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bullitt5897 10-19-2009 06:33 PM

BULLITT5897's Z got a bruised BUTT!
Yes you guessed it! its another 370z that got rear ended!!! Just like simota this A**HOLE Ran away!!!

So here is what happened and I will provide illustrations later ;)

for you Georgia people I was getting on to Peachtree Industrial Blvd (which is a divided highway) from Jimmy Carter Blvd at around 5:30PM (thats right heavy as hell traffic). So I merge onto PIB from the Jimmy Carter access road. but before this the light at Jimmy Carter was on the fritz and everyone was treating it like a 4 way stop. Well there was a Chevy Avalanche in front of me and we both get on the access rd which is a 2 lane that converges into 1 lane and then merges onto PIB. Well within the first 50ft I pass the avalanche on the right (note this is a long access rd) and there is no one in front of me except traffic on PIB. So I merge into traffic and move down the road.

Well here comes MR. Big Bad Avalanche all ticked off that he was passed on a 2 lane access ramp. The avalanche blows the ramp and starts to head down the emergency lane trying to find a gap in traffic. However, Everyone pissed at him for doing this would not let him in and I figured for being a complete d!ck he can go behind and wait in line like the rest of us. Ohhhh this infuriates the Avalanche driver and he starts going bizzerk on the Horn i mean it could have an opera how much he was hitting the horn at me and charging my car's butt. So the car in front of me pulls away pretty quickly and taps their brakes to slow down I follow suit yet MR. Big Bad Avalanche thinks he is going to prove a point and as I release my brakes he hits the gas hard!!! Well I immediately pull over and expect him to follow suit but noooooooo MR. Big Bad Avalanche decides to pull up next to me and try to argue that I am some a**hole and that I did that crap on purpose and "blah blah blah curse words and names thrown my way" and he speeds off!!! the MotherF*cker Speeds off! so I frantically memorize his tag and grab a pen and some paper to write it down. I call 911 and tell them what happened and about 20-30min later a cop meets me in the parking lot just a block down the road.

So after giving my story of the hit in run they put out a BOLO and assigned me an investigator. so I will keep you guys updated on the progress and the results!

Damage: as far as I can tell there will need to be a new bumper and possible a new exhaust as it rattles a lil inside and it is bent inward a tad instead of flush like it was before the accident.

I have pics that I will post later going to dinner now.

I am going to get this SOB and make him pay out the A**! Simota I feel your pain bro!

theDreamer 10-19-2009 06:38 PM

Wow, what an a**, glad to hear you got his plate, going to wait for results.

kannibul 10-19-2009 06:38 PM

Lets hope he gets his license revoked for a year or three and his insurance goes up 5-fold.

Cjanik 10-19-2009 06:43 PM

I do the same thing all the time, if its a two lane merge lane, i'll try to pass as many people as possible, because legally I am allowed to. however if the traffic is at a full stop from an accident or just 5pm traffic, then i'll merge ASAP and not try to cut everybody.

nogoodname 10-19-2009 06:43 PM

road rage FTL!!

CGMobile370Z 10-19-2009 07:09 PM

Wow man that really sucks people are so strange about the stupidist things always in a hurry to get nowhere important

kdo2milger 10-19-2009 07:12 PM

i see road rage like this here on a daily basis...:shakes head:

too many azzholes out there that think they are the only vehicle on the road and that there reason for being behind the wheel is far more important than you...:mad:

when infact we are all just trying to get off post to go home...

i see atleast one accident everyday...

dcrew1x 10-19-2009 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by kdo2milger (Post 244499)
when infact we are all just trying to get off post to go home...

Haha. Only military would say off post! Army ftw. :p

Bullitt hope the cops get that guy.

Regardless of who did what, the avalanche driver should still keep his emotions in check. He could have possibly not only injured himself and you, but others in the process: He obviously didn't think about the safety of drivers around him :shakes head:

schrute 10-19-2009 08:07 PM

That sucks...

Sorry about the Z. Hope they get the guy.

bullitt5897 10-19-2009 08:17 PM

Thanks Guys!!! I really appreciate all the support!

Guys i gave the police the best description I could and hopefully I will here from the police in the next day or two saying they found the punk b!tch! It goes to prove that age and time on earth do not = wisdom!

Forrest 10-19-2009 08:23 PM

you dont have the right to rear end some one or drive like a nut job if you get cut off or some one passes you.

I dont care who cuts me off or passes in front of me. If the spot was there, it was there for any one to take. I am not going to perform P.I.T on you becuase you took "my" spot. You have no spot its every ones.

spearfish25 10-19-2009 08:30 PM

I had a guy cut me off, stop in front of my car on a highway off ramp, and come up to my window threatening me after I honked at him for cutting me off on the highway. Calling the cops didn't do anything, but my father-in-law is a cop and ran a check on him. Turns out he was one bad dude and was arrested 13 times for burglary and drug dealing. Moral of the story is to swallow our pride when faced with 'crazies' on the streets and just let them be crazy without us teaching them a lesson. You never know who you're honking at, blocking, passing or otherwise interacting with.

Bummer about the Z though. Getting a little curb rash had me pissed for a few days. I bet seeing your car bruised eats you up.

bullitt5897 10-19-2009 08:33 PM

The wreck happened at 5:30pm this afternoon. I will talk with the insurance company in the morning and talk to Artcraft tomorrow as well. :D


Originally Posted by spearfish25 (Post 244617)
You gave the cops his plates, no? What's the delay in 'finding' the guy? I've found the cops just don't care much about this kind of thing. If they didn't get him yet, it sounds like a low priority for them.

I had a guy cut me off, stop in front of my car on a highway off ramp, and come up to my window threatening me after I honked at him for cutting me off on the highway. Calling the cops didn't do anything, but my father-in-law is a cop and ran a check on him. Turns out he was one bad dude and was arrested 13 times for burglary and drug dealing. Moral of the story is to swallow our pride when faced with 'crazies' on the streets and just let them be crazy without us teaching them a lesson. You never know who you're honking at, blocking, passing or otherwise interacting with.

How are the Z repairs coming?

spearfish25 10-19-2009 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by bullitt5897 (Post 244621)
The wreck happened at 5:30pm this afternoon. I will talk with the insurance company in the morning and talk to Artcraft tomorrow as well. :D

Realized after I posted and edited that part. I hope that toolbox is sitting at home on the sofa, sweating his nuts off, wishing he did things differently.

bullitt5897 10-19-2009 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by nogoodname (Post 244624)
did the popo's say anything about ur tail lights???

No LOL I was waiting on him to say something but he didnt and was pretty cool about the whole thing! Im glad I didnt have my headlight LEDs on LOL I might have gotten my car impounded LOL

bullitt5897 10-19-2009 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by nogoodname (Post 244637)
thats good, i got away too on the tails when the popo's came for a rear ender

Yea I dont think they even care... As long as they can see your lights your fine... I had my flashers on to signal him in the parking lot and they are pretty clear.

frost 10-19-2009 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by bullitt5897 (Post 244635)
Ohhhh I see how it is Frost!!! dont wanna read my story huh! Am I not Good enough for ya!!!

LOL JK bro :bowrofl:

Okay, okay, just for you, I read it. Just remember, keep the crazies in front of you, don't lock them behind you. :tup:

Pheonix 10-19-2009 08:52 PM

Lets also mention that the emergency lane is for law enforcement and ems personell to bypass standstill and gridlock traffic if the need to reach an emergency, say a shooting or accident with injuries arises.

Not so you can get home and let Fluffy out to take a dump on the begonias instead of your couch.

By condoning hijacking the EMERGENCY lane, you potentially endanger someone else's life when said hijacker finds himself cut off and blocked into said EMERGENCY lane.

Heaven help you too if those flashing lights appear in your rearview and you can't move out of their lane.

kannibul 10-19-2009 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by spearfish25 (Post 244617)
I had a guy cut me off, stop in front of my car on a highway off ramp, and come up to my window threatening me after I honked at him for cutting me off on the highway. Calling the cops didn't do anything, but my father-in-law is a cop and ran a check on him. Turns out he was one bad dude and was arrested 13 times for burglary and drug dealing. Moral of the story is to swallow our pride when faced with 'crazies' on the streets and just let them be crazy without us teaching them a lesson. You never know who you're honking at, blocking, passing or otherwise interacting with.

Bummer about the Z though. Getting a little curb rash had me pissed for a few days. I bet seeing your car bruised eats you up.


That plus a bit of patience goes a LONG way. Let someone else "take care" of them.

Red370 10-19-2009 09:03 PM

sux about your car brother, hope they fry his a$$.

AK370Z 10-19-2009 09:33 PM

I am very sorry to hear this. Your car was a very special car with all the nice mods. Hope everything works out for you. :(

Guys, please keep the thread on topic. Thanks :tup:

kevr6 10-19-2009 09:49 PM

I hate driving in that area!! Alot of dummies drive up and down Jimmy Carter and PIB. You'll find alot of folks driving without a license or insurance in that area also, and they still act out!! You also have to watch out for the dummies who are strapped over there.
It could have been worse!! Don't count on to much help from the police either. I would just move on and keep an eye out just in case you run into dingleberry again.
I have a stock and an aftermarket exhaust...just text me!

nogoodname 10-19-2009 09:56 PM

alliance will hook up a nismo rear.. no worries man.....

cpehaot 10-20-2009 06:15 PM

Good thing that u were able to remember this plate, I would have forgotten it in a snap. Dun't forget to snap a picture of his face next time :) :eekdance:

kdo2milger 10-20-2009 07:06 PM

AK deleted my fried ice cream post :ugh:

o0javi0o 10-20-2009 07:44 PM

damm..... Not a good one..
Hope everything goes as you want.
I am looking forward to this story...

bullitt5897 10-20-2009 10:23 PM

well i talked to the insurance company today and it is going under uninsured motorist until they find the guy... But hey the exhaust tips are bent so that means it got hit... HKS here i come! I also talked with artcraft today and they are game lol Jeff the owner was like dude we just got that thing out of here and now its back lol. I may be doing shaved door handles as well ;) I will keep yall posted. the insurance adjuster comes out tomorrow to take a look at the car. Of you guys who have been rear ended how much did yall get from your insurance companies?

BTW I have progressive and I will be taking the car to artcraft and not one of their shops! I have done that before and ended up having to go back 8+ times to get the shops to fix little stupid things they "forgot" to do to cut their costs!

bullitt5897 10-20-2009 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by kdo2milger (Post 245873)
AK deleted my fried ice cream post :ugh:

I feel your pain! :p

kensin0429 10-20-2009 11:59 PM

did not read ... in..for ... pics

semtex 10-21-2009 08:06 AM

Mike, if you give us the tag number and color of the Avalanche, the rest of us who live in the area can also keep an eye out for this douchebag.

zZSportZz 10-21-2009 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by semtex (Post 246437)
Mike, if you give us the tag number and color of the Avalanche, the rest of us who live in the area can also keep an eye out for this douchebag.

I'd be scared sh1tless of semtex was looking for me....


Mike 10-21-2009 08:30 AM

that really sucks Mike, but like you have pointed out, opportunity also comes from this, I'm sure replacing a factory exhaust is probably about the same cost as an aftermarket one.

nogoodname 10-21-2009 08:53 AM

any pics of the BUTT ?

eddieconfetti 10-21-2009 09:44 AM

Hmm. That sucks. Road rage is not common in ga imo. (except in the ghetto areas and downtown.)

JungleB 10-21-2009 11:27 AM

I can just imagine the scene from one of the Fast and Furious movies where the ricers are robbing tractor trailers, except with a bunch of 370zs harassing a Avalanche! :rofl2:


Originally Posted by zZSportZz (Post 246448)
I'd be scared sh1tless of semtex was looking for me....

bullitt5897 10-21-2009 01:28 PM

Lol we should make a movie! Me and Semtex both have small arsenal of weapons lol I just don't have blanks lol live fire movie ftw! The guy was mid. To late 30's white male about 240lbs give or take. Driving a 2004-2006 black chevy avalanche with license plate B4Q(A)I1 I am unsure of the A but it is in that order! Thanks for the help guys I am gonna keep a look out for him this route is most ppls routine way home!

bullitt5897 10-21-2009 06:31 PM

So the Insurance adjuster called and rescheduled for tomorrow so we have a lil delay on some info however the next post will contain images from the accident.

bullitt5897 10-21-2009 07:00 PM

Ok So here is the big picture of the more bruised side. The black area is smugged and scraped:

Major portion of the cracks. it also continues up the license plate frame and behind the license plate:

Bruised upper portion of the bumper:

semtex 10-22-2009 08:12 AM

Could've been a lot worse. Do you think he rammed you deliberately or actually tried to stop? I would think that there'd be a lot more damage if he deliberately ran into you. (Not that he's justified in taking off from the scene either way.)

awesomez 10-22-2009 11:03 AM

You have to go pretty quick for stop and go traffic to create that damage. I think he did it deliberately. Although I hate the laws/enforcement in my area, it's times like this when they can be appreciated.

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