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MightyBobo 04-13-2012 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 1661037)
Ok sounds good then. Just saw that a lot of people opted to get them when they upgraded to the akebono kit so I thought it might be good.

Its just something extra you may as well do when swapping calipers. Really its more for peace of mind. My pedal feel was almost identical before and after my SS lines.

MightyBobo 04-13-2012 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661041)
I like to think there's nothing wrong with having a goal you can 'One Day' achieve.

Hell I never thought I'd own a 35k dollar sports car either. But I did it.

So I set the bar high, it's what I do. I don't see anything wrong with it. It's not like I'm just gonna go out there and do my thing and tell the instructor to stfu. I'm gonna be listening intently to what they say and teach and tell me to do. Not to mention asking them hundreds of (hopefully intelligent) questions.

You've set the bar to ridiculous levels lol. Not just "high". The whole point of setting a goal is to be S.M.A.R.T. about it.


Goal: "I want to be able to do MANY HPDE's in a single year. Until then, I will do none"
Specific: I want to get on the track eventually. How many HPDE's a year? *shrug* (nope)
Measurable: I'll do it when I'm making enough money (nope)
Attainable: Eventually with time (possibly)
Realistic: In your situation right now? Not at all, and not for the near future either
Timely: DEFINITELY not. This will take years for you to even get started.

Now, going over the same process, except with the goal of, "I just want to get on the track, once, to see what its like":
S: Very - once is a very easily achieved
M: Again, once, and you also know what kind of money you'd need to do it.
A: Once you get a job? Very quickly, versus working up the corporate ladder to FINALLY get what you want with the other goal
R: Of course its realistic, anyone can handle 1 HPDE a year really
T: The only thing you're waiting on is a job, not multiple other factors like a huge income

XwChriswX 04-13-2012 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by MightyBobo (Post 1661063)
You've set the bar to ridiculous levels lol. Not just "high". The whole point of setting a goal is to be S.M.A.R.T. about it.


Goal: "I want to be able to do MANY HPDE's in a single year. Until then, I will do none"
Specific: I want to get on the track eventually. How many HPDE's a year? *shrug* (nope)
Measurable: I'll do it when I'm making enough money (nope)
Attainable: Eventually with time (possibly)
Realistic: In your situation right now? Not at all, and not for the near future either
Timely: DEFINITELY not. This will take years for you to even get started.

Now, going over the same process, except with the goal of, "I just want to get on the track, once, to see what its like":
S: Very - once is a very easily achieved
M: Again, once, and you also know what kind of money you'd need to do it.
A: Once you get a job? Very quickly, versus working up the corporate ladder to FINALLY get what you want with the other goal
R: Of course its realistic, anyone can handle 1 HPDE a year really
T: The only thing you're waiting on is a job, not multiple other factors like a huge income

:facepalm: I've been through those same military briefs. Don't have to remind me. lol


Goal: "I want to be able to do MANY HPDE's in a single year. Until then, I will do none"
Is not my goal. Competing is my goal. Which I don't have the $$ for. One day, hopefully, I will. And then I can go up the ladder.


"I just want to get on the track, once, to see what its like"
Is also a bit off, I already know I'm going to like it through everything else I've experienced. The problem is when they day's over and everyone else is going home, I want more time on the track to keep practicing. I don't want to stop. And I can't afford several sessions. :icon17:

So when I can, I will.

m4a1mustang 04-13-2012 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 1661037)
Ok sounds good then. Just saw that a lot of people opted to get them when they upgraded to the akebono kit so I thought it might be good.

Oh it's good. If you're upgrading to a BBK you might as well do the lines while you're at it (since you'll likely need new lines anyways). But it's not necessary in your case.

XwChriswX 04-13-2012 02:26 PM

I should probably just stop discussing it as I'm being labeled an idiot and ignorant to what advice you guys are giving me. Which is not the case.

However I do see that I can't convey my desires to you in a way you guys understand.

Are my goals high? Yes. Is my process the standard? No. So it doesn't work to most people. I'm not asking you to agree with it. But again, I'm just gonna stop talking about it so I don't clutter up Steve's thread with more of my nonsense. :tiphat:

m4a1mustang 04-13-2012 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661074)
:facepalm: I've been through those same military briefs. Don't have to remind me. lol

Is not my goal. Competing is my goal. Which I don't have the $$ for. One day, hopefully, I will. And then I can go up the ladder.

Is also a bit off, I already know I'm going to like it through everything else I've experienced. The problem is when they day's over and everyone else is going home, I want more time on the track to keep practicing. I don't want to stop. And I can't afford several sessions. :icon17:

So when I can, I will.

Regardless of whether or not you can afford to do several sessions you'll still be going home at the end of the HPDE where you'll wait at least another couple months for the next one.

MightyBobo 04-13-2012 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661074)
:facepalm: I've been through those same military briefs. Don't have to remind me. lol

Then you need to pay more attention to them


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661074)
Is not my goal. Competing is my goal. Which I don't have the $$ for. One day, hopefully, I will. And then I can go up the ladder.

Which is JUST AS BAD of a goal lol. Its WAY too unrealistic right now.


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661074)
Is also a bit off, I already know I'm going to like it through everything else I've experienced. The problem is when they day's over and everyone else is going home, I want more time on the track to keep practicing. I don't want to stop. And I can't afford several sessions. :icon17:

So when I can, I will.

Chris I'm going to just come out and say it. What Steve and I are alluding to here, is that you've set your bar so freaking high, that you wont do this anytime soon. You may never do it at all unless you change your requirements. You'll stick to your guns and insist that "you'll do it when you're ready", but in reality, Steve and I are thinking the same thing here: "He's saying this so he never has to do it". We will likely be LONG GONE from your life if you ever decide to do this lol - you won't even know us anymore.

You're always going to have more pressing needs for money in your life, and its going to take a long time, if ever, for you to meet your requirements.

MightyBobo 04-13-2012 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661087)
I should probably just stop discussing it as I'm being labeled an idiot and ignorant to what advice you guys are giving me. Which is not the case.

However I do see that I can't convey my desires to you in a way you guys understand.

Are my goals high? Yes. Is my process the standard? No. So it doesn't work to most people. I'm not asking you to agree with it. But again, I'm just gonna stop talking about it so I don't clutter up Steve's thread with more of my nonsense. :tiphat:

If you think we're labeling you as ignorant and an idiot, then you yourself, are being ignorant. I'm trying to help you realize that you're being WAY too broad in your goals, and as such, you are fitting the bill for everyone I've ever met who "talks the talk" but doesnt do what they need to do, to "walk the walk".

m4a1mustang 04-13-2012 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by MightyBobo (Post 1661099)
Chris I'm going to just come out and say it. What Steve and I are alluding to here, is that you've set your bar so freaking high, that you wont do this anytime soon. You may never do it at all unless you change your requirements. You'll stick to your guns and insist that "you'll do it when you're ready", but in reality, Steve and I are thinking the same thing here: "He's saying this so he never has to do it". We will likely be LONG GONE from your life if you ever decide to do this lol - you won't even know us anymore.

You're always going to have more pressing needs for money in your life, and its going to take a long time, if ever, for you to meet your requirements.


XwChriswX 04-13-2012 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by MightyBobo (Post 1661099)
Chris I'm going to just come out and say it. What Steve and I are alluding to here, is that you've set your bar so freaking high, that you wont do this anytime soon. You may never do it at all unless you change your requirements. You'll stick to your guns and insist that "you'll do it when you're ready", but in reality, Steve and I are thinking the same thing here: "He's saying this so he never has to do it". We will likely be LONG GONE from your life if you ever decide to do this lol - you won't even know us anymore.

You're always going to have more pressing needs for money in your life, and its going to take a long time, if ever, for you to meet your requirements.

Like I said, its making me sound like a dumbass and ignorant. If I had the money I'd already be on the damn track every single weekend. But I don't. So no, not wanting to do it is not the case.

And like I said, maybe my goals are high, but it's something to keep working towards and striving for. Most people never make the goals they set in life, but it doesn't stop them from doing it. And although you may (obviously) not agree with my goal, that doesn't make it any less worthwhile.

I don't want to just ride around the track with an instructor telling me what I did right/wrong. I want to go beyond that. I wanna be able to do more than just what you can in an HDPE. If it's expensive, so be it. If it takes time, so what. It's not your time being wasted.

I love racing. I love my car. What's so wrong with wanting to enjoy both as best I can???

b1adesofcha0s 04-13-2012 02:35 PM

Yeah Chris I think the point is to take it slow and steady to improve your driving skills over time. What you're saying is that you want to take a bunch of HPDE's in a short period of time and then just become an amazing driver. If you take one HPDE, you can use what you learn there and practice it somewhere like an AutoX session. Those are like $40 each and you can sit with instructor as well. You can learn basics at the HPDE and then sharpen your skills with AutoX, which will save you a lot of time and money. This way, by the time you are ready to do several HPDE's a year your skills will be way higher than if you just wait and do nothing till then.

m4a1mustang 04-13-2012 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by MightyBobo (Post 1661103)
If you think we're labeling you as ignorant and an idiot, then you yourself, are being ignorant. I'm trying to help you realize that you're being WAY too broad in your goals, and as such, you are fitting the bill for everyone I've ever met who "talks the talk" but doesnt do what they need to do, to "walk the walk".


You can have aspirations of wheel-to-wheel competition. That's fine. But right now your goal needs to be getting on track to learn and gain experience. That means doing HPDEs as you can afford them, regardless of whether or not you know you will want more. Of course you'll want more! And like everyone else you'll have to wait until you can afford to have it.

What you're doing right now is saying, "until I can afford to go after wheel-to-wheel competition I'm going to stay completely off track. I'm not even going to bother with getting an HPDE or two under my belt, however infrequently, so I can start gaining experience NOW. Even though I understand this experience will likely help me shape my ultimate goals for the future, which most likely include some form of wheel-to-wheel competition, I still choose to postpone all track activity until I am able to go after it all at once."

That's unrealistic and foolish, IMO.

XwChriswX 04-13-2012 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by MightyBobo (Post 1661103)
If you think we're labeling you as ignorant and an idiot, then you yourself, are being ignorant. I'm trying to help you realize that you're being WAY too broad in your goals, and as such, you are fitting the bill for everyone I've ever met who "talks the talk" but doesnt do what they need to do, to "walk the walk".

Then let's go to the track then. I have no problem doing it. If it is expensive, screw it. At least then I can be moved from the Talkers column to the Walkers column.

m4a1mustang 04-13-2012 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661109)
Like I said, its making me sound like a dumbass and ignorant. If I had the money I'd already be on the damn track every single weekend. But I don't. So no, not wanting to do it is not the case.

And like I said, maybe my goals are high, but it's something to keep working towards and striving for. Most people never make the goals they set in life, but it doesn't stop them from doing it. And although you may (obviously) not agree with my goal, that doesn't make it any less worthwhile.

I don't want to just ride around the track with an instructor telling me what I did right/wrong. I want to go beyond that. I wanna be able to do more than just what you can in an HDPE. If it's expensive, so be it. If it takes time, so what. It's not your time being wasted.

I love racing. I love my car. What's so wrong with wanting to enjoy both as best I can???

This is the damn problem. THAT IS WHERE YOU START.

You want so much you are unwilling to pass "GO."

XwChriswX 04-13-2012 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 1661115)
This is the damn problem. THAT IS WHERE YOU START.

You want so much you are unwilling to pass "GO."

It's not an unwillingness Steve. I have no problem DOING it. It's FUNDING it. That's the hindrance man...

I'd hate to go do 1 HDPE knowing it would be the Only time I'd be able to ever do it, and get that close.

Red__Zed 04-13-2012 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661121)
It's not an unwillingness Steve. I have no problem DOING it. It's FUNDING it. That's the hindrance man...

I'd hate to go do 1 HDPE knowing it would be the Only time I'd be able to ever do it, and get that close.

Would it be better to never go?

b1adesofcha0s 04-13-2012 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661121)
It's not an unwillingness Steve. I have no problem DOING it. It's FUNDING it. That's the hindrance man...

I'd hate to go do 1 HDPE knowing it would be the Only time I'd be able to ever do it, and get that close.

HPDE's are like $200-300 for a day and like $300-400 for a full weekend I think. Might take a little time to save up for each one, but it's not like a once in a lifetime kind of price.

m4a1mustang 04-13-2012 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661121)
It's not an unwillingness Steve. I have no problem DOING it. It's FUNDING it. That's the hindrance man...

I'd hate to go do 1 HDPE knowing it would be the Only time I'd be able to ever do it, and get that close.

This seems so hopeless dude. You have the completely wrong mentality.

Your thought process should be: "Ok, I can afford to do one HPDE right now. Let's do it! I'll have so much fun I'll start saving for the next one and go when I can!."

XwChriswX 04-13-2012 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Red__Zed (Post 1661126)
Would it be better to never go?

It's a lot easier wondering what it would be like, and not having it. Then to have had it, know what it's like and know you won't be able to again. I've already tasted that bitterness in other areas of life. I'd really rather to not have it in this one.


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 1661127)
HPDE's are like $200-300 for a day and like $300-400 for a full weekend I think. Might take a little time to save up for each one, but it's not like a once in a lifetime kind of price.

I understand this, and on your guy's income, thats doable. Not so much for mine I'm sorry to admit. But one day, hopefully with enough time and effort that won't be the case and I'll be able to afford that.

m4a1mustang 04-13-2012 02:44 PM

It's better to HPDE once and then HPDE again a year later than to never have HPDE'd at all.

MightyBobo 04-13-2012 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661114)
Then let's go to the track then. I have no problem doing it. If it is expensive, screw it. At least then I can be moved from the Talkers column to the Walkers column.

You're getting defensive, and its making you sound silly. Would you prefer I sugar coat it, or tell you how it looks? You DO realize the best of friends tell you the truth in things, and dont just dance around it?

And if you did that, you'd probably change your tune about your goals.

XwChriswX 04-13-2012 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 1661135)
It's better to HPDE once and then HPDE again a year later than to never have HPDE'd at all.

:icon17: Because you know you'll do it again.

b1adesofcha0s 04-13-2012 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 1661130)
This seems so hopeless dude. You have the completely wrong mentality.

Your thought process should be: "Ok, I can afford to do one HPDE right now. Let's do it! I'll have so much fun I'll start saving for the next one and go when I can!."

:iagree: That's exactly where I am right now (or will be once I finish school). I just want to get one done sometime this summer since it will probably be all I can afford after buying the supporting mods. I know I can do a lot more next year, but I would like to get at least one this year.

shadoquad 04-13-2012 02:45 PM

Boy, you guys seem to care a lot about whether or not Chris tracks his car :rofl2:

Chris, here's my advice. Do what you want with the car that you own. :D

XwChriswX 04-13-2012 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by MightyBobo (Post 1661137)
You're getting defensive, and its making you sound silly. Would you prefer I sugar coat it, or tell you how it looks? You DO realize the best of friends tell you the truth in things, and dont just dance around it?

And if you did that, you'd probably change your tune about your goals.

I'm getting pissed because of how much I want to do it and I can't. I'd like to be right there with you on the track going lap for lap, but I can't.

XwChriswX 04-13-2012 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by shadoquad (Post 1661142)
Boy, you guys seem to care a lot about whether or not Chris tracks his car :rofl2:

Chris, here's my advice. Do what you want with the car that you own. :D

I luv you shado. :rofl2: :bowrofl: :roflpuke2:

TROOPER 04-13-2012 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661147)
I luv you shado. :rofl2: :bowrofl: :roflpuke2:


m4a1mustang 04-13-2012 02:48 PM

Life affords you no time to get pissed about what you can't do. It only affords you time to do.

XwChriswX 04-13-2012 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 1661153)
Life affords you no time to get pissed about what you can't do. It only affords you time to do.

You're right, and right now I Can't do. In time, hopefully with the efforts I'm putting in now, I will be able to.

MightyBobo 04-13-2012 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661139)
:icon17: Because you know you'll do it again.

Do you HONESTLY think your life, at such a young age, is so hopeless that you wont be able to HPDE more than once in your life? Come on, man...

XwChriswX 04-13-2012 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by MightyBobo (Post 1661157)
Do you HONESTLY think your life, at such a young age, is so hopeless that you wont be able to HPDE more than once in your life? Come on, man...

Not everyone is in such a secure place and employment as you guys are. :tiphat:

b1adesofcha0s 04-13-2012 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661133)
It's a lot easier wondering what it would be like, and not having it. Then to have had it, know what it's like and know you won't be able to again. I've already tasted that bitterness in other areas of life. I'd really rather to not have it in this one.

I understand this, and on your guy's income, thats doable. Not so much for mine I'm sorry to admit. But one day, hopefully with enough time and effort that won't be the case and I'll be able to afford that.

I only make $14/hr :roflpuke2:

m4a1mustang 04-13-2012 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661160)
Not everyone is in such a secure place and employment as you guys are. :tiphat:

Quit it with the self pity. You know you won't be unemployed or working minimum wage forever.

m4a1mustang 04-13-2012 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 1661166)
I only make $14/hr :roflpuke2:

And I only get paid in Trident Layers.

Red__Zed 04-13-2012 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1661160)
Not everyone is in such a secure place and employment as you guys are. :tiphat:

Sell parts off your car to fund it.

Red__Zed 04-13-2012 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 1661168)
And I only get paid in Trident Layers.

No one ever pays me in gum:(

b1adesofcha0s 04-13-2012 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 1661168)
And I only get paid in Trident Layers.

Did I say $? I also meant Trident Layers :p

m4a1mustang 04-13-2012 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Red__Zed (Post 1661171)
Sell parts off your car to fund it.

True. Sell the unnecessary parts that you don't need to track. :D

m4a1mustang 04-13-2012 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Red__Zed (Post 1661173)
No one ever pays me in gum:(

They pay you in something eerily similar... :ugh2:


b1adesofcha0s 04-13-2012 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Red__Zed (Post 1661171)
Sell parts off your car to fund it.

:iagree: Five dolla for your brakes :stirthepot:

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