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Threev8s 06-14-2010 08:14 AM

Steering Wheel Off-Center
The car tracks straight but my steering wheel is slightly off-center. I've had my alignment done twice in under 6K miles and it doesn't seem to take for more than a few days. The dealer told me to contact Nissan customer service to start a case. Is anyone else having this issue?

m4a1mustang 06-14-2010 08:17 AM

Does the dealership agree that the steering wheel is off center? The reason I ask is because it's possible that the crown in the road is making you believe your steering is off.

Daishi 06-14-2010 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Threev8s (Post 576232)
The car tracks straight but my steering wheel is slightly off-center. I've had my alignment done twice in under 6K miles and it doesn't seem to take for more than a few days. The dealer told me to contact Nissan customer service to start a case. Is anyone else having this issue?

mines the same way.. If i remember correctly its slightly to the left.

Threev8s 06-14-2010 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 576236)
Does the dealership agree that the steering wheel is off center? The reason I ask is because it's possible that the crown in the road is making you believe your steering is off.

Yes, they acknowledged that it's off. It's definitely not the crown...I've checked it on many different roads, parking lots, etc.

Threev8s 06-14-2010 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Daishi (Post 576262)
mines the same way.. If i remember correctly its slightly to the left.

So if you straighten it, your car goes to the right? That's what I have, and it came from the factory that way. It only had 6 miles on it so it's highly unlikely that something happened between the factory and the dealer lot.

j.arnaldo 06-14-2010 09:32 AM

Weird, my wife's Pathfinder's got the same issue...Is it a Nissan thing?

Jesse_Hunter 06-14-2010 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by j.arnaldo (Post 576333)
Weird, my wife's Pathfinder's got the same issue...Is it a Nissan thing?

uhhh........ :confused: to the best of my knowledge all newer cars are designed that way. It's in case you fall asleep at the wheel. So you don't front end plow someone on the road. It goes hand in hand with the washboard shoulder's edge of the road.

N/M I re-read post sorry, you are saying the steering wheel is off not the track. I'll have to look at mine when I get home, I've never payed alot of attention to steering wheel position.

TX_370 06-14-2010 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Daishi (Post 576262)
mines the same way.. If i remember correctly its slightly to the left.

+1, and I think it is a Nissan thing... My sisters G35/37 was the same way.

theDreamer 06-14-2010 09:43 AM

Mine was perfectly centered but after the LTH install we could not get it back to center. We are going to attempt again this weekend and fix it.

KillerBee370 06-14-2010 09:49 AM

Mine's off slightly to the right. I think it was straight when I bought the car but over time I think wheels just get off kilter a bit.

It's definitely not just a Nissan thing. I've seen this (and had it) in all sorts of vehicles. Some pretty bad with higher mileage.

kenchan 06-14-2010 10:07 AM

mine's perfectly centered from the factory.

Modshack 06-14-2010 11:07 AM

It's easy enough to fix if you're moderately handy and have some spatial relations skilz... (your alignment guy should be responsible for getting this right, but in lieu of that do the following:)

If the wheel is off to the left, visualize this:

1) Straighten the wheel (turn to the right)

2) Your wheels are now pointed slightly right. You need to pull them back to center

3) Loosen the locking nuts on the 2 tie rod ends

4) On the left side, turn the tie rod IN 1/2 turn (clockwise)

5) on the right side, turn the tie rod OUT the same amount ((counterclockwise).

6) drive to see if straight, tweak from there. Be sure to make the same changes on each side and you're alignment will not be affected. Be sure to tighten the locking nuts when done.

Wheel off to the right, do the opposite.

I've done this many times and had to do it on my Z as well. Being slightly off drove me crazy!

Daishi 06-14-2010 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Threev8s (Post 576271)
So if you straighten it, your car goes to the right? That's what I have, and it came from the factory that way. It only had 6 miles on it so it's highly unlikely that something happened between the factory and the dealer lot.

Yup. Mine was like that from the factory as well.

Lloydy 06-14-2010 12:16 PM

Yep mine too - slightly off to the left

SkyZ 06-14-2010 03:49 PM


azn370z 06-14-2010 03:52 PM

Mine is centered even after 2 alignments.

tbonesteak 06-15-2010 02:39 AM

Mine's off too. It bothered me at first, but i remembered that i will die one day and worrying about this was a waste of my short life.

gauchowr 06-15-2010 02:55 AM

Haha to the poster above. Yeah mine is slightly off to the right.

Threev8s 06-15-2010 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Modshack (Post 576482)
It's easy enough to fix if you're moderately handy and have some spatial relations skilz... (your alignment guy should be responsible for getting this right, but in lieu of that do the following:)

If the wheel is off to the left, visualize this:

1) Straighten the wheel (turn to the right)

2) Your wheels are now pointed slightly right. You need to pull them back to center

3) Loosen the locking nuts on the 2 tie rod ends

4) On the left side, turn the tie rod IN 1/2 turn (clockwise)

5) on the right side, turn the tie rod OUT the same amount ((counterclockwise).

6) drive to see if straight, tweak from there. Be sure to make the same changes on each side and you're alignment will not be affected. Befure to tighten the locking nuts when done.

I've done this many times and had to do it on my Z as well. Being slightly off drove me crazy!

Thank you for the information! I'm not quite that adventurous, but I'm sure many people on here will find it useful.

Also, I'm surprised that so many people have the issue and no one has mentioned it on here (unless I just didn't find it).

KillerBee370 06-15-2010 09:51 AM

Well you know, that's just life I figure. Our right leg isn't quite as long as our left or vice versa. Our steering wheels are a little off center. You know, just life. Lol

kenchan 06-15-2010 10:05 AM

why dont you guys just try the modshack recommendation? not worth thinking about, just fix it and think of better things.

PapoZalsa 06-16-2010 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 577911)
why dont you guys just try the modshack recommendation? not worth thinking about, just fix it and think of better things.


If that bothers the person so much, I would do the modshack recommendations, he knows what he is talking about.

I have not paid attention to my steering wheel after 3,000 miles so I guess is centered.

However I know that my 350Z after lowering and an alignment done to the car the steering wheel was slightly off center. I was ok with that even that I'm very picky with my cars, especially new ones.

chuckd05 06-16-2010 02:47 PM

isnt this something that you can all get fixed by taking a trip to the dealer... I know I wouldn't accept my wheel being off center.. that should be covered under warranty.. so whatever mod shack suggested should be done by them, not you!

kenchan 06-16-2010 02:52 PM

problem is dealer alignments are not always perfect... (or rarely prefect). depends on the tech.

KillerBee370 06-16-2010 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by chuckd05 (Post 579960)
isnt this something that you can all get fixed by taking a trip to the dealer... I know I wouldn't accept my wheel being off center.. that should be covered under warranty.. so whatever mod shack suggested should be done by them, not you!

K&N short shifter
G-Spec SS brake lines
Tanabe GF210 Springs
Stillen sway bars
Stillen CBE
Stillen HFC
Stillen Gen III's
JWT clutch
JWT flywheel
Hardwired GPS & Radar detector
Axis wheels
Motul RBF600 brake fluid
Technosquare oil cooler
Technosquare ECU tune
Ongoing oil changes

All done outside dealer. Did I make a boo boo? :rolleyes:

kenchan 06-16-2010 03:40 PM

Tanabe GF210 Springs <= yes, right here. :icon17:

KillerBee370 06-16-2010 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 580068)
Tanabe GF210 Springs <= yes, right here. :icon17:

I know I know... why do you think I'm doing this?

Help a needy brother out!!!

SophiaZ 06-16-2010 06:24 PM

Mine is also SLIGHTLY off to the left. But I only noticed it right after I switched my wheels...maybe that has something to do with it.....

PapoZalsa 06-16-2010 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 579971)
problem is dealer alignments are not always perfect... (or rarely prefect). depends on the tech.

Most Tech don't know much about the Z anyway.

The Techs at my local dealer had to wait for the Nissan Corp Techs to give them instructions to reset the TPMS on my 06 350Z, even that I took the TSB with me and gave it to them.

I waited almost two months to get the TPMS reseted by the dealer. :shakes head:

shabarivas 06-16-2010 08:36 PM

My steering wheel is about two - three feet off center...

KillerBee370 06-16-2010 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by shabarivas (Post 580645)
My steering wheel is about two - three feet off center...

Ahaha... yeah I guess it would.. should be. It's not a McLaren F1 after all.

PapoZalsa 06-16-2010 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by shabarivas (Post 580645)
My steering wheel is about two - three feet off center...

What you drive? A School bus.... :roflpuke2:

KillerBee370 06-16-2010 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by PapoZalsa (Post 580917)
What you drive? A School bus.... :roflpuke2:

Ahem... ALL of our steering wheels are off center by two or three feet. Probably closer to two. Unless you are in a McLaren in which it is dead center as that's where the drivers seat is as well.

chuckd05 06-17-2010 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by KillerBee370 (Post 579978)
K&N short shifter
G-Spec SS brake lines
Tanabe GF210 Springs
Stillen sway bars
Stillen CBE
Stillen HFC
Stillen Gen III's
JWT clutch
JWT flywheel
Hardwired GPS & Radar detector
Axis wheels
Motul RBF600 brake fluid
Technosquare oil cooler
Technosquare ECU tune
Ongoing oil changes

All done outside dealer. Did I make a boo boo? :rolleyes:

That shouldnt have any bearing on your steering wheel being off center... Where I live I have had no problems what so ever getting warranty work with the basic NA bolt ons on my old G35 Coupe, and an s2000.

I know a buddy who some how shattered his flywheel and blew his tranny seal or something, it left a crack in the casing. On a 09 Touring Sport 7AT.

He had full bolt ons including a pulley, lambo doors, tune and they covered his tranny at 8k miles along with the flywheel with no resistance..

Id be going to the dealer before I did anything.

KillerBee370 06-17-2010 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by chuckd05 (Post 581184)
That shouldnt have any bearing on your steering wheel being off center... Where I live I have had no problems what so ever getting warranty work with the basic NA bolt ons on my old G35 Coupe, and an s2000.

I know a buddy who some how shattered his flywheel and blew his tranny seal or something, it left a crack in the casing. On a 09 Touring Sport 7AT.

He had full bolt ons including a pulley, lambo doors, tune and they covered his tranny at 8k miles along with the flywheel with no resistance..

Id be going to the dealer before I did anything.

The point was... many things can be done without running back to the dealer. I mean just because it's under warranty doesn't mean they have to wash your car for you too.

There's nothing wrong with a little do-it-yourself. Unless you missplaced your man card.

j.arnaldo 06-17-2010 09:59 AM

It's the 1st time I notice something like that in any car I've owned, and it's just in my better half's Pathfinder; my Z doesn't suffer from it, thank God. Strange.

PapoZalsa 06-17-2010 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by chuckd05 (Post 581184)
lambo doors

So old!! :shakes head:

KillerBee370 06-17-2010 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by PapoZalsa (Post 582717)
So old!! :shakes head:

Not to mention :supergay:

drdre8424 06-18-2010 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by j.arnaldo (Post 576333)
Weird, my wife's Pathfinder's got the same issue...Is it a Nissan thing?


Originally Posted by TX_370 (Post 576351)
+1, and I think it is a Nissan thing... My sisters G35/37 was the same way.

my 05 frontier's wheel was a little off, to the right or left, i cant remember, but it wasn't really noticeable at all

chuckd05 06-18-2010 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by KillerBee370 (Post 582754)
Not to mention :supergay:

Haha that's bit my car for the record. But he loves it and everyone else that sees it seems to love it too. I'm not a fan not would
i take them if they were free.

As far as not having a man card to center my steering wheel , that's something I'll let them deal with . I'll
change my breaks and oil they can center my wheel!

And the craziest thing is I checked my wheel and it's off by about 1 mm ! Now it's driving me crazy..

Never noticed it, 12,500 miles. It's so slightly off but still. Kinda bogus !

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