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The Real JayZ 02-25-2020 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 3910785)
So you don't own a Z. You just joined the forum on the 21st. Honest question. What are you doing here? Looking for information on the Z before buying one, or what?

Buying a Z. Doing my research and learning about the 3.7 platform. That ok?

The Real JayZ 02-25-2020 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 3910786)
I didn't act like it wasn't an option. In fact, I specifically acknowledged that it was.

Oh you acknowledged it as well. In the next sentence. Then why even say the first sentence? Stop spewing crap from your keyboard.


Those forum testimonies about their experiences are ACTUAL people that are providing DIRECT feedback. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

Brand whores? No one is in here promoting or defending a brand except you. And it's a shitty one at that. That's why you're continuing to get responses.

Someone started a thread asking about OBX. People gave their opinions. You gave yours. But you couldn't accept other people's. I'll acknowledge anything legitimate you say. So far it has been a lot of fingers flying on the keyboard with nothing to say.

Their website is down. Why would you suggest someone order a product from a potentially defunct company? Yet you continue to suggest that OBX is a good option. If anything, I'm just happy to call you out on your bullshėt. Maybe try reading your worthless posts again before you start getting all huffy :icon17:

Posting from my phone sorry if it isn't to your etiquette or liking. Do you have direct experience with a 370z and OBX? Not once have I said you need to buy nor this is better. Point that seems most are missing if is someone is looking for direct experience with a product and if people posted with real experience than this could be a highly informative thread that could be around for years helping people decide. Instead it's typical where everyone bash a cheap brand, no experience and just clutters the internet with MORE USELESS info

Whjaxn17 02-25-2020 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910787)
I remember when I was 24 lmao and now really just thinking about the comments in this thread and other threads I've come across certainly shows the age bracket of Z owners. A lot of immaturity. Most people join forums for the help, camaraderie of others. Seems that's not the vibe here

That must not have been very long ago because you're certainly acting like a child.


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910789)
Point that seems most are missing if is someone is looking for direct experience with a product and if people posted with real experience than this could be a highly informative thread that could be around for years helping people decide. Instead it's typical where everyone bash a cheap brand, no experience and just clutters the internet with MORE USELESS info

What you're obviously missing is he wasn't asking for experience w/ OBX. He was questioning if they were even still in business. He was already talking his friend away from these, as a good friend should, and toward something more proven, albeit maybe more expensive. He was looking for measurements to argue against them, but their website was down. This wasn't a seeking of confirmation for them. It was an attempt at a legitimate explanation as to why said friend should buy something different anyway.

Rusty, get the cat picture ready.

The Real JayZ 02-25-2020 09:46 AM

No it's cool, this is how other OG members including myself acted 10 years ago on my350. Just didn't think it was still going on. Guess ive gotten use to different forums where people come to help. Always got a few punks but hey that's life

Rusty 02-25-2020 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910787)
I remember when I was 24 lmao and now really just thinking about the comments in this thread and other threads I've come across certainly shows the age bracket of Z owners. A lot of immaturity. Most people join forums for the help, camaraderie of others. Seems that's not the vibe here

No........ you're a newbie coming off as a hand grenade. If you tone it down some. You might get some respect. A lot of us know each other personally. We go to ZDayZ and meet up. A couple of us traveled to Philly last weekend to help install a turbo kit on another member's Z.

Chuck33079 02-25-2020 09:53 AM


Man, the FNGs get cunty quickly these days.

Rusty 02-25-2020 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910788)
Buying a Z. Doing my research and learning about the 3.7 platform. That ok?

No problem with that at all.

The Real JayZ 02-25-2020 09:57 AM

Hand grenade? I like that. Glad y'all are defending each other. My last time at Zdayz was 07. I'll be there again when i acquire the next. I can already tell it's going to be a blast going to the next one

Whjaxn17 02-25-2020 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910797)
Hand grenade? I like that. Glad y'all are defending each other. My last time at Zdayz was 07. I'll be there again when i acquire the next. I can already tell it's going to be a blast going to the next one

I'll probably be there:tiphat:

The Real JayZ 02-25-2020 10:12 AM

Lmao don't flatter yourself sport. I learned way back, when the keyboard is gone and your face to face oh how personalities change lol

Rusty 02-25-2020 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910797)
Hand grenade? I like that. Glad y'all are defending each other. My last time at Zdayz was 07. I'll be there again when i acquire the next. I can already tell it's going to be a blast going to the next one

We have a great time there. Been there 5 years in a row. :tup:

Whjaxn17 02-25-2020 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910806)
Lmao don't flatter yourself sport. I learned way back, when the keyboard is gone and your face to face oh how personalities change lol

cool story:rolleyes: and it's you're*

Rusty 02-25-2020 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Chuck33079 (Post 3910794)

Man, the FNGs get cunty quickly these days.

I figured it would blow up pretty quick once people started to log on. My entertainment for the day. :rofl2:

bunk 02-25-2020 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910806)
Lmao don't flatter yourself sport. I learned way back, when the keyboard is gone and your face to face oh how personalities change lol



The Real JayZ 02-25-2020 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Whjaxn17 (Post 3910811)
cool story:rolleyes: and it's you're*

I'll inform Google their phone isn't up to internet English teachers standards.

The Real JayZ 02-25-2020 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by bunk (Post 3910814)
:gtfo2: to


Uh oh big 2k poster coming in to contribute.....

Ghostvette 02-25-2020 10:34 AM

IBTL... and another for the iggy list.

JARblue 02-25-2020 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910787)
I remember when I was 24 lmao and now really just thinking about the comments in this thread and other threads I've come across certainly shows the age bracket of Z owners. A lot of immaturity. Most people join forums for the help, camaraderie of others. Seems that's not the vibe here

What you get out of this forum depends on the attitude you bring to it. There are plenty of new members getting help from these same people. The difference in responses is due to your attitude.

There's plenty of camraderie. One example, already given, was several guys flying and driving hundreds of miles to help a fellow forum member with his turbo kit install. Another example is I've invited a fellow forum member over to my garage on Saturday to help him with the installation of new brake rotors and pads :tup:

bunk 02-25-2020 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910817)
Uh oh big 2k poster coming in to contribute.....

You come on here, act like a douche, dismiss others options, have Zero knowledge of the 370z..dont even own one then threaten other members.... yeah gtfo!

JARblue 02-25-2020 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910789)
Posting from my phone sorry if it isn't to your etiquette or liking. Do you have direct experience with a 370z and OBX? Not once have I said you need to buy nor this is better. Point that seems most are missing if is someone is looking for direct experience with a product and if people posted with real experience than this could be a highly informative thread that could be around for years helping people decide. Instead it's typical where everyone bash a cheap brand, no experience and just clutters the internet with MORE USELESS info

I never said anything about your etiquette. Jesus man. Trying reading for once. Your two statements contradicted each other. That's not etiquette. That's called being an idiot.

I am experienced. Don't you worry ;)

You're the one who keeps missing the point. I think your brain is misfiring on a few cylinders :eekdance:

The Real JayZ 02-25-2020 10:41 AM

Yup.... Attitude bc I asked for a direct experience from whoever it was of WHY their so against it. Come to find out they had no direct experience with it. Guess i shouldn't of called him out and bandwagon

JARblue 02-25-2020 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910817)
Uh oh big 2k poster coming in to contribute.....

lol yeah you better run

JARblue 02-25-2020 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910824)
Yup.... Attitude bc I asked for a direct experience from whoever it was of WHY their so against it. Come to find out they had no direct experience with it. Guess i shouldn't of called him out and bandwagon

Several people have mentioned direct experiences with poor fitment. Sorry you can't be bothered to read.

JARblue 02-25-2020 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910806)
when the keyboard is gone and your face to face oh how personalities change lol

You become less of a douche? Or more?

The Real JayZ 02-25-2020 10:43 AM

Definition of etiquette....the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group

Please elaborate on your experience especially pertaining to this thread
So again I apologise if MY etiquette offends you(not really)

JARblue 02-25-2020 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910830)
Definition of etiquette....the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group

Please elaborate on your experience especially pertaining to this thread
So again I apologise if MY etiquette offends you(not really)

Thanks for the dictionary lesson. Once again, you didn't read. Or at least you didn't comprehend.

Your etiquette is not offensive. It is entertaining.

The Real JayZ 02-25-2020 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 3910829)
You become less of a douche? Or more?

Lmao nope same douche.

Whjaxn17 02-25-2020 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910824)
Yup.... Attitude bc I asked for a direct experience from whoever it was of WHY their so against it. Come to find out they had no direct experience with it. Guess i shouldn't of called him out and bandwagon

But then you're hijacking the thread. That wasn't what the OP asked. He was already trashing them, and I think if we stop and look at who is defending which side of things here, it's pretty self explanatory as to what the right choice is...

and apparently you want to fight me over some cheap steel:confused: and think somehow I'm supposed to be concerned I'll run into you at ZDayz, which made me actually LOL.

Somebody lock this ish up and stop the bleeding.

Rusty 02-25-2020 10:48 AM

Damn.............. the tags hasn't blow up yet. :shakes head:

The Real JayZ 02-25-2020 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 3910827)
Several people have mentioned direct experiences with poor fitment. Sorry you can't be bothered to read.

Lmao SOME people.... But not YOU

cv129 02-25-2020 10:49 AM



-ZS-Carpenter 02-25-2020 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910788)
Buying a Z. Doing my research and learning about the 3.7 platform. That ok?

Please don't

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

The Real JayZ 02-25-2020 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 3910827)
Several people have mentioned direct experiences with poor fitment. Sorry you can't be bothered to read.


Originally Posted by Whjaxn17 (Post 3910835)
But then you're hijacking the thread. That wasn't what the OP asked. He was already trashing them, and I think if we stop and look at who is defending which side of things here, it's pretty self explanatory as to what the right choice is...

and apparently you want to fight me over some cheap steel:confused: and think somehow I'm supposed to be concerned I'll run into you at ZDayz, which made me actually LOL.

Somebody lock this ish up and stop the bleeding.

Don't feel special. That was a general statement where people change when they meet. Funny how you took it personal but hey again 24yrs old. I'm only posting now bc this is entertainment. Pretty slow day so why not troll some real life trolls

JARblue 02-25-2020 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910838)
Lmao SOME people.... But not YOU

Dude c'mon now. You said you didn't want to hear about it. Make up your mind.


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910780)
Oh please tell me a story of your last car, or a few cars ago,or your buddies civic had crap fitment or blah blah. IDC

Rusty 02-25-2020 10:55 AM

Talk about hamsterbating. :eek:

The Real JayZ 02-25-2020 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by -ZS-Carpenter (Post 3910840)
Please don't

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Don't worry. I won't become keyboard warriors like most here. As it shows current new post and active threads this forum is dead. Don't worry I'll continue digging through old threads finding helpful information. Oh and hopefully it will be from first hand experience. Not like this thread

bunk 02-25-2020 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910788)
Buying a Z. Doing my research and learning about the 3.7 platform. That ok?

Just buy one... then go to Ebay, search for parts you want, throw a dart at your monitor and buy whatever the dart lands on... comon, take a risk! Be that guy that takes the chance! After all, you DO have the skills, right SPORT?

The Real JayZ 02-25-2020 10:59 AM

Sure do sport! but their you go again assuming again. My last Z had quite nice and unique parts on it. Ya know... whatever ebay had Quite comical how one post now I'm a eBay sponsored!!

Ghostvette 02-25-2020 11:00 AM

At least we don't drive a Mostly Old Parts And Rust built by Fix It Again Tony...... :stirthepot:

Oh and 'JayZ', I'll help you out... MOPAR built by FIAT..... aka new junk as compared to the 60s & 70s MOPARs... :bowrofl:

bunk 02-25-2020 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by The Real JayZ (Post 3910847)
Sure do sport! but their you go again assuming again. My last Z had quite nice and unique parts on it. Ya know... whatever ebay had Quite comical how one post now I'm a eBay sponsored!!

lol... youre just FULL of hypocrocy (and bs)... calling me out for assuming? What do you think youve been doing this whole thread?

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