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tonybui 08-08-2012 01:16 AM

Headlight modification?
My car is a DD so I'm not looking to ship. Wondering if anyone does it locally? I'm just looking for a simple blackout the housing !!

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eastwest2300 08-08-2012 02:03 AM

Im with ya, so we're both looking for this mod locally.

MyKindaGuise 08-08-2012 07:18 AM

I am kinda looking at this too. Group buy for someone local?

dmhenderson 08-08-2012 08:50 AM

Interested in seeing what this would look like on my car as well. You guys doing tailights too or just headlights?

MyKindaGuise 08-08-2012 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by dmhenderson (Post 1858907)
Interested in seeing what this would look like on my car as well. You guys doing tailights too or just headlights?

I myself am just wanting headlights done. I just want the light housings painted Blue. kinda like how every one does demon eyes but in blue. I know there is one guy running around on here with it already.

eastwest2300 08-08-2012 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by dmhenderson (Post 1858907)
Interested in seeing what this would look like on my car as well. You guys doing tailights too or just headlights?

just headlights... hell, I'd host everyone, and we could do it at my house, but we gotta find someone that can do it flawlessly.

Sales@AAMComp 08-08-2012 11:22 AM


Where: 6319 57th Ave, Riverdale MD

When: September 9/15 (weather permitting) at 9:00am sharp. Remember that each car will take 6-8 hrs to dry. Please try to be on-time!

Who: Guys on the list below. If you are not on the list, you are welcome to attend but we will only be able to work on your vehicle time permitting. If you do decide to just show up, please bring booze or food to contribute!

Vehicles to be modded:
1. EW2300
2. t3h r0nz (coming from PA)
3. BlackZ85 (coming from VA)
4. dmhenderson

Wait List:
1. tonybui

Participants (not having cars worked on)

1) Khoi@AAMComp

1) Krylon Satin semi-gloss black spraypaint (5 cans): b1adesofcha0s
2) Wings, Liquor of some sort (probably vodka) dmhenderson
3) Plastic bumper rivets: eastwest2300
4) Soda/Water, Friend who is a Nissan Mechanic : MyKindaGuise
5) Rubber Butyl (Sealant) plus caulking gun:
6) Beer1: Khoi@AAMComp
7) Beer2:
8) Pizza:
9) Tailgate chairs: Khoi@AAMComp (2)
10) Blue Painters Tape (narrow width preferably):
11) Oven mitts or mechanical gloves (will get messy and/or destroyed):
12) Flathead screw driver (2+) will get adhesive on but can be removed):
13) 3/8" Ratchet with socket set and extension (the more the better!):
14) heatgun: dmhenderson

b1adesofcha0s 08-08-2012 01:02 PM

I may do this one day as well. I have a fly stuck in my headlight and opening it up is the only way I'll ever get it out. If I do have it opened up, I might as well do something with it.

b1adesofcha0s 08-08-2012 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Khoi@AAMComp (Post 1859143)
i've opened up my lights (legacy gt) and have done so many hondas

it's not that scary guys! just stick it in the oven @ 220* for about 10 minute increments. much easier with 2 people. 1 person pulling it apart, other person prying with flatheads

The thing I (and probably most thinking of doing this) is that the headlights for our cars cost ~$1k each to replace. That's a lot for some experimental modding.

Sales@AAMComp 08-08-2012 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 1859279)
I may do this one day as well. I have a fly stuck in my headlight and opening it up is the only way I'll ever get it out. If I do have it opened up, I might as well do something with it.


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 1859283)
The thing I (and probably most thinking of doing this) is that the headlights for our cars cost ~$1k each to replace. That's a lot for some experimental modding.

I completely understand haha we actually opened up my buddys g37 lights when he told me they're about 1200/each to replace. I almost didn't want to do it. But with patience, really nothing can go wrong. As long as your lights aren't touching any parts of the oven (other than it sitting on a pan) you won't melt your light. Prying it apart can be scary as well, but we just picked a bottom corner which isn't visble if we accidentally dented it or something (which we didn't) and lens comes apart pretty easily once you have some leverage.

Sales@AAMComp 08-08-2012 01:19 PM

if anyone wants to tackle this and needs a hand, I'm always open to working on cars over a few drinks or whatever. It's always good times. Then after that me and whoever can start charging everyone else muahahah

b1adesofcha0s 08-08-2012 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Khoi@AAMComp (Post 1859301)
I completely understand haha we actually opened up my buddys g37 lights when he told me they're about 1200/each to replace. I almost didn't want to do it. But with patience, really nothing can go wrong. As long as your lights aren't touching any parts of the oven (other than it sitting on a pan) you won't melt your light. Prying it apart can be scary as well, but we just picked a bottom corner which isn't visble if we accidentally dented it or something (which we didn't) and lens comes apart pretty easily once you have some leverage.

Yeah I might try it one day, but not until I have money saved up to replace them just in case :icon17:

I really just want to get the damn fly out of my headlight. I thought about painting the housing, but not sure if I want to do that. Might just be another hassle when I go to sell/trade the car down the line.

b1adesofcha0s 08-08-2012 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Khoi@AAMComp (Post 1859302)
if anyone wants to tackle this and needs a hand, I'm always open to working on cars over a few drinks or whatever. It's always good times. Then after that me and whoever can start charging everyone else muahahah

We could just have a big headlight modding party :icon17:

Sales@AAMComp 08-08-2012 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 1859310)
We could just have a big headlight modding party :icon17:

100% down

yeah blacked out headlights make a HUGE difference on all cars. I've seen a few of the DIY threads on this forum and yeah I think it looks awesome.. not too sure about the color matching projector shroud.. but to each their own! haha

b1adesofcha0s 08-08-2012 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Khoi@AAMComp (Post 1859375)
100% down

yeah blacked out headlights make a HUGE difference on all cars. I've seen a few of the DIY threads on this forum and yeah I think it looks awesome.. not too sure about the color matching projector shroud.. but to each their own! haha

Damn you! Looked up some pics of PG Z's with blacked out headlights and now I want to do it too :icon17:

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