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shadoquad 04-11-2011 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by tjlazer (Post 1046597)
Also go find another gf. That will take your mind off of her. :)

easiest way to get over an old gf is to get under a new one :tup:

TROOPER 04-11-2011 10:47 AM

Good luck, and congrats dude... You got will power after 12 years LOL

I've been doing it for 20 years, but the worst part is, I still enjoy it LOL.

I really gotta quit.

4r3s 04-11-2011 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by TROOPER (Post 1046666)
Good luck, and congrats dude... You got will power after 12 years LOL

I've been doing it for 20 years, but the worst part is, I still enjoy it LOL.

I really gotta quit.

yeah that was a hard one for me, I def loved smoking when I quit. Part of my reason to quit was bc I loved it so much. Guess I should try that same philosophy with my ex.

birdmanx1 04-11-2011 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 1042790)
I go through a month of fasting every year and it has really helped me dismiss all the peer pressure of drinking, smoking, drugs, etc. Keep it up man, it will pay off in more ways than you can think of :tup:

Ah!! You just reminded me of some Shahid about fasting. The last time I fasted was back in college to show a group of friends the respect I have for their culture and religion. They treated me to a Pakistani buffet off Security Blvd, I swear every time I stood up to get to the buffet after the 3rd time, the owner was NOT happy and kept giving me the Darth Vader look, 10 huge plates later he tried to charge my friends double for me :roflpuke2: I am sure if I go back there, I would see my face with a red bar on it. Still I agree with the self-discipline aspect of it as long as you have friend treating to dinner :tup:

tjlazer 04-11-2011 12:24 PM

"I love to smoke"

You have to keep it in perspective, why do you love it so much? It's a drug, that's why. It affects the dopamine receptors in your brain. When you really think about it, what is so great in sucking in some nasty smoke and smelling like an ash tray? From a non smoker's perspective: Nothing compelling at all and in fact it is the most disguisting thing in the world. But you know what? Non smokers will never understand until they try it and that is what I did a few years ago.

I did it for a year and I was blown away how addictive it was and I had a hard time quitting. Don't ever start and if you can, quit!

600+whp 04-11-2011 12:30 PM

As far as the GF goes... hit the gym HARD, you will be exhausted enough to sleep well and shut your mind off. Stick with it for 4 weeks and your body will show you results that will make you feel more confident and secure about yourself. Women love confidence, it helps them feel secure and more like women. Just my .02.

Regardless, you have quit smoking and that is a huge accomplishment on its own. Keep up the good work.

m4a1mustang 04-11-2011 01:02 PM

w00t keep up the good work man. :tup:

b1adesofcha0s 04-11-2011 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by birdmanx1 (Post 1046752)
Ah!! You just reminded me of some Shahid about fasting. The last time I fasted was back in college to show a group of friends the respect I have for their culture and religion. They treated me to a Pakistani buffet off Security Blvd, I swear every time I stood up to get to the buffet after the 3rd time, the owner was NOT happy and kept giving me the Darth Vader look, 10 huge plates later he tried to charge my friends double for me :roflpuke2: I am sure if I go back there, I would see my face with a red bar on it. Still I agree with the self-discipline aspect of it as long as you have friend treating to dinner :tup:

I think I know what place you're talking about, that restaurant was really good. I think it actually burned down like 2 years ago.:(

Keep up the good work 4r3s :tup:

4r3s 04-12-2011 12:54 PM

Well the ex is starting a crazy routine with fb messages and texts now. Guess shes realized what she threw away...but thats besides the point, point is im on day 12 of not smoking and I'm still sticking with it. I have to give some credit to my ex on this though, she is giving me a lot of **** to think about other than smoking...of course she is causing me to experience the most stress I've ever had to endure in my life so I'm kind torn on whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

m4a1mustang 04-12-2011 01:06 PM

Don't give in to temptation. Keep up the good work. :tup:

Kirkster 04-12-2011 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by 4r3s (Post 1049270)
Well the ex is starting a crazy routine with fb messages and texts now. Guess shes realized what she threw away...but thats besides the point, point is im on day 12 of not smoking and I'm still sticking with it. I have to give some credit to my ex on this though, she is giving me a lot of **** to think about other than smoking...of course she is causing me to experience the most stress I've ever had to endure in my life so I'm kind torn on whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Just un-friend her on FB. Maybe she will get the point.

And keep up the good job on kicking the habit.

4r3s 04-13-2011 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Kirkster (Post 1050183)
Just un-friend her on FB. Maybe she will get the point.

And keep up the good job on kicking the habit.

I did unfriend her on FB like a month ago, my biggest problem is I'm a nice guy and I still love her. I know she has other issues in her life other than our relationship and because I'm a nice guy I want to help her. Shes not a bad person by any means she has just made some poor decisions in life and honestly who hasn't? I know I've made several in my life time I know I will make several more as life goes on. Its what we learn from those experiences and how we choose to grow as an individual from those experiences that will define who you are. On one hand I know I'm setting myself up to be really hurt a second time around if we get back together but at the very least I will only have myself to be mad at because I have a good idea as to what I am getting myself into. On the other hand I know how awesome we were together and I've never been with someone that even remotely came close to making me feel as happy as I was when I was with her. I know theres plenty of fish in the sea but theres really only one that I'm interested in. I just hope that I am not chasing my Moby ****.

oh yeah, day 13 still not smoking going strong on that front :tup:

birdmanx1 04-13-2011 07:59 AM

Man, seems like you got a lot to deal with besides quitting and the stress that comes with it. You should probably try to focus on yourself first and do what's best for you; you would then be able to better deal with other concurrent issues with a more lucid mind. If you try to juggle way too many things at the same time, you might end up not satisfied for you wouldn't have given 100% had you taken one challenge at the time.

If you feel you need to take a pause from the relationship all the while going thru the quitting process, do it. If you feel you can go on with the relationship all the while going thru the quitting process, do it ... decisions decisions decisions ;)

I don't mean to make light of your stressful dilemma but hey laughter is a proven stress reliever. I know of a reputable, EXCELLENT and THOUGHTFUL therapist who might just be what you need. I don't have his name but you might have heard of him lately :)

shadoquad 04-13-2011 08:10 AM

Warning: NSFW language

birdmanx1 04-13-2011 08:23 AM

:icon18: now choke yourself...with hand! Motivational talks for our boy 4r3s!!!

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