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Sales@AAMComp 03-12-2013 10:01 AM

**UNOFFICIAL** College Park Tuning 2013 Meet -- 4/21
PER the guys at CPT this post is UNOFFICIAL

2013 University of Maryland Spring Meet for Charity
hosted by College Park Tuning
  • • Thousands of different cars
    • Dyno pulls
    • Live DJ
    • 50/50 Raffle
    • Raffle Prizes
We will be asking for 2 non-perishable food items per person and $2.00 entry fee. If you forget to bring an item or prefer not to, we will collect a $5.00 entrance fee/donation on your way into the lot. All the proceeds collected from admission, and the 50/50 raffle are going to be donated to Martha’s Table (Home Page).

Prince George's Stadium Bowie Baysox
*Almost 2000 parking spots
Directions to Bowie Baysox Layout of the meet
*Expect heavy traffic, we are sorry for this inconvenience and will be trying to move people in/out of the meet as quickly as possible*

Sunday, April 21st, 2013

Start: 8am
We usually start packing things up at 3pm

Food will be served by the Baysox stadium staff. It will be typical grill food (burgers/hotdogs).
Feel free to tailgate. Be Respectful and pick up after yourselves.

Dyno -
• $80 for 2 - 3 baseline pulls w/ A/F and printout. FWD or RWD only
• If you are interested in dynoing your car, please send an email to or follow this Dyno Signup. We are trying to have people pre-register for the dyno.

Reserving Space
The people have spoken and if you want to reserve space for your club or group you need to contact us ASAP and give us an accurate head count by April 14th. We require the entrance fee of $5 per car paid in advance when reserving spaces, but we ensure that clubs get a set amount of spaces together and we will give those clubs priority admittance.
All club members must arrive in a single group by 10:30 or their spots will be forfeited

Basic Rules
1. Be respectful of other peoples cars. Please do not touch a persons car without their consent
2. No alcohol
3. No scandalous attire (this is a family event)
4. Chairs are permitted everywhere but no taking up parking spaces with them
5. No saving spaces (group or forum contacts us before hand at if you would like to organize rolling in as a group and have a select number of spots reserved)
6. No burnouts or anything stupid. Police will be at the event and cameras are rolling 24/7 at Bowie

Question thread
Question Thread

eastwest2300 03-12-2013 10:05 AM

ohh hell yes, im soo there.

b1adesofcha0s 03-12-2013 10:15 AM

In for the win. Starting earlier this year though, last year they started at 10.

Let's get a list started for the MAZOC attendees and we can get reserved club spaces like we did last year.

1. Shahid - b1adesofcha0s
2. Masa
3. afgiussppe
4-7. ZCarMan + Pat
8. eastwest2300
8. mykindaguise
10. Mighty Bobo
11. Josh
12. David
13. Vicster
14. Open
15. Open
16. Open

We will be meeting up before the show so we can all roll in together. The plan is to meet at this nearby location by 7:30 AM so we can head over to the show at 7:45 AM. Please bring the $5 entry/reservation fee to the meet and you can just give it to me there. If you want to give it to me through Paypal just send me a PM.

For the MAZOC group use googlemaps or mapquest and get directions from:

Your location:
To: Lake Presidential Golf Club, 3151 Presidential Golf Dr, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774

You'll turn either right or left depending on your origination point off of Highway 301 onto Beech Tree Parkway. Follow Beech Tree Parkway past the turn for the golf club house and drive up the hill. As you reach the top, you'll see a single trailer on the right. Turn left into the parking lot opposite this trailer.

Sales@AAMComp 03-12-2013 10:16 AM

I'll be rolling and parking with national g club, but I will see all of you guys there! If anything swing by, we will have tents up and most likely will be grilling/tailgating (minus the alcohol :\)

Masa 03-12-2013 10:18 AM

I'll be there - had a good time last year.

b1adesofcha0s 03-12-2013 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Khoi@AAMComp (Post 2208846)
I'll be rolling and parking with national g club, but I will see all of you guys there! If anything swing by, we will have tents up and most likely will be grilling/tailgating (minus the alcohol :\)

We'll be there......for the food.......and you :yum:

Sales@AAMComp 03-12-2013 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 2208862)
We'll be there......for the food.......and you :yum:

Hoping to have a few goodies in by then hehehh

b1adesofcha0s 03-12-2013 10:27 AM

I'm just hoping to have my headlights fixed by then :icon17:

eastwest2300 03-20-2013 11:32 AM

For you Cody! Bump!!

Sales@AAMComp 03-20-2013 11:41 AM

oh they redid their flyer! looks way better!

MyKindaGuise 03-20-2013 11:49 AM

oh my. I may just have to attend. Sadly I am on call for work that weekend )= I gotta see what I can do. Z will probably be engineless at that point too haha

eastwest2300 03-20-2013 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by MyKindaGuise (Post 2223543)
oh my. I may just have to attend. Sadly I am on call for work that weekend )= I gotta see what I can do. Z will probably be engineless at that point too haha

Dude, you dont want to miss this one, I'd call in sick..or make yourself unavailable...seriously. Im not even kidding.

2theextreme 03-22-2013 09:25 AM

I'm in again this year. :tup:

2theextreme 03-22-2013 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by eastwest2300 (Post 2223587)
Dude, you dont want to miss this one, I'd call in sick..or make yourself unavailable...seriously. Im not even kidding.

Will Nismo be there again this year? ;)

2theextreme 03-22-2013 09:46 AM

And for those who's a video from last years meet:

College Park Tuning Spring Meet 2012 - YouTube

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