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Truck, not a chic magnet

When I was looking at a red 370Z, everyone kept telling me it was a chic magnet. I really don't care about that at my age, but then, after living

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Old 12-01-2009, 11:46 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Truck, not a chic magnet

When I was looking at a red 370Z, everyone kept telling me it was a chic magnet. I really don't care about that at my age, but then, after living in California, it wasn't long before I didn't care for those kinds of girls even when younger. Anyway, I have driven a large vehicle and a small sportscar on a regular basis for years. I have noticed, at least in my case, people are much more likely to pull out in front of me, even when staring right at me, when I am in the sportscar as opposed to the large vehicle (reminds me of when I had a motorcycle). With the Z, I am more likely to have a pick up truck tail gating (and I mean close) as well or pull right up to my rear bumper when at red lights. Maybe its just me but thought others might have the same experiences. I hope not.
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Old 12-01-2009, 11:52 AM   #2 (permalink)
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The general populatiopn of people really are food-chain mental.

If it's bigger than me I should fear it.
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Old 12-01-2009, 11:57 AM   #3 (permalink)
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People seem to get out of my way much quicker than they did with my RSX. I appreciate it. I still get people that pull out in front of me, but it seems like less do than in my old RSX.
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Old 12-01-2009, 11:57 AM   #4 (permalink)
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I am sick today but laughing so hard. You said it all.
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Old 12-01-2009, 12:01 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Inspector71 View Post
I am sick today but laughing so hard. You said it all.
You mention motorcycle....

I've had idiots tailgate me on my bike, then ride the shoulder to look around me. I'm on a f*ng bike...and you can't see around me?...

Mindless drones man. The bad thing about all the safety stuff in vehicles is that it hasn't killed off enough idiots.
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Old 12-01-2009, 12:07 PM   #6 (permalink)
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its true inspector gadget...

i always get pricks tail gating and pulling litterally (figuratively speaking) up into my cargo area at stop feels like i could just reach over my right shoulder and pic the bugs off their headlights
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Old 12-01-2009, 12:14 PM   #7 (permalink)
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People do that crap to me every once in awhile in my tC...every now and then I'll tap my foot on the brake just enough to make my brake lights come on but not enough to really slow down (obviously my foot is still on the gas) and watch then back off...or i'll just let off the throttle a bit and slow down..especially if they have plenty of room to go around me...

probably not the smartest things for me to do but then again I'm not the smartest person on the road
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Old 12-01-2009, 12:23 PM   #8 (permalink)
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yes I get trucks tail gating me all the time in my Z, the thing about it is sometimes their dicks too so they'll turn their brights on (yes it's that fcked in socal) and poor Z's with their low profile will get blinded by them (thank god for tints and rear view mirror shade) And you know what? If they want to tail gate me I let them, they just better be ready to get sued when they hit me in the back at a stop since I drive a 6MT and it rolls back a little sometimes on a slight incline red light. I'd say they'll learn the lesson the hard way but I'm not going to let them affect the way I love my car and we all know if we step on our gas pedal they'll be wondering where we went
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:19 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Back in 1988, I had a Yamaha Fazer. It was wickedly fast and my first and last bike. I couldn't believe how bad people were about pulling out in front of others, based on the size of the other car, until I had the bike. I saw first hand what motorcyclists have to put up with from all the times people seem to want to ram into me, run me over, and so forth. I don't have a bike anymore but I make sure when I see one I am as careful as possible for their sake. Tale gaited on a bike? I just can't believe how people are sometimes.
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:21 PM   #10 (permalink)
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You're right. I had a pick up truck following me so close in my old Rx7 on the way to work, his lights created shadows from the hair on my arm! I started taking my silver reflective sun shield for the dash and propping it up behind the seats to shine the light back into their faces. Sometimes I'll sit at a light and not move for a few seconds when they are on my bumper. But I did notice it did not happen with my SUV.
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:23 PM   #11 (permalink)
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No kidding. I am on a steep hill and I get people that pull up almost to my bumper. I let the car drift back a little to remind them not to do that. What has happened with people and driving? I lived in California for 10 years and I couldn't believe what I saw, especially around Pasadena.
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:27 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JakeZ34 View Post
yes I get trucks tail gating me all the time in my Z, the thing about it is sometimes their dicks too so they'll turn their brights on (yes it's that fcked in socal) and poor Z's with their low profile will get blinded by them (thank god for tints and rear view mirror shade) And you know what? If they want to tail gate me I let them, they just better be ready to get sued when they hit me in the back at a stop since I drive a 6MT and it rolls back a little sometimes on a slight incline red light. I'd say they'll learn the lesson the hard way but I'm not going to let them affect the way I love my car and we all know if we step on our gas pedal they'll be wondering where we went
People do that here on Long Island all the time...At one point some guy in a minivan was tailgating me on the parkway and decided to put his brights on for a good 5 or 10 minutes in traffic. I ended up brake checking him REALLY hard and he stopped.

But I'd be careful with the whole rolling scenario. In a lot of cases it's considered backing up and you're at fault for not having proper control of your vehicle. But it can be turned into your favor if the other driver is not giving you the proper room needed to operate your vehicle.
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:29 PM   #13 (permalink)
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it would be cool to have a big spot light with like 500,000 candle power to pop up and blind the sobs!

maybe thats what my center spot between the two heated seat buttons will be for....hmmmmm...
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:40 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Similar story:

Was in traffic on the fast lane, going around 60km/h on highway. There was about 2-3 cars length in front of me and an Honda Accord tailgating. No idea why when there's traffic. Traffic cleared back to normal speed 100km/h.

The Honda pulls to the center lane gave me the finger while doing so and tried to pass me, but I accelerated and not allowed him to do so. Honda ended up tailgating me again.

My gf told me to stop playing with him. Second attempt to pass me, I let him and he slowed down to 60km/h. I changed to center lane Honda accelerated as soon as I did but I managed to past him.

I really don't understand what people are thinking. And I wasn't driving the Z, I was in a 997TT.
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:47 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by kdo2milger View Post
it would be cool to have a big spot light with like 500,000 candle power to pop up and BURN the paint off the front of his vehicle!

maybe thats what my center spot between the two heated seat buttons will be for....hmmmmm...
There ! FIXed !

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