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GingaBreadMan 02-08-2010 10:03 PM

Low Mileage Z's
I know we have a thread with Z's that have high mileage after a year (I think someone has 24k miles after a year of ownership). So how about the other end of the spectrum. Z's with the lowest mileage. I have 4.5k miles at about 8 months and plan on having between 6-8k miles after a year. How many 370z owners drive their vehicle as little as I do? Granted I luv the 370, but it's not my daily driver and it only comes out on dry warm days.

LiuTangClan 02-08-2010 10:10 PM

1500 miles in 3+ months. It was a very painful 2 months to get past the break-in period.. My daily commute is only 3 miles each way and I drive the minivan on the weekends (3 kids under 5). The Z is the only thing for me to look forward to during the work week.

puckshaw 02-08-2010 10:26 PM

1300 miles in about 3 months. Not my daily driver. Pretty much just take it out for joy rides or when I can't help myself :)

cajunz 02-08-2010 11:30 PM

7k since last May. She's been tucked away in the hangar at the airport since November and won't come out until the snow and salt are off the roads.

Trips 02-08-2010 11:34 PM

5k miles since May, short commute to work...

supraman626 02-09-2010 12:01 AM

around 1300 miles after 8 months of ownership, doing 1st oil change soon

I only drive it on saturdays or on my day off when i go to my gf's house, always been parked in the garage. I have a civic as my daily commuter and my place of work is only 3 mins away. I will never drive the Z to work since there are many scratches and door dings on my civic since i've been working at that plaza since 1999. People these days just don't care about the property of others.

motoextreme 02-09-2010 12:06 AM

About 1600 miles in four months but that's because its always in the shop. Damn car needs constant maintenance!

First the Hood flew off, then the brakes failed, the paint peeled off at high speeds, headlights burnt and turned black. Pulleys flew off so I replaced, intakes clogged so I had to replace...damn exhaust was stolen...list goes on.

At least that's what i told the wife anyway;)

ducky 02-09-2010 12:08 AM

damn moto..that suck..ur car attract too much attention maybe? ^_^

Matt 02-09-2010 01:50 AM

I bet I'm the lowest Z as a daily driver!

I've had mine almost 4 months and just hit 2200 miles.

It's my daily driver... I just don't have to drive far to work. My woman does most of the shopping, so she'll take her SUV. If we go out together somewhere, we'll take the Z.

I anticipate about 8-9k at the end of my first year of ownership.

IHas370Z? 02-09-2010 02:14 AM

2100 miles in 5 months.. it's my only car but I take one of my parent's cars when the weather is bad (kicked the G35x out of the garage!)

BlackCherryZ 02-09-2010 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by motoextreme (Post 394042)
About 1600 miles in four months but that's because its always in the shop. Damn car needs constant maintenance!

First the Hood flew off, then the brakes failed, the paint peeled off at high speeds, headlights burnt and turned black. Pulleys flew off so I replaced, intakes clogged so I had to replace...damn exhaust was stolen...list goes on.

At least that's what i told the wife anyway;)


got it a month ago......... it has about 500 miles...........

just have been dying to drive my Z, but due to the thunder blizzard (30 inches of snow past weekend and 20 more inches speculated tomorrow in Virginia) my car has been hibernating in the garage......:shakes head: more more snow...............:wtf2:

GingaBreadMan 02-09-2010 04:13 AM

I think we have a winner!!!


Originally Posted by supraman626 (Post 394040)
around 1300 miles after 8 months of ownership, doing 1st oil change soon

I only drive it on saturdays or on my day off when i go to my gf's house, always been parked in the garage. I have a civic as my daily commuter and my place of work is only 3 mins away. I will never drive the Z to work since there are many scratches and door dings on my civic since i've been working at that plaza since 1999. People these days just don't care about the property of others.

Chan Chee Hoe 02-09-2010 05:31 AM

9 months done 4800 Km...

smashbar 02-09-2010 06:27 AM

3 months and just hit 180 miles. At this rate my car will be 'broken-in' in about 3 years :)

Attaboy 02-09-2010 06:55 AM

5000 since April

OldGuy 02-09-2010 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by supraman626 (Post 394040)
around 1300 miles after 8 months of ownership, doing 1st oil change soon

I only drive it on saturdays or on my day off when i go to my gf's house, always been parked in the garage. I have a civic as my daily commuter and my place of work is only 3 mins away. I will never drive the Z to work since there are many scratches and door dings on my civic since i've been working at that plaza since 1999. People these days just don't care about the property of others.

It's so true that other people just don't care. And what angers me the most is when I go to the mall or some similar place, I'll go out of my way to park some distance away, to have no one opening doors on either side of me and invariably, some idiot in a dirty mini-van will pull up next to me---way over in his space practically touching my car! I think I'm going to buy two orange cones to protect my new Z from this!

OldGuy 02-09-2010 07:07 AM

Took delivery of my Z 12/1/09 and have driven her 300 miles since getting her home. She is waxed and polished and sitting in garage during this endless salt and cinder season. Thereafter, this garage queen will not be my DD (Altima Coupe) and will share joyriding time with the Miata I've owned for 14 years---only 35,000 mi. on it.
Mechanic keeps telling me to drive these beautiful cars more often---"Who ya' saving them for, husband number 2?!"

blinkme323 02-09-2010 08:14 AM

19xx miles in about 5 months. The rampant snow here is helping that number a bit though.

John Bradley 02-09-2010 09:41 AM

Almost 3 months and 414 miles

cdawg410 02-09-2010 10:19 AM

9 months 3400.

halrms 02-09-2010 10:20 AM

took delivery 02/07/2009 and just hit 2050 miles. now looking to trade in for a roadster.

Mergnthwirker 02-09-2010 10:24 AM

Also on the low mileage end, altho I AM driving mine in the snow (12" expected tomorrow). 9 months & just turned 5,000 miles. Mostly just driving on weekends.

IDZRVIT 02-09-2010 12:00 PM

LOL, you low mileage guys really need to get out and drive the Z more! I know what winter driving is all about up here in the GWN so the Z stays parked for 5 or 6 months - it is not a winter friendly car. But I can't wait for 1st April to arrive and put on another 20K km's this year!

tjlazer 02-09-2010 12:01 PM

I have ~900 miles on my 2009 370Z :P. (I just bought it this month tho!) Hahaaha

dcrew1x 02-09-2010 01:57 PM

8-9 months and at 5000 miles.

JB1 02-09-2010 02:45 PM

Almost at 4000 miles in a little over 7 months. I try to take the family Forester for commuting as much as possible and use the Z for fun trips only. But at least once a week I end up taking the Z to work to put some fun in the commute :)

ChrisSlicks 02-09-2010 03:55 PM

Just under 5000 miles since last March. I think this means I can get a low mileage discount on my insurance :)

PapoZalsa 02-09-2010 08:19 PM

670 miles in three months.

SophiaZ 02-09-2010 08:24 PM

Well, I don't have the lowest mileage, 1 year and 7 days: 10,800 miles but I drive it daily unless there's snow on the roads.

510z 02-09-2010 08:25 PM

3200 since early march 09

StealthZ 02-09-2010 08:42 PM

just hit 1700 miles. DD a whole 3 miles to work.

StLRedrider 02-11-2010 11:40 PM

6500 miles, may 19th

kannibul 02-12-2010 10:19 AM

2400 on the clock. Bought it in June.

GingaBreadMan 02-12-2010 01:41 PM

I see a lot of us consider the Z a toy. I couldn't imagine driving the Z everyday. It's just not fun driving local. Most if not all of my miles are hwy. When I'm not driving aggressively it's really not that enjoyable. Hats off to everyone who has it as their only vehicle.

kenchan 02-12-2010 04:13 PM

im not sure how many miles mine has... bought last august. last time i drove it was 12/1 or something. i did make it past break-in though... maybe 2k miles?

280z/300zx 02-12-2010 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Matt (Post 394077)
I bet I'm the lowest Z as a daily driver!

I've had mine almost 4 months and just hit 2200 miles.

It's my daily driver... I just don't have to drive far to work. My woman does most of the shopping, so she'll take her SUV. If we go out together somewhere, we'll take the Z.

I anticipate about 8-9k at the end of my first year of ownership.

Daily driver for the last 8mo and only 2800miles. I apparently drive a shorter distance to work than you^

Brazilbro 02-12-2010 06:53 PM

11 months and 4.4k I live 1 miles from everything.. I dont go to far! Not my DD

seecue 02-13-2010 01:57 AM

not a 370z, but my dad bought his 82 280ZX brand new right now it has ONLY 13k, yes 13,000 miles original everything and it is sitting in his garage. Still looks brand spankin new.

fairladyZ34 02-13-2010 01:17 PM

6 months to date exactly. 2100 miles. i hate snow

speedworks 02-13-2010 01:20 PM

6500 miles, 13 months old.

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