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cames4 09-06-2010 03:46 AM

Auto-Lock Door Bypass
Anyone know how to bypass the autolocks on the car? I hate it when a car thinks it knows more than me and I have many reasons why I do not want the doors to lock automatically.


Jordo! 09-06-2010 05:42 AM

Can't you manually unlock them, or not unless youre below 11 mph?

Many reasons? Like what :confused:

ClemsonWill 09-06-2010 06:55 AM

I have never really had a problem with them. What's your reasoning behind this?

fullmonty 09-06-2010 07:10 AM

Have they even made a car in the past 10 years that didn't have the auto lock?

nogoodname 09-06-2010 07:14 AM

Do you get in and out of the car every few minutes? Like a pizza delivery person...rofl!!!

My G35 does not auto lock....

ChrisSlicks 09-06-2010 07:59 AM

You can turn it off, the process is described in the owners manual. It was something like turn the car to the On position (but not started) and then hold down the lock button for 5 seconds until the lights flash. Repeat for the unlock button if you wish to disable auto unlock.

Mt Tam I am 09-06-2010 10:22 AM

Read owners manual. It is controlled by left side gauge where MPG, maintenance, etc., and goto SETTINGS, and change it.

Pharmacist 09-06-2010 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by cames4 (Post 709111)
Anyone know how to bypass the autolocks on the car? I hate it when a car thinks it knows more than me and I have many reasons why I do not want the doors to lock automatically.


cames4 09-06-2010 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Pharmacist (Post 709345)

Thanks for the responses everyone. I asked the dealer and they said it could not be done so thought I would hit this tread. Never occured to me to check the OM so certainly know better next time I have a question. Common sense escaped me... :-(

cames4 09-06-2010 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by ClemsonWill (Post 709143)
I have never really had a problem with them. What's your reasoning behind this?

In my line of work, I need to be able to respond to issues and quickly... Thinking about buttons to push to get out of my car is not something I need as a distraction. :-) Goes for airbags and seatbelt warnings as well, I do not like companies forcing their ideas about safety on me. :-) Besides, I help pay for the roads and support police officers when I receive a ticket for not wearing my seatbelt. Call me an idiot if you will but if I want to get out of my car in a hurry, I want to be able to.

On a second note, I will now start researching how to disable the airbags.. :tiphat:

cames4 09-06-2010 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by fullmonty (Post 709157)
Have they even made a car in the past 10 years that didn't have the auto lock?

Yup, my 2003 and 2006 vehicles do not have auto locks..... :happydance:

cames4 09-06-2010 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisSlicks (Post 709179)
You can turn it off, the process is described in the owners manual. It was something like turn the car to the On position (but not started) and then hold down the lock button for 5 seconds until the lights flash. Repeat for the unlock button if you wish to disable auto unlock.

Done, and I am a very happy driver right now... OM section 3-5 and 3-6. Many thanks:happydance:

sonic370 09-06-2010 07:07 PM

am i losing it but doesn't the door auto unlock when you turn the car off?
i don't remember pushing any buttons to exit my car. plus it's cool to here them lock

ChrisSlicks 09-06-2010 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by sonic370 (Post 709836)
am i losing it but doesn't the door auto unlock when you turn the car off?
i don't remember pushing any buttons to exit my car. plus it's cool to here them lock

Yes, lock and unlock and configurable separately.

ProfessorDave 09-06-2010 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by fullmonty (Post 709157)
Have they even made a car in the past 10 years that didn't have the auto lock?

My 2009 Mazda 3 does not autolock. But then again, I did not upgrade to the Miata doors, which I'm sure lock, unlock, launch rockets and parallel park.

axeman71 09-23-2010 10:50 AM

I have a 2010 Roadster and I can't find a way to disable the auto-lock function. According to section 3-5 of my owners manual I can turn the auto-unlock function on or off (where the car unlocks the doors when the car is turned off) but not the auto-lock at 15mph. Is this one of the differences between the '09 and '10 models? Also, there is no option on my trip computer to control this as someone suggested.

JACKPAC 09-23-2010 01:00 PM

I hate my seatbelt too. I'm constantly getting my AK stuck in the damn seatbelt during drive-bys. Frustrating!!

OldGuy 09-23-2010 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by cames4 (Post 709111)
Anyone know how to bypass the autolocks on the car? I hate it when a car thinks it knows more than me and I have many reasons why I do not want the doors to lock automatically.


I agree with you. Those auto locks were a nuisance to me, too. They can easily be disabled. Check your owner's manual.

spearfish25 09-23-2010 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by cames4 (Post 709680)
In my line of work, I need to be able to respond to issues and quickly... Thinking about buttons to push to get out of my car is not something I need as a distraction.

Bank robber who has to run from the cops?
High school retard who does Chinese fire drills at every stoplight?
Participant in Bull Run and have to jump out of the car to save your passenger during each 'challenge' course?
Dominos pizza guy who has to get the pies to the customer in under 30 min?

What could you possibly do for work?

cames4 09-24-2010 08:25 AM

Darned Safety Features.

Originally Posted by spearfish25 (Post 733790)
Bank robber who has to run from the cops?
High school retard who does Chinese fire drills at every stoplight?
Participant in Bull Run and have to jump out of the car to save your passenger during each 'challenge' course?
Dominos pizza guy who has to get the pies to the customer in under 30 min?

What could you possibly do for work?

Security detail chase car if you must know; BUT on a side note, I do not want others telling me how to keep myself safe, I do that for a living. Yes, risk is increased without such features but with what I do, risk is higher wearing a seatbelt, auto-locking doors, and freaking airbags. If one is doing a pit manuver (which I pray I never have to do in the Z) I do not need to to worry about clicking, pressing, and deflating things in vehicle when I exit but thank you for all of your concerns.

As for pizza delivery, would be a very cool car for that AND probably get a lot of attention BUT, doubt if tips would be that great. People start to feel less sorry for someone delivering pizza in a new Z I would think.

ChrisSlicks 09-24-2010 09:53 AM

I can understand all of your concerns except for the seatbelt. The seatbelt keeps you in place after a crash allowing for a fast exit. If it is not a crash situation it is easy to hit the release as or before you come to a stop so it is not it the way for fast egress. I find it hard enough staying in my seat with 1.3G direction changes while wearing the seatbelt (auto-x), without it I would likely end up in the passenger seat.

Granted in your position you have to weigh the pro's and con's of everything, but for everyone else here is a sample of what happens.

shadoquad 09-24-2010 09:55 AM

Seatbelts should be a no-brainer in any situation. I volunteered in a Shock Trauma admitting area when I was younger. You could tell without asking when someone was in a wreck with or without a safety belt. And ingress/egress speed should be secondary to what could happen if you're hastily moving in the vehicle and come to an abrupt and unexpected halt (i.e. another car).

just my penny, penny

AtomicRob 09-24-2010 11:17 AM

Thats very unusual that your agency is letting you use your personal vehicle as part of a sec convoy. Even as a chase vehicle which is also unusual for a sec convoy (the tactical mind set is usually to get the client away from the threat). Each vehicle is usually four seaters (to accomodate the min standard two agents + the VIP) so that each one can be used incase any number of the convoy vehicles is/are disabled. Not to mention that Z being a poor choice with it's poor rear visibility (tactically speaking) and low seating position. Steering wheel to weapon transition must be a biotch.

as an example:

YouTube - Vehicle Tactics P-3

edit: Sorry I'm saying chase when I'm thinking pursuit (car).

cames4 09-25-2010 09:49 PM


Your comments are right on target for most. I guess it is a matter of personal preference regarding timing and response. Actually, headed to a new job now so it is possible I can relax, play with my seatbelt, enjoy locks that think for me, and deal with airbag deployment much easier. Like I said, personal preference. :-) I would also say that I think that those that do not wear helments and drive motorcycles are a little off BUT many said I was an idiot for jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. I just try to let the individual be themselves and let Darwins theory weed out the rest.

jmmy 09-26-2010 09:30 AM

I'd really like the doors to lock when I walk away from the car. I don't see that as doable in the OM and can't seem to find it as an option in the settings of the control panel. Is this possible ? Wouldn't want to screw up the locking/ unlocking by pushing buttons randomly and hoping for the best. I got in the habit of not having to lock the doors on the last car. Being an old dog, I'm having trouble learning this new trick, but don't want to lose my stuff.

ChrisSlicks 09-26-2010 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by jmmy (Post 737479)
I'd really like the doors to lock when I walk away from the car. I don't see that as doable in the OM and can't seem to find it as an option in the settings of the control panel. Is this possible ? Wouldn't want to screw up the locking/ unlocking by pushing buttons randomly and hoping for the best. I got in the habit of not having to lock the doors on the last car. Being an old dog, I'm having trouble learning this new trick, but don't want to lose my stuff.

The Corvette does this, the Z does not.

Best option if you don't feel like fumbling with keys is to press the button on the door after you close it.

PapoZalsa 09-26-2010 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by fullmonty (Post 709157)
Have they even made a car in the past 10 years that didn't have the auto lock?

My old lady CX-7 2010 doesn't have auto lock and I don't think the 350Z did either.

Ronin06 01-19-2015 07:36 PM

The auto locking feature on the 2014 cannot be disabled. To all those that say refer to the manual only the auto unlocking feature can be disabled 3-5.

I for one would like to disable the auto locking feature. Since I pull up to drop off a friend and the doors are locked. This should be a configurable function.

srbrubak 01-19-2015 08:32 PM

Just bought a 2015 Mazda 3 Hatchback and it has the doors lock when walking away feature. So far I like that feature but did notice in the setup menu it can be turned off.

cames4 01-21-2015 12:09 AM

I had the dealer turn off the auto-locking feature on my 2014 Touring Z. I would check with them since they showed me but do not remember the steps.

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