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2theextreme 04-07-2011 08:49 AM

I have a coworker who is trying to stop smoking. He has this silver thing that almost looks like a pin light but when he gets the urge for a smoke he grabs it and apparently it has nicotine liquid (gel maybe?) and he can take a "hit" of it and even blow out what appears to be smoke. Not sure what this is, I've only seen him use it once but I can ask him about it, if you want.

I tried searching the internet for it but couldn't find it. Anyone else ever heard of this or know what I'm talking about?

2theextreme 04-07-2011 08:53 AM

Very similar to this:

The E-Cigarette, An Electronic Cigarette That Helps You Quit Smoking

And the "smoke" is just a vapor.

shadoquad 04-07-2011 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by 2theextreme (Post 1038145)
I have a coworker who is trying to stop smoking. He has this silver thing that almost looks like a pin light but when he gets the urge for a smoke he grabs it and apparently it has nicotine liquid (gel maybe?) and he can take a "hit" of it and even blow out what appears to be smoke. Not sure what this is, I've only seen him use it once but I can ask him about it, if you want.

I tried searching the internet for it but couldn't find it. Anyone else ever heard of this or know what I'm talking about?

My coworker has one. It looks like he's chewing a pen. The "smoke" is just mostly odorless water vapor. It's still a crutch, like a nicotine patch. You're still an addict. But it's healthier than a cig, much like a patch, because it's a nicotine dose without all the tar and carcinogens that come with the other. Still, I'd probably stick to the patch method in hopes of kicking the habit altogether.

4r3s 04-07-2011 10:29 AM


shadoquad 04-07-2011 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by 4r3s (Post 1038397)


4r3s 04-07-2011 11:38 AM


yep set myself up for that one

tjlazer 04-07-2011 12:03 PM

Well the thing is if you use a patch, or gum, lozenge etc, you are still taking in the drug. So if you are still having a hard time it is due to the emotional, mental, habitual part. If you can conqur this part, quitting is easy. As nitotine withdrawal only lasts a week or two at most, peaking only at 3 days!

With the patch, you are supposed to step down. The idea is that you will gradually wean off the Nicotine. But experts believe that using a crutch like that, you are delaying the inevitable--Nicotine withdrawal. You are going to have to deal with it eventually. That's why cold turkey is the best way. You get it over with right away and suffer wthough it to get that damn Nicotine out of your bloodstream...

It's like ripping off a band aid off your hairy chest. Do you want to slowly rip it off or just rip if off in one swing? Yes it will hurt but it will get better faster than if you slowly pull on it. LOL

Remember: You have to want to quit more than you want to smoke.

4r3s 04-08-2011 07:25 AM

Your graph wasn't loading for me yesterday TJ just saw it now. It was funny because yesterday was day 7 for me and the cravings really did feel just as bad as the first day or two.

So yeah, one week down, the rest of my life to go :tup:

birdmanx1 04-08-2011 07:40 AM

Day 8 man, you are DUUING it!!!! Woohooo!

600+whp 04-08-2011 07:27 PM

I just read through your thread... congrats on sticking with it. I quit once after college, just went the cold turkey route. Once you find things to occupy the time you used to spend smoking it becomes easier.

Think of it as an exercise in self control. I give up alcohol almost every year for lent, but subject myself to going to happy hours with the wife and friends just to prove to myself that I can stick to it. My friends can be merciless with the peer pressure though.

b1adesofcha0s 04-08-2011 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by 600+whp (Post 1042777)
I just read through your thread... congrats on sticking with it. I quit once after college, just went the cold turkey route. Once you find things to occupy the time you used to spend smoking it becomes easier.

Think of it as an exercise in self control. I give up alcohol almost every year for lent, but subject myself to going to happy hours with the wife and friends just to prove to myself that I can stick to it. My friends can be merciless with the peer pressure though.


Building self control with one aspect of your life helps do the same with other aspects. I go through a month of fasting every year and it has really helped me dismiss all the peer pressure of drinking, smoking, drugs, etc. that a lot of people I know do and try to get me do do it as well. Keep it up man, it will pay off in more ways than you can think of :tup:

370zFORme!! 04-10-2011 11:45 AM

So how is this going? Hope you are holding strong! Can't say the same for myself. I've cheated a couple times, and I'm here to tell ya it's not worth it, I hate myself for it today. But im gonna continue to quit. I'm here in the trenches with ya man..

4r3s 04-11-2011 09:54 AM

Well I'm day 11 and haven't cheated or slipped yet. Not thinking about smoking has gotten a lot easier and the thought of smoking a cigarette kind of makes me ill. My biggest problem lately has been finding new ways to deal with stress. I feel like a little pussy for it and I know there is nothing unique in this situation to me that no one else in this world hasn't already delt with but I can't help but feel alone. Just don't know what to do with myself since my ex left me. Its happened a few times now, whenever I get close to feeling good about myself and building my confidence back up I get some type of message from her. None of them say she wants me back but I can read between the lines and she doesn't know what the hell she wants. Its been difficult because I don't want to be alone anymore but I know I can't be with her again because I would only be setting myself up to be hurt again. But on the flip side I keep thinking of the good times we shared and I keep fooling myself into thinking shes going to come back and things can/will be the way they once were. I know I have a lot to offer someone special in my life and I know I deserve to be treated a whole lot better than this but I can't seem to help myself. I'm a freakin mess and I have no idea why I'm sharing this for the whole world to see.

shadoquad 04-11-2011 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by 4r3s (Post 1046562)
Well I'm day 11 and haven't cheated or slipped yet. Not thinking about smoking has gotten a lot easier and the thought of smoking a cigarette kind of makes me ill. My biggest problem lately has been finding new ways to deal with stress. I feel like a little pussy for it and I know there is nothing unique in this situation to me that no one else in this world hasn't already delt with but I can't help but feel alone. Just don't know what to do with myself since my ex left me. Its happened a few times now, whenever I get close to feeling good about myself and building my confidence back up I get some type of message from her. None of them say she wants me back but I can read between the lines and she doesn't know what the hell she wants. Its been difficult because I don't want to be alone anymore but I know I can't be with her again because I would only be setting myself up to be hurt again. But on the flip side I keep thinking of the good times we shared and I keep fooling myself into thinking shes going to come back and things can/will be the way they once were. I know I have a lot to offer someone special in my life and I know I deserve to be treated a whole lot better than this but I can't seem to help myself. I'm a freakin mess and I have no idea why I'm sharing this for the whole world to see.


It's ok, man. We've all been through this, and it's not easy for anyone, but have faith, man. You will make it through ok :tup:

You're right, though, you need to find something to pour your nervous energy into, and going through a breakup is going to fill you with anxiety. But you're definitely not a pussy. It takes strength to get just this far in your quest to stop smoking. And with strength, you'll move forward. You need to spend some time with friends, preferably those who don't smoke. Get out, have some laughs. Find a new hobby.

Plus, you'll find the right woman. Right now, you've got to focus on yourself. Being happy with yourself again is the first step to finding a healthy relationship.

Just my double penny

tjlazer 04-11-2011 10:19 AM

trying to quit while going through a breakup can be hard. Keep it up though you are doing really good. 11 days is awesome.

They say retail therapy is great for this kind of thing. Go buy some stuff for your Z! That will make you feel good and will keep you occupided. Also go find another gf. That will take your mind off of her. :)

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