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1st run in with the Lawzzzzzzzz

Originally Posted by m4a1mustang But the richer counties can afford a wider variety. We have unmarked BMW 3 Series' here. Yea, this is what I meant. Of course most police

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Old 06-10-2010, 08:24 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by m4a1mustang View Post
But the richer counties can afford a wider variety. We have unmarked BMW 3 Series' here.
Yea, this is what I meant. Of course most police forces have unmarked vehicles. But, the richer towns(who have their own police force rather than using the county police) can afford to have different unmarked vehicles rather than the typical charger or whatever.
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Old 06-10-2010, 09:10 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by m4a1mustang View Post
But the richer counties can afford a wider variety. We have unmarked BMW 3 Series' here.

when have you seen this
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Old 06-10-2010, 09:10 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Confusius say better to be pulled over on way to bar then to get pulled over after leaving bar

I never get out of tickets and I am nothing but courteous to the officers. They don't like my face I guess.
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Old 06-10-2010, 09:20 AM   #19 (permalink)
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I've gotten pulled over twice since I got my Z last August and they've only been in April. 1st was for going 49 in a 35. Cop was cool and I mentioned I was running late for church and that I was new to the area...obviously it being a Sunday morning and being in a suit vouched for church and my license having an out of town address vouches for being new to the area. He just said that its 35 in the city limits and let me go.

Then a few weeks later it was late at night and I was heading home from a friends house that lives an hour away from me and I was tired and lazy so I just casually ran through a stop sign and the next car headed down the road happened to be a cop. So he saw the whole thing and swinged around and pulled me over. I knew I wasn't going to get out of that one but the guy was really nice and I was nice to him. I understand he is just doing his job and I wasn't doing a good job w/ paying attention to the posted signs. He kept complimenting my car I just wish he would have cut me some slack. Anyways, it was a $85 ticket and I couldn't plea nolo as I did so less than 5 years ago on a really expensive speeding ticket. I would have preferred my first ticket to be a speeding ticket since I have a sports car and probably deserve one but I'll settle for this.
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Old 06-10-2010, 11:49 PM   #20 (permalink)
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I always drive 5mph over on the streets, even passing cops, and have never even been looked at funny for it. The tickets I used to get back in the day listed fines starting at 7mph over, so I just figured anything under that was cool.

I got my first ticket in over a decade last month, 59 in a 45 in the Z. He was nice enough to ignore the fact that I wasn't wearing my seatbelt.
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Old 06-11-2010, 04:43 PM   #21 (permalink)
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I think i've become overly paranoid, I constantly look for police at all times while driving haha. Glad you got away with a warning, I don't think i've ever seen someone do 45 on the service roads around here =]
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Old 06-11-2010, 09:20 PM   #22 (permalink)
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I too got very lucky the other night. Coming home about 2 in the morning should have known better 80 in a 55. But i was nice and didn't acted pissed off or anything got off with a warning. The one thing i do miss is the digital speed dial
on the 350 it was easier to keep up with how fast i'm going.
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Old 06-12-2010, 11:14 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sonic370 View Post
I too got very lucky the other night. Coming home about 2 in the morning should have known better 80 in a 55. But i was nice and didn't acted pissed off or anything got off with a warning. The one thing i do miss is the digital speed dial
on the 350 it was easier to keep up with how fast i'm going.

Woah, That should have been an arrest, I'd say you did!
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Old 06-13-2010, 06:43 AM   #24 (permalink)
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If he didn't radar you, he couldn't ticket you anyway. That's why he gave you a warning. Speedo checks aren't concrete for a ticket. If you see that he was driving when he pulled you over and he accused you of speeding. Ask to see the radar gun. If he can't produce a reading to upload into the system. He can't give you a ticket. And... he can't fake the ticket cuz the mph anf time of ticket have to coincide.
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Old 06-13-2010, 07:00 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by m4a1mustang View Post
But the richer counties can afford a wider variety. We have unmarked BMW 3 Series' here.

Few weeks ago, I was driving on the highway. This black pickup truck drives by me in a much higher speed than me (I'm already doing 75 in 65). So, two seconds later, I see this 2000 year model Purple Honda Accord Coupe driving fast following that black truck. I'm saying, "wtf is going on". Within seconds, the Honda Accord turned on all it's "hidden" flashing lights. Yup, it's an undercover cop. I was like . You'll be surprised what kind cars they have undercover these days!

Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370 View Post
If he didn't radar you, he couldn't ticket you anyway. That's why he gave you a warning. Speedo checks aren't concrete for a ticket. If you see that he was driving when he pulled you over and he accused you of speeding. Ask to see the radar gun. If he can't produce a reading to upload into the system. He can't give you a ticket. And... he can't fake the ticket cuz the mph anf time of ticket have to coincide.
I'm not sure if I can agree with your first line. I have gotten two tickets where cop didn't use radar/laser anything. They simple checked off the selection "PACE" on the ticket. Not sure about other states, but in the state of NJ, it's completely legal to get a speeding ticket without radar and laser.
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Old 06-13-2010, 10:26 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370 View Post
If he didn't radar you, he couldn't ticket you anyway. That's why he gave you a warning. Speedo checks aren't concrete for a ticket. If you see that he was driving when he pulled you over and he accused you of speeding. Ask to see the radar gun. If he can't produce a reading to upload into the system. He can't give you a ticket. And... he can't fake the ticket cuz the mph anf time of ticket have to coincide.

I've heard the same thing about the radar situation. I believe that could be fought in court and dropped. No proof of speed, no basis for a ticket, IMO.

Although keep in mind that just because you don't get clocked speeding, police can normally find something to ticket you on regardless.

I had a cop friend tell me once that an officer may need to breathalizer, or field test for a DWI, but don't have to do anything for a P.I. So he was practically saying an officer needs no probable cause or proof to write you a P.I. He can base it off his opinion, if he is a ****, he has the tools to work the outcome in his favor.
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Old 06-13-2010, 11:04 AM   #27 (permalink)
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The last time I got pulled over I pulled out my buddies CHP card, put it on top of my papers, handed it to the cop that pulled over and said it was brother in law. He let me go with a warning. I keep that card right under my license.
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Old 06-13-2010, 11:10 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by AK370Z View Post

Few weeks ago, I was driving on the highway. This black pickup trunk drives by me in a much higher speed than me (I'm already doing 75 in 65). So, two seconds later, I see this 2000 year model Purple Honda Accord Coupe driving fast following that black trunk. I'm saying, "wtf is going on". Within seconds, the Honda Accord turned on all it's "hidden" flashing lights. Yup, it's an undercover cop. I was like . You'll be surprised what kind cars they have undercover these days!
Whats a pickup trunk?
Old 06-13-2010, 11:17 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Old 06-13-2010, 01:59 PM   #30 (permalink)
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