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Red370 06-03-2010 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Zeto (Post 561876)
No, the point is that you said a boosted S cannot beat a boosted Z all things beng equal.

First you said it couldn't do it. Now you say it can beat the Z but only once. I have 2 of my personal friends that DAILY drive 700+whp S2K's with stock internals. I have done my research and witnessed this personally, have you?

:roflpuke2: two friends eh?

agree to disagree.

tbonesteak 06-03-2010 12:43 PM

wow.....once you have civic drivers chiming in, thread goes to crap. Repeatedly. I owned an s2k and i was very involved with the crowd. I know the car literally 10 times more than i know the Z in every area. There is NO way you're gonna safely run 300 wtq for prolonged periods of time with stock internals and block. That 700whp vid is old. The owner did it solely for fun knowing the engine was gonna go. His plan was to rebuild it and make that much power reliably, but before doing it, he wanted to have some fun and see what kind of power the f20c could sustain. Just because it made that for a week or two don't mean it will run continuously. Come on people. Compare apples to apples. In terms of power, both stock and modified, the Z is NOT in the same league as the S. Like i admitted in a previous post, the S is an extremely well engineered piece of machinery. Maybe even one of the best engineered cars ever. However, the car was made in 1995 including the engine, drivetrain, chassis, etc. and it shows age. Admit certain things and give credit where it deserves people.

Red370 06-03-2010 12:45 PM


Zeto 06-03-2010 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by tbonesteak (Post 561935)
In terms of power, both stock and modified, the Z is NOT in the same league as the S. Like i admitted in a previous post, the S is an extremely well engineered piece of machinery. Maybe even one of the best engineered cars ever. However, the car was made in 1995 including the engine, drivetrain, chassis, etc. and it shows age. Admit certain things and give credit where it deserves people.

Very well said. :tup:

And yes I said 2 of my friends because I saw them first hand build it from the ground up. It's all about the tune that can make or break the car. Have you heard of Jeff Evans out in PA? If you haven't, I suggest you google him.

kielbasa16 06-03-2010 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by tbonesteak (Post 561935)
wow.....once you have civic drivers chiming in, thread goes to crap. Repeatedly. I owned an s2k and i was very involved with the crowd. I know the car literally 10 times more than i know the Z in every area. There is NO way you're gonna safely run 300 wtq for prolonged periods of time with stock internals and block. That 700whp vid is old. The owner did it solely for fun knowing the engine was gonna go. His plan was to rebuild it and make that much power reliably, but before doing it, he wanted to have some fun and see what kind of power the f20c could sustain. Just because it made that for a week or two don't mean it will run continuously. Come on people. Compare apples to apples. In terms of power, both stock and modified, the Z is NOT in the same league as the S. Like i admitted in a previous post, the S is an extremely well engineered piece of machinery. Maybe even one of the best engineered cars ever. However, the car was made in 1995 including the engine, drivetrain, chassis, etc. and it shows age. Admit certain things and give credit where it deserves people.

Selective reading much?

Zeto 06-03-2010 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by kielbasa16 (Post 561957)
Selective reading much?

Tell that to my friend who's been boosted for over a year and has put about 20,000 miles in his S. Would you like evidence?

kenchan 06-03-2010 01:18 PM

hey atleast we're comparing sushi with sashimi (not hamburgers and kimchee)

DRoc7822 06-03-2010 01:51 PM

The 370 has only been out for 2 production years while the S2k had been out for a longer run than that. Like someone else already said on here, when it comes to modding the 370 has a lot more room to grow. Ive seen TT 2JZ (Supra engines) put into S2k before that made nasty power. You can make any car "fast", it just depends on how much money the person is willing to throw at it.

red6spd 06-03-2010 01:53 PM

Dam now I'm Hungry

Cyberium 06-03-2010 02:15 PM

I don't care how much power you can squeeze out of it. If you look like an adult in a power-wheel's when your driving it, then it's

Anyone of us could of bought a car that weighs 1000 pounds and then boosted the hell out of it to have a "faster" car than the Z. Fast isn't always the point.

The Z is in a different class entirely on many different levels.

And if you guys have such a hard-on for the s2000 then :gtfo2: and go buy one.

It's like when my cousin who has like a 97' honda hatchback says "Man, I'd probably smoke that Z when I get my turbo's installed" And I say... "Yeah maybe, but at the end of the day your driving a 97 Honda Hatchback"

/end thread

Zeto 06-03-2010 02:18 PM

I wouldn't say a hard-on but some people fail to see the potential the S2000 has. Now if you ask me which I would choose I think that's self explantory :D

InTheZone 06-03-2010 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Red370 (Post 561493)
ok, im not debating that it made the power, however, that engine will not hold that power for more than a week, its a dyno queen and thats it, the F20C engine has cast rods, they will not stand up to that kind of force, its not physically possible. You can show me videos all day long, I want to see that car do 5 back to back passes on the strip and see how it fares, my guess, destroyed block.

so people that have 10k+ miles on their S2000(AP1's and AP2's) with a turbo setup running 400-500whp as a DD can only do that for a week, otherwise it would be broken? ok

s2000 engines have forged internals, which includes the rods. The biggest problem has to do with compression, not the rod snapping because of too much "force'.

And whoever compared a civic to a 370, then said it was the same as comparing the s2000 to the 370, wow...

Some people, not saying you Red, need to relax and stop getting worked up for no reason.

I won't add more since some are stubborn and choose not to accept what was proven.

DarkZide 06-03-2010 04:47 PM

This reminds me of the 4-5 civic hatch owners around here that all built B18's of doom. The internet told them XYZ setup and tune would make 480-500whp, they all made in the low 300s and blew up within 6 weeks, on built motors to boot.

mrcardio 06-03-2010 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by InTheZone (Post 562273)
so people that have 10k+ miles on their S2000(AP1's and AP2's) with a turbo setup running 400-500whp as a DD can only do that for a week, otherwise it would be broken? ok

s2000 engines have forged internals, which includes the rods. The biggest problem has to do with compression, not the rod snapping because of too much "force'.

This true, why some try to claim otherwise is pure ignorance. The F22C is a very stout motor.

tbonesteak 06-03-2010 07:15 PM

haha this thread is a circular conversation. Let's just agree to disagree people.

Red370 06-03-2010 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by tbonesteak (Post 562599)
haha this thread is a circular conversation. Let's just agree to disagree people.

:iagree: to disagree.

kielbasa16 06-03-2010 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Zeto (Post 561968)
Tell that to my friend who's been boosted for over a year and has put about 20,000 miles in his S. Would you like evidence?

Is he running the same boost during DD as during his dyno run? If so, then power to the S2000. Granted 20K miles isnt a ton either... If something goes wrong within 60K then I would still blame it on how much boost hes running, all subjective though. My comment was just in regards to your response to one sentence supporting your argument versus the 5 saying youre wrong. I dont have nearly enough knowledge or experience to argue, I test drove the S2K once and loved it haha

Brazilbro 06-03-2010 10:30 PM

ya ya the f22 motor is nice.. but when both motors are built all things being the same displacement will win.. 2.2L vs 3.7L.. Ive seen Sound Performance making over 1200WHP with the VQ I haven't seen a F22 make more then 1000. Both are nice cars. But facts are facts. Displacement always wins.

Oh ya, S2ks stock tranny and rear end aren't good past 400whp..

370Z_Fan 06-03-2010 10:57 PM

Like the old saying goes, "there's no replacement for displacement."

Brazilbro 06-03-2010 11:01 PM

Now as for handling go's.. take a look at the Redline time attack results and you will see alot of s2k's in the top 5... Problem is they are always behide 350z's and 370z's... facts are facts.. They are fun and have a great close ratio tranny. But they are not better then the 370 at all.. well maybe in one area .. PRICE.

Chriz 06-04-2010 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Brazilbro (Post 562962)
Now as for handling go's.. take a look at the Redline time attack results and you will see alot of s2k's in the top 5... Problem is they are always behide 350z's and 370z's... facts are facts.. They are fun and have a great close ratio tranny. But they are not better then the 370 at all.. well maybe in one area .. PRICE.

You cant really say a car has better handling just because of faster laptimes. There are other factors such as straight line speed, and obviously the 370z will be faster in that catagory.
Now everyone should understand that obviously nobody on this forum thinks the s2000 is better than the 370z, otherwise they would have bought the s2000.

Boost_lee 06-04-2010 01:56 AM

2 completely different cars IMO...

I will say that LOVE the s2k transmission, such a wonderful feel. The car is too small for me though, both inside and out. If you are looking for something small, nimble, and is rev-happy, for the price of a nice used unit, its a great car. I just feel that due to its age, the appearance doesn't do much for me and its gotten a little boring in my tastes. Oh and every s2000 should have a hardtop - no questions asked :icon17:

TacoZ 06-04-2010 02:44 AM

Don't believe the hype over on S2Ki. I would only listen to the opinions of people who own both an S2K and a 370Z. I have both. The Z wins hands down. The people who say S2K have probably never driven a Z.

Monev 06-19-2010 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Red370 (Post 560810)
The F20 will NOT make that kind of power on a stock block, i dont care what resource this is coming from. Reliably 400 MAYBE, and thats a very big MAYBE. Reliability and peak power go hand in hand, a VQ37 could make 800whp, reliably? nope.

A clown that does coke and doesnt know what he's talking about.
I made 520rwhp on a stock block at 18psi. Made passes at the track and the block didn't let go. These engines are made to handle abuse. And no, i'm not hte only one making such numbers. So 400 reliably maybe? know your facts before you look like a clown. Hold up. You are a clown :inoutroflpuke:

_ace_ 06-26-2011 04:41 PM

I owned an 06 S2000 for about 4 years before buying the Z.

For power, right now, s2000 builds in the 400-500whp range are very reliable. It took about 8 years to get there. The S2000 was built in 1999, and it's had all that time for people to figure out the builds and get them working. The S is also more nimble. It has a lot less rotational inertia due to better mass management--not just the weight difference. It was extremely well engineered. The top goes down in about 6 seconds at a stoplight--no tonneau cover is needed.

The S2000 is a more raw drivers car. The 370z is a much better DD. The Z actually has torque in stock form. I feel the Z has better grip assuming tires are equal. The Nismo turns heads here while the S didn't, and I like the size of the Z better. The Z is a much faster car in nearly any situation.

Both are great cars. The S was ahead of it's time and legendary in it's day, but that was admittedly about 15 years ago. It's still a great car, and I really enjoyed mine. And I'm glad I upgraded to the Z.

Red__Zed 06-26-2011 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Red370 (Post 561583)
:iagree: that kind of power cannot be sustained on stock internals, probably runs very low boost everywhere BUT the dyno.

There's a couple guys that ran 700whp on stock internals for a while.

I ran 550whp on stock internals for over 100 drag passes and quite a few miles on the street. On teardown, the engine looked pristine.

kenchan 06-26-2011 05:22 PM

Blah, if I got a S2K I'd keep it stock. I was about to pull the trigger on the CR but got the Z instead. It was starting to get too dated and not enough power down low for our roads. :)

ihatepotholes 06-26-2011 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by JaseyCar (Post 555864)
Not trying to start anything, but on I was asking which one to get? They said 370z is all power and that's it.

Any thoughts? I need to definitely test drive both before deciding.

:icon18:... they think 370z is all power? i love my Z. but to say it has power just shows how under power s2ks are :roflpuke2:

svmtbman 06-26-2011 06:32 PM

Wow, this is an old thread but a good read anyway. I'll chime in because before owing my 370Z I had a 2007 S2000 for almost 4 years. Here's my observations:
They are both spectacular cars, I believe everyone that is a car enthusiast shown own both in their lifetime. The S is more "raw" in that you can feel every crack in the road and also really feel what the tires are doing. The car is plenty quick and running to redline is an amazing experience, especially with an exhaust on it. I'm 6'1" and it fit me like a glove, I could see where guys much bigger than me could be a little cramped. There isn't much in the way of creature comfort, no nav, no heated seats, no radio worth mentioning, no Bluetooth. It's a drivers car and makes no compromises. Now to the 370Z. It feels so much bigger, I'm still trying to learn to judge the size when parking. The creature comforts are a nice addition coming from such a focused car like the S. The torque is nice and power is addictive. The grip is amazing, driving in the mountains is a little more satisfying in the Z because of the grip and power out of the turns. I agree the 370Z is more of a "grown up" feeling car, I know passengers are much happier riding with me now!

Fastfatdude 06-26-2011 09:18 PM

Owned both cars before.. The S for 4 years before jumping ship to nissan z.

Power delivery is more manic in the s.. No low and mid, but oh, when it gets to vtec, gets frantic real quick. Handles real well even when stock and reliability is second to non. Downside is that after all a design from the 90s, so u dont get a lot of creature comforts. And space is lacking... Although the boot i feel is more usuable than a z.

Would i go back to an s2000 after the z? Nah... But would i want to jump into another s for a run? Yes!

I would consider the z a more refined s... Toned down on the racing part but up the s on the daily driving part...

Oh yeah, blind spot visibility is bad fot both cars... Haha

11Thumper 06-27-2011 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Fastfatdude (Post 1190790)
Owned both cars before.. The S for 4 years before jumping ship to nissan z.

Power delivery is more manic in the s.. No low and mid, but oh, when it gets to vtec, gets frantic real quick. Handles real well even when stock and reliability is second to non. Downside is that after all a design from the 90s, so u dont get a lot of creature comforts. And space is lacking... Although the boot i feel is more usuable than a z.

Would i go back to an s2000 after the z? Nah... But would i want to jump into another s for a run? Yes!

I would consider the z a more refined s... Toned down on the racing part but up the s on the daily driving part...

Oh yeah, blind spot visibility is bad fot both cars... Haha

Agree with you. I have both an S and the Z in my garage. Both have thier good traits and negatives. The S is much more of a go kart and the Z is a rmore refined sports car. As for the blind spots put the roof down on the S and you have no more blind spots. :D

If I could only have one I would choose the Z. Maybe that's because I've had my S for almost 6 years now.

elmz 06-27-2011 10:56 AM

Both are great cars. But the S2k is all "feel". It "feels" quick in the corners, it "feels" like a go kart, and it "feels" like its connected to you. Those are all great IMO and it makes for a fun car to drive. But the Z also delivers all that, only on a slightly lesser level. At the end of the day, the S is not going to keep pace with the Z on a real road course.

Lug 06-27-2011 11:26 AM

It's simple. The S2k is to the 370Z what the 370Z is to the new Mustang GT.

........runs to the hills runs for my life

Red__Zed 10-14-2011 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by TacoZ (Post 563150)
Don't believe the hype over on S2Ki. I would only listen to the opinions of people who own both an S2K and a 370Z. I have both. The Z wins hands down. The people who say S2K have probably never driven a Z.



Originally Posted by Lug (Post 1191637)
It's simple. The S2k is to the 370Z what the 370Z is to the new Mustang GT.

........runs to the hills runs for my life



Originally Posted by DarkZide (Post 556291)
I dont remember the exact trims of what he bought but they did sound way too big for such a small motor.

You made 300wtq out of a 4cyl? Which one?


Originally Posted by DarkZide (Post 556393)
I knew it wasnt a honda ;)

I even think the NSX is a waste of money. a C6 z06 is superior in basically every way, and for less money.


b1adesofcha0s 10-14-2011 09:31 PM

^ Weak.

OldGuy 10-14-2011 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by JaseyCar (Post 555864)
Not trying to start anything, but on I was asking which one to get? They said 370z is all power and that's it.

Any thoughts? I need to definitely test drive both before deciding.

I own a Miata (more similar to the Honda) and my 370 Z. The Z is much more powerful and way more car than the Miata. However, the S2000 ride, like the Miata's, will be more comfortable and the road noise far less in the S2000. Drive both. I think you'll find that you agree with me. They're both fun cars. Just very different personalities, strengths and weaknesses.

Red__Zed 10-14-2011 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by OldGuy (Post 1359887)
I own a Miata (more similar to the Honda) and my 370 Z. The Z is much more powerful and way more car than the Miata. However, the S2000 ride, like the Miata's, will be more comfortable and the road noise far less in the S2000. Drive both. I think you'll find that you agree with me. They're both fun cars. Just very different personalities, strengths and weaknesses.


SPOHN 10-14-2011 09:59 PM

I know this is off topic. But today I was driving home with my son and I came across a S2K coming out of a church parking lot. As I passed him I saw his eyes light up. As soon as I passed him he started in the opposite direction. He must of gunned it because when I looked in the rear view he was sideways, did a 180 and slide into the ditch in the opposite lane. I busted out laughing. My son said what a buster. :bowrofl:

I should of turned around and asked if VDC was off. Then my luck the cops would have come and say we were racing.

b1adesofcha0s 10-14-2011 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by SPOHN (Post 1359897)
I know this is off topic. But today I was driving home with my son and I came across a S2K coming out of a church parking lot. As I passed him I saw his eyes light up. As soon as I passed him he started in the opposite direction. He must of gunned it because when I looked in the rear view he was sideways, did a 180 and slide into the ditch in the opposite lane. I busted out laughing. My son said what a buster. :bowrofl:

I should of turned around and asked if VDC was off. Then my luck the cops would have come and say we were racing.

:icon18::roflpuke2: :rofl2:

Mt Tam I am 10-15-2011 02:12 PM

I have always loved the S2000. My buddy bought one new. It held its value better than the 350Z, as I priced them in 2006-07. I liked the way it drove too. Great handler.

Then a couple months ago I saw one in action at an autocross class. It took last place. The driver seemed alright but his times were so poor that my love of the S2000 waned to like. My time in the Z was 54 seconds, his 1:08. I realize this is anecdotal, but this is how impressions can be made.

The Z has grunt over S2000, but to say it is a "one trick pony", is not doing justice to it's handling.

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