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AgStacker 06-21-2010 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Sibze (Post 587565)
must be wrong... you have more posts I have more rep power you have more green

Edit: sorry I still have more posts but I have had 4 for a while now

What kind of FA can you offer the forum? If you were young and had some money to play with where would you put it? I'm leaning toward psychical commodities and extremely cautious about real estate. Any thoughts?

Sibze 06-21-2010 10:26 PM


I am done with this thread

AgStacker 06-21-2010 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Sibze (Post 587688)

I am done with this thread

K bye

phelan 06-21-2010 10:49 PM

(phelan rant)
look, i'm an engineer too, okay? i understand there are significant costs associated with low production run items, especially something like this. blocks of metal aren't cheap, the labor involved isn't cheap, etc. etc. blah blah blah. my project at work is a limited production run too, it's a PITA to figure out the tooling just to build one f*cking unit. so i get it. hell, we all get it. some will justify to themselves that the end product is worth the price of admission, some won't. such is the nature of business / capitalism. you want to make this a mass production run? make the initial set, and ship the damn thing to china. $5 a piece, made out of craplastic. there ya go, mass produced.

what i fail to see as productive is the random insults getting thrown about. there's no need for that. and how the hell did you guys start talking about rep?? this is nuts.

you're busy trying to defend yourself that's something way further down the line. all it really needed was a justification of the cost (i.e. what you posted already, like $700 for expenses, $x for labor, etc.). that's it, and we can all be on our merry way. no harm, no foul (unless you're kouman coulibaly in which case F*CK YOU :roflpuke2: i kid, i kid).

i salute you as an engineer, but please, be nice to some of us customers. :)
(/phelan rant)


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 587426)
Phalen- can't you make something out of bamboo from your Pier1 purchase? :D

i'm already working at the wood lathe ;) :rofl2:

Trips 06-21-2010 10:51 PM

AgStacker, There is no need to be treating other People like that. I'm guessing you would like to move forward to maybe making some money here? I think you need to really reflect on of how you're acting in here. By what I see your not going to win many Fans acting the way you are. You're reminding me of a Douche, but thats all. Please conduct yourself as the adult your are.

kenchan 06-21-2010 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by phelan (Post 587727)

i'm already working at the wood lathe ;) :rofl2:

oh noes, not a kokeshi of Rin. :icon14:

Lemers 06-21-2010 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by phelan (Post 587727)

(phelan rant)
look, i'm an engineer too, okay? i understand there are significant costs associated with low production run items, especially something like this. blocks of metal aren't cheap, the labor involved isn't cheap, etc. etc. blah blah blah. my project at work is a limited production run too, it's a PITA to figure out the tooling just to build one f*cking unit. so i get it. hell, we all get it. some will justify to themselves that the end product is worth the price of admission, some won't. such is the nature of business / capitalism. you want to make this a mass production run? make the initial set, and ship the damn thing to china. $5 a piece, made out of craplastic. there ya go, mass produced.

what i fail to see as productive is the random insults getting thrown about. there's no need for that. and how the hell did you guys start talking about rep?? this is nuts.

you're busy trying to defend yourself that's something way further down the line. all it really needed was a justification of the cost (i.e. what you posted already, like $700 for expenses, $x for labor, etc.). that's it, and we can all be on our merry way. no harm, no foul (unless you're kouman coulibaly in which case F*CK YOU :roflpuke2: i kid, i kid).

i salute you as an engineer, but please, be nice to some of us customers. :)
(/phelan rant)

i'm already working at the wood lathe ;) :rofl2:

Yeh. What he said.

Trips 06-21-2010 11:08 PM

SmoothZ 06-21-2010 11:12 PM

wheee! 06-21-2010 11:17 PM

looks good! but seriously.... post the file!!

lol, i understand if you don't want to. ;)

phelan 06-21-2010 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 587735)
oh noes, not a kokeshi of Rin. :icon14:

oh my god that's brilliant. my next project, thank you sir :tup:

scruffydog 06-22-2010 01:45 AM

haha, that's some pretty wicked project! Awesome! I'd be so scared to hold a chain saw for that long.

AK370Z 06-22-2010 03:03 AM

Please keep the thread on topic. There's no need to insult or attack another member.

Quality parts will require a lot of money. There are forum members who are buying a $1200/exhaust where we also have members that are rocking $4500 Amuse or $4000 Saclam Limited Production exhaust. There are people who are very happy with their cheap replica kits on their Z, but then you also have members who are shipping $5K-$6K Amuse or Mines kit straight from Japan. Quality stuff are not for everyone but those who want it, WILL get it. There is no need to argue over pricing. If it fits your budget (and most importantly, your "theme" of your car), then get it. If it doesn't, well there's no need to add negative comment.

AgStacker, I'm not sure how many forums you've been a registered member before, but you'll ALWAYS get positive and negative comments in a thread. It's unavoidable. You have to take it easy and ONLY reply to the comments you feel necessary.

As for vendor situation, I have allowed AgStacker to develop and get feedback from members. I usually do this with ALL companies (for research and development). However, in order to be fair with our paying sponsor, ONE MUST BE VENDOR when the product is ready to sell. I have already assured AgStacker I am willing to work out a good pricing (even if it's one time fee) on sponsorship whenever he is ready to sell his product(s).


370Zsteve 06-22-2010 06:06 AM

I don't get this thread at all. The guy is making an expensive product. If people can't afford it, just keep your plastic burgers.

I think the result is beautiful, btw.

m4a1mustang 06-22-2010 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by 370Zsteve (Post 587940)
I don't get this thread at all. The guy is making an expensive product. If people can't afford it, just keep your plastic burgers.

I think the result is beautiful, btw.

^ This.

If something is too expensive for you, don't buy it. Pretty damn simple concept.

Jeffblue 06-22-2010 07:34 AM

I think those looks awesome!

scruffydog 06-22-2010 04:05 PM

AGStacker, I emailed you the updated files for the fix. Hopefully it works out! Keep up the good work.

WarmAndSCSI 06-22-2010 04:27 PM

Since this potential group buy looks like it's gone to crap, I'm going to contact my good friend who has unlimited (relatively) access to free machining to see how much he would produce these and similar items for. His prices have always been reasonable in the past, but the kind of round stock needed to machine these is kind of $$$

We've prototyped, fitted, and finished products for the Evo X, for example, within a couple weeks, just to give you an idea. Not sure if he's doing any of that any more, but it would be worth a shot, right?

I apologize in advance if I'm offending the OP, but it's obvious you're not the only machinist on this forum :) That said, I'm not out to rip off any ideas or designs. I'm sure something unique would arise from any efforts on my end.

wishihadnav 06-22-2010 05:26 PM

^^competition and capitalism is what makes the US great..go for it!

wheee! 06-22-2010 06:03 PM

Go for it WarmAndSmallComputerSystemInterface!

tbonesteak 06-22-2010 09:19 PM

Yeah go for it dude!!!!! hell yes!!!!

bqd15124 06-22-2010 10:53 PM

I am with you WarmAndSCSI.

Jordo! 06-22-2010 11:18 PM

Amen -- do it!

kenchan 06-23-2010 04:44 PM

keeping close eye on WarmAndSCSI's creations...

WarmAndSCSI 07-01-2010 02:17 PM

I just chatted with my friend who produces billet stuff, and he says this is a perfectly feasible item for him. He figures the final price would be about $200/set on emblems like these.

We'll probably start working on prototypes pretty soon; I'll be donating my stock emblems for the cause. And just FYI, these items are all produced by us - not overseas - and are hand-finished. We're talking very meticulous attention to detail.

BTW, my friend is also a professional powder coater and he let me know that anodizing would not be a reasonable option for any exterior piece because of a lack of UV resistance. He suggests powder coating as the best option. Plus it'll look better ;)

I won't reveal any other items we're brainstorming on, but we've got a few ideas that should do very well.

wishihadnav 07-01-2010 02:20 PM

^^sounds good..200 for a pair is fair imo..get ur friend on that lathe!

CMPLXUKC 07-01-2010 02:27 PM

Oh well Warm already covered it, but there are very few colors that hold up to UV in regards to anodizing. Hard anodizing is the only one that even has a UV resistance and the color is less than desirable.

Chrome is an option, or polished with a clear anodizing, or as mentioned, powder coat.

I am going to look into these a bit this week and see what direction we can head.

I would also consider offering CUSTOM badges to a certain extent.

Jordo! 07-01-2010 02:28 PM

Considering the cost of the plastic alternatives, if this looks good then, yeah $200 for a set sounds pretty reasonable!

Keep us posted!

CMPLXUKC 07-01-2010 02:33 PM

Looking around the forum there is some room for me to work here.

Who do I contact in regards to becoming a vendor? I am vendor on multiple other forums already.

spearfish25 07-01-2010 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by cmplxukc (Post 601967)
looking around the forum there is some room for me to work here.

Who do i contact in regards to becoming a vendor? I am vendor on multiple other forums already.


billydsz 07-01-2010 02:53 PM

Man what happened in this thread? Everyone go to your rooms!! And no supper!

I turn my back for one second........:shakes head: ;)

wishihadnav 07-01-2010 02:56 PM

i think the OP wants 500+ for a billet emblem..its nice but uhh yeah...

NewYorkJon34 07-01-2010 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by phelan (Post 587838)
oh my god that's brilliant. my next project, thank you sir :tup:

Thanks Phelan for the epic chainsaw video, it was awesome to watch, lol

Diocletian 07-02-2010 10:24 AM

Wow the tags for this topic are EPIC.

camera mount, crack emblems, emblems, poor ppl bitching about metal, rude metal cutting dude, you can’t afford it, you too po


Gunzero 07-02-2010 10:38 AM

It adds weight :/ slows the car down.

TipsZ 07-06-2010 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by WarmAndSCSI (Post 601946)
I just chatted with my friend who produces billet stuff, and he says this is a perfectly feasible item for him. He figures the final price would be about $200/set on emblems like these.

Could I get a pic of the set? If so, this sounds like a more than reasonable cost compared to the options available on the market.

cab83_750 07-06-2010 01:43 PM

With your good news, Can you start a new thread?


Originally Posted by WarmAndSCSI (Post 601946)
I just chatted with my friend who produces billet stuff, and he says this is a perfectly feasible item for him. He figures the final price would be about $200/set on emblems like these.

We'll probably start working on prototypes pretty soon; I'll be donating my stock emblems for the cause. And just FYI, these items are all produced by us - not overseas - and are hand-finished. We're talking very meticulous attention to detail.

BTW, my friend is also a professional powder coater and he let me know that anodizing would not be a reasonable option for any exterior piece because of a lack of UV resistance. He suggests powder coating as the best option. Plus it'll look better ;)

I won't reveal any other items we're brainstorming on, but we've got a few ideas that should do very well.

WarmAndSCSI 07-06-2010 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by TipsZ (Post 608493)
Could I get a pic of the set? If so, this sounds like a more than reasonable cost compared to the options available on the market.

As soon as prototypes are produced, there will be plenty of pics. That may be a while, however.


Originally Posted by cab83_750 (Post 608681)
With your good news, Can you start a new thread?

Yes, I'll start up a new thread once we start prototyping items. It may be a few days because I don't have any time this week to work on this. If somebody wants to donate an emblem to us, it can start sooner.

nissan ned 07-21-2010 01:03 AM

I want a set!

Holliday 07-21-2010 11:53 AM

This idea went to hell in a hand basket :shakes head:

I hope a real manufacture decides to produce some that we wont need to get a loan to purchase emblems :stirthepot:

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