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SmoothZ 03-12-2013 06:35 PM

Minneapolis-St Paul area Z enthusiasts - '13 Spring Meet & Cruise!
Group meet and cruise to Schell's in New Ulm! Brewery tours FTW!

George of George's Steak House in New Ulm has graciously volunteered to host the after party. So my plan is to meet somewhere in the south 'burbs, drive together to Schell's, tour the brewery, go someplace close by for a group photo, then end up at George's for the rest of the day. I was going to bring my wife and invite some friends.

Let's do this!

I think a lot of us are hoping for a warm spring season, so we will try and shoot for the end of April or beginning of May. Last weekend of April would be the 27th or 28th, and May would be 4th and 5th or 11th and 12th.

I'll start the list of participants:

1. Dave - SmoothZ
2. Ryan - SR71
3. Jotham - jstar809
4. George - geoszzz

homeryansta 03-12-2013 07:30 PM

this is like a 2 hour drive :(
But I'm down.

Mai-z 03-13-2013 09:31 AM

I vote for the last weekend in April, if weather permits. I'm a gymnastics coach and I have boys nationals in Portland, OR , from april 30-may4th. And then girls nationals from May 9th-11th.

If it is none of those dates, I'm down to pound :tup: Just gotta make sure I get a clear bra put on first!

erkthejerk73 03-13-2013 12:35 PM

im in

ezred 03-14-2013 03:44 PM

Hey Dave,
Only weekend I have off is May 4 & 5... hope we can make it...:tiphat:

Jerry & Cathy...

SmoothZ 03-14-2013 09:57 PM

Sweet! The list is growing! Now to figure out how to accommodate everyone! LOL

SmoothZ 03-25-2013 07:48 PM

Add your name to the list, boys and girls.

1. Dave - SmoothZ
2. Ryan - SR71
3. Jotham - jstar809
4. George - geoszzz
5. Nick - Sotomatic - IS350
6. Scott - ScottmanZ
7. Jordan- odoyelrules
8. Jerry and Cathy
9. Mai-Z

SmoothZ 03-29-2013 04:17 PM

So how does Saturday April 27th sound for a tentative day?

I drove to Owatonna today and noticed that the roads seem to be cleaner and have less crap on them. I hope that's a good sign if we're going to drive southwest toward New Ulm.

If the roads still suck, we can delay it for another couple of weeks. However, I plan on going to Zdayz which is May 16 to 19.

SmoothZ 04-06-2013 11:38 AM

1. Dave - SmoothZ
2. Ryan - SR71
3. Jotham - jstar809
4. George - geoszzz
5. Nick - Sotomatic - IS350
6. Scott - ScottmanZ (370Z)
7. Jordan- odoyelrules
8. Jerry and Cathy (370Z)
9. Mai-Z (370Z)
10. Sam- MyFrLdyZ

SmoothZ 04-10-2013 06:42 PM

Wow, this weather.... :mad:

Just when I thought the streets were looking good enough, I take my Z off storage insurance and then it snows.


Mai-z 04-15-2013 10:53 AM

This weather doesn't look too promising...

SR71 04-20-2013 12:20 AM

:tiphat: Hey everyone, I just stumbled on to this forum and thought I'd say hi. I have a 04 350 and live in Burnsville, I'll probably be more of a lurker on most the forum since it's 370 dedicated but I'll be posting here for gathering/meet info. I hope this cruise happens but it kinda looks like it may be postponed unless we can get this weather turned around. :rolleyes:

Anyways I hope to meet everyone at the upcoming meets.


SmoothZ 04-20-2013 08:00 AM

Might have to turn this into a summer event. :-)

Mai-z 04-20-2013 01:41 PM

yea that snow was really making my penis soft.

SmoothZ 04-22-2013 08:51 PM

Guys, I'm about as frustrated as one can be about this crazy weather we're getting. I think we're going to forego the Spring event and move it to the end of May or even into June.

I'd like to do June 1st, but I think that's going to coincide with Cars and Cafe. We could try for May 25th or June 8th.

In the meantime, I would like to set up the starting point for this group trip at the Buckhill parking lot just off I-35 in Burnsville. It's close to the freeway and has little traffic, so we could possibly stay in the same group through the lights to get on the freeway.

I'll continue to update the thread. Go ahead and add your name to the list if you haven't and also invite your friends and car enthusiasts.

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