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kdo2milger 11-16-2009 08:05 PM

weird...:shakes head:

keep us posted br0!

i am curious to know what the failure was/is...

LETSGOEERS06 12-09-2009 11:08 AM

It seems like everyone gets rearended in their z's I say everyone just writes letters to nissan and have them make that rear "light" actually work.

nicknick 12-09-2009 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by bullitt5897 (Post 263241)
No they havent found the culprit and I will be calling the police if they havent found him by weeks end. It damaged the baffles from the hit is my guess as I had a rattling sound after the accident and then it just stopped... The car exhaust note got louder and the note began to have a funky non-harmonizing sound on decel and acel... The problem is the tips held together great and not much damage was done to them besides being pushed in about 1/4"-1/2"... but the insurance company doesnt care and because they cant recognize the sound changes they arent going to do sh!t :( I pay close to $500 a month in insurance premiums (dont ask why they are so high) I figure the adjuster could work with me on the deal!

You said don't ask but....$500 a month in car insurance premiums? Do you claim every month or something?

nicknick 12-09-2009 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by bullitt5897 (Post 283209)
also the only time I could hear the noise was on accel...

the sound sounded like a spray paint can in the exhaust and not rhythmic to the engine until it was about to blow in which I could hear as every pulse of the engine I could hear the rattle come through the floor board.

Mate, WTF, you poor bastard! **** like this no one needs.

Bluemeanie 12-09-2009 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by nogoodname (Post 246478)
any pics of the BUTT ?

:icon23:.......................................... ..............sorry, couldn't resist :icon17:

bullitt5897 12-09-2009 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by nicknick (Post 315426)
You said don't ask but....$500 a month in car insurance premiums? Do you claim every month or something?

no but falsely getting arrested for racing in ga gets you two tickets and when you prove you werent racing they only remove one of the two. The 2 tickets are racing and reckless driving... they dropped the racing charge but would not remove the reckless driving stating that i must of had done something illegal for the cop to cite me the tickets!!!:eek: seriously total bull crap so i plead no lo to that and it is killing me on my insurance right now :shakes head:

bullitt5897 12-09-2009 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by nicknick (Post 315430)
Mate, WTF, you poor bastard! **** like this no one needs.

well I got the car back today with a NEW motor!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happy dance:

KillerBee370 12-09-2009 10:50 PM

Godddamm ASSshole!!!!Redneckk sunofabittch!!!

I hope you fry his as$ good!!! What is WRONG with ppl?! :shakes head: :shakes head: :shakes head: :shakes head: :shakes head:

KillerBee370 12-09-2009 10:51 PM

Isn't a hit and run a felony? Or is that only if someone got injured?

bullitt5897 12-09-2009 10:54 PM

yes its a felony... and apparently he used a stolen plate because it was registered to a white avalanche and the police wont go after that one because its registered to a different color...

MindFusion FX 12-10-2009 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by bullitt5897 (Post 315466)
no but falsely getting arrested for racing in ga gets you two tickets and when you prove you werent racing they only remove one of the two. The 2 tickets are racing and reckless driving... they dropped the racing charge but would not remove the reckless driving stating that i must of had done something illegal for the cop to cite me the tickets!!!:eek: seriously total bull crap so i plead no lo to that and it is killing me on my insurance right now :shakes head:

well that sucks. i got a reckless driving charge too (among other things) and when i got quoted for insurance they told me 162/mo (lease) and 152 (if i buy)

370Zsteve 12-10-2009 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by spearfish25 (Post 244617)
I had a guy cut me off, stop in front of my car on a highway off ramp, and come up to my window threatening me after I honked at him for cutting me off on the highway. Calling the cops didn't do anything, but my father-in-law is a cop and ran a check on him. Turns out he was one bad dude and was arrested 13 times for burglary and drug dealing. Moral of the story is to swallow our pride when faced with 'crazies' on the streets and just let them be crazy without us teaching them a lesson. You never know who you're honking at, blocking, passing or otherwise interacting with.

Must be the same guy who was tailgating me on the Mass Pike a couple of years ago. I flipped him the bird in my rearview and he goes nuts! Roars in front of me by going in the breakdown lane, stops in front of me in the middle lane on a 3-lane highway in rush hour. gets out of the car and he's like 300 pounds, lol. I just stayed in the car, prolly why I'm here to type this today. :happydance:

kdo2milger 12-10-2009 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by 370Zsteve (Post 315830)
Must be the same guy who was tailgating me on the Mass Pike a couple of years ago. I flipped him the bird in my rearview and he goes nuts! Roars in front of me by going in the breakdown lane, stops in front of me in the middle lane on a 3-lane highway in rush hour. gets out of the car and he's like 300 pounds, lol. I just stayed in the car, prolly why I'm here to type this today. :happydance:

thats when you take out the legal concealed firearm and place on the dash in front of he can plainly see it when he approaches the vehicle, and ofcourse have the ole cellphone at the ready with 911 dialed, so all you have to do is push send if he decides to be a super hero...

370Zsteve 12-10-2009 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by kdo2milger (Post 315858)
thats when you take out the legal concealed firearm and place on the dash in front of he can plainly see it when he approaches the vehicle, and ofcourse have the ole cellphone at the ready with 911 dialed, so all you have to do is push send if he decides to be a super hero...

haha, no need. if he approached my vehicle i would have hit the gas. if he jumped out the way I would have taken out his still-opened driver's door. Hee hee I was driving a rental at the time.

Besides, I'm a CT resident with no waiver to carry in Massachusetts. You need a special waiver if you want to carry from out-of-state.

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