex that bicep for proper form.

shadoquad 09-24-2010 04:13 PM

face down, arse up
that's the way we like to...

greet fellow Z owners.

Also, pants optional.

G Fo12ce 09-24-2010 04:15 PM

Everyone should now post here if they got Z waved. It'll be like the local sightings threads.

Waiz 09-24-2010 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by gladeslvrcoq (Post 735890)

Ah yes, she is doing the JDM wave. :icon18:


Originally Posted by G Fo12ce (Post 735894)
LOL the Z wave. I approve of this message. Flex that bicep for proper form.


The only stipulation is that you need to keep your hand really straight otherwise it turns into :superghey:


Originally Posted by shadoquad (Post 735897)
face down, arse up
that's the way we like to...

greet fellow Z owners.

Also, pants optional.


kenchan 09-24-2010 04:37 PM

wow that is embarrassing...

not good for JDM eyes. :icon14:

6MT 09-24-2010 04:43 PM


Red__Zed 09-24-2010 05:05 PM

looks pretty homo, not gonna lie...

sonic370 09-24-2010 08:14 PM

It would be nice to get at least one wave sometime. most times guys never wave. what is it about some z drivers? it's kinda a unwritten thing with vette guys to wave,even people in there boats will wave at each other.

frost 09-24-2010 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by sonic370 (Post 736222)
It would be nice to get at least one wave sometime. most times guys never wave. what is it about some z drivers? it's kinda a unwritten thing with vette guys to wave,even people in there boats will wave at each other.

I gave up trying to wave at Z owners. Which is sad, because every other car I've had, there has always been comradery in for the form of waving.

370Zsteve 09-24-2010 08:18 PM


shadoquad 09-24-2010 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by frost (Post 736225)
I gave up trying to wave at Z owners. Which is sad, because every other car I've had, there has always been comradery in for the form of waving.

I wave all the time. Usually get a wave back. Also usually get a startled expression, but pleasantly startled!

Waiz 09-24-2010 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by 6MT (Post 735944)


Originally Posted by DanGizinski (Post 735977)
looks pretty homo, not gonna lie...



Originally Posted by sonic370 (Post 736222)
It would be nice to get at least one wave sometime. most times guys never wave. what is it about some z drivers? it's kinda a unwritten thing with vette guys to wave,even people in there boats will wave at each other.


Originally Posted by frost (Post 736225)
I gave up trying to wave at Z owners. Which is sad, because every other car I've had, there has always been comradery in for the form of waving.

I just give everyone the finger as a preemptive strike. :bowrofl:

red6spd 09-24-2010 09:21 PM

I give the wave all the time, but dont get it back much. Most guys seem confused??? I dont know. Subaru owners do it all the time, they even honk at each other LOL.

SophiaZ 09-24-2010 11:09 PM

its sad most Z owners don't acknowledge each other. I've beeped and flashed the high beams to many Z's...all 350's around here and I've noticed that when they drive by my house and the Z is outside...I hear them rev their engine kinda like a " Got played" rev. So, not cool. Stop being jealous already GEEZ! Just tryin to give my Z owners props and they play me haha pathetic...

Naytch 09-25-2010 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by SophiaZ (Post 736327)
its sad most Z owners don't acknowledge each other. I've beeped and flashed the high beams to many Z's...all 350's around here and I've noticed that when they drive by my house and the Z is outside...I hear them rev their engine kinda like a " Got played" rev. So, not cool. Stop being jealous already GEEZ! Just tryin to give my Z owners props and they play me haha pathetic...

Dude...350s don't have love for us 370 owners. When I see one i always initiate a greeting...honk/wave...but they just look at me. Its a look of animosity. Since they don't want to be friendly...Ive decided to just give them a pompous smirk as I drive past them.

junior_jam 09-25-2010 05:32 AM

Saw a flawless 300ZX in my rearview mirror yesterday. As it passed, he gave me a thumbs up and I gave him peace. Not everyone is a douche bag.

red6spd 09-25-2010 07:17 AM

I get more nods waves and thumbs up from other sports cars then Z's. Its sad :( LOL

Mt Tam I am 09-25-2010 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by red6spd (Post 736431)
I get more nods waves and thumbs up from other sports cars then Z's. Its sad :( LOL

I get a wave here and there, but never from a NISMO owner. If I ever get a wave back from a NISMO should I report the car stolen?

G Fo12ce 09-25-2010 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Naytch (Post 736403)
Dude...350s don't have love for us 370 owners. When I see one i always initiate a greeting...honk/wave...but they just look at me. Its a look of animosity. I think in their mind we are saying "Since they don't want to be friendly...Ive decided to just give them a pompous smirk as I drive past them.


Originally Posted by junior_jam (Post 736417)
Saw a flawless 300ZX in my rearview mirror yesterday. As it passed, he gave me a thumbs up and I gave him peace. Not everyone is a douche bag.

Waizzz is a 350 owner and a d-bag but he has his moments ;)

So is gladeslvrcoq...

gladeslvrcoq 09-25-2010 12:45 PM

I'm fairly sure that most owners that don't acknowledge have no clue about these forums and are just daily drivers. I have a 350 and I don't bother much anymore because it seems to weird out the other 350/370 drivers.

Waiz 09-25-2010 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by G Fo12ce (Post 736587)
Waizzz is a 350 owner and a d-bag but he has his moments ;)

So is gladeslvrcoq...




Originally Posted by gladeslvrcoq (Post 736592)
I'm fairly sure that most owners that don't acknowledge have no clue about these forums and are just daily drivers. I have a 350 and I don't bother much anymore because it seems to weird out the other 350/370 drivers.

I don't acknowledge a stock 350z for the same reason.

junior_jam 09-25-2010 04:56 PM


Waiz 09-25-2010 04:58 PM

^Nice ninja edit, I almost got you. :icon17:

He's my friend so he was obviously kidding. :tup:

AtomicRob 09-25-2010 10:11 PM

I don't usually wave first, but if I get waved at I retun the gesture. It's not really a big deal tho. The first human response to waves from an unknown person is usually, "do I know him? :confused:", "is he/she waving at me? :confused:", and that can be easily mis-interpreted as someone being a douche. I'd rather avoid that so I never wave first.:icon17:

a smile on the other hand is different. :tup:

Naytch 09-26-2010 05:04 AM

okay, past a 350 today...I honked to establish contact. Person made eye contact and gave me a "whatever dude" kinda look. Thats the last time I'll ever do that.

I also saw an Altima coupe...looks like the dude took pretty good care of it and it was "suped up" with rims and the like...I get a pompous feeling when i drive up to Altima coupes...i dont know why. So i drive up to the guy...he doesnt even turn an eye...but you can read jealousy all over his expression. I wonder what is going through his mind.

Does anyone rev their engine at stop lights? I find myself doing that too (not excessively)

I know, i sound like a douche...but you know, I'm just proud of my baby.

red6spd 09-26-2010 10:01 AM

Parked in a spot at Old Navy yesterday when I saw a 350 drive by. The guy gave me a little glance but then turned away. He parked a few spots away from me got out just as me and my girl where getting out of my Z. I was checking out his 350, it was stock but clean. As he walked away from his car he did the quick head turn over at me then pretty much turned his head the other way and walked away, if there would have been something in front of him he would have walked right into it LOL.

SmoothZ 09-26-2010 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by frost (Post 736225)
I gave up trying to wave at Z owners. Which is sad, because every other car I've had, there has always been comradery in for the form of waving.

I'd be afraid to wave knowing you're in the car.... :eekdance: j/k

I wave all the time. It doesn't bother me if they didn't wave back. Lots of reasons why they don't like not seeing me until it's too late, something in their hand, busy controlling the car or radio, etc.

JACKPAC 09-26-2010 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Waizzz (Post 735876)
The next time you're on the road and you spot another Z owner I encourage you to do the Z wave to acknowledge them. :icon17:

Isn't that the same wave miata drivers give to themselves?

Waiz 09-26-2010 01:04 PM

Straight fingers = Z wave

Fingers pointing down = Miata wave


Waiz 01-05-2011 12:57 AM

My buddy went to the Lakers game and I got him to do the Z wave during the post-game show.

Look in the back of the crowd LOL

specZ 01-05-2011 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Waizzz (Post 881170)
My buddy went to the Lakers game and I got him to do the Z wave during the post-game show.

Look in the back of the crowd LOL


WOW! that made my night. +1

Waiz 01-05-2011 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by specZ (Post 881189)

WOW! that made my night. +1

The Z wave is set for global domination :icon17:

Ron 01-05-2011 01:45 AM

I flashed my high beams to a red w/ sport pkg while on my nismo. He did not even bother to glance...I guess some people just get the car bc its good looking and they don't have passion for the Zs like we do..oh well

ImportConvert 01-05-2011 04:09 AM

At first was wondering if serious. Then I saw SoCal in OP's profile and realized that yes, OP was serious.

Jessobear 01-05-2011 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by gladeslvrcoq (Post 736592)
I'm fairly sure that most owners that don't acknowledge have no clue about these forums and are just daily drivers.

The belief that everyone who owns a certain car is an enthusiast and actively participates in a car forum seems to be a widely held misconception. I don't wave at anyone. I assume that they're just some random schmo who bought the same car I did. If someone waved at me (which has yet to happen) I'd wave back unless they had some really tasteless mods done to their car, in which case I'd ignore them. That's my passive aggressive way of saying that I don't approve of their car.

christian370z 01-05-2011 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Waizzz (Post 881170)
My buddy went to the Lakers game and I got him to do the Z wave during the post-game show.

Look in the back of the crowd LOL

Every time I look at your picture on the OP, I laugh out loud haha. That is :superghey:

Junior370z 01-05-2011 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by christian370z (Post 881704)
Every time I look at your picture on the OP, I laugh out loud haha. That is :superghey:

I agree! If the other driver doesn't see the whole arm wave, he'll think your giving him the wrong signal!:roflpuke2:

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