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brian0128 04-04-2011 01:31 PM

This is going to inspire me to quit smoking too! I've been thinking about it for a while and saving the 200 a month I put into cigarettes would be nice to use for gasoline.

4r3s 04-04-2011 01:38 PM

Do et Brian!

Think I'm going to have to switch the schedule for this week and run today, just gorgoeus outside.

I'm glad I made this thread, easy way to vent frustrations onto the internet as opposed to people I deal with in person on a daily basis and I've got quite the support network going for me. Thanks everyone for the support and please keep it coming, I'm in this for the long haul! Don't let me down, I won't let you down!

m4a1mustang 04-04-2011 01:46 PM

W00t keep it up! :tup:

b1adesofcha0s 04-04-2011 05:45 PM

We're always here for you man :tup:

4r3s 04-05-2011 10:07 AM

Day 4 = Success! No real hard moments yesterday. The thought of smoking is starting to become a negative one as opposed to positive one. I'm sure that will flip back and forth as time goes by but at least I'm going in the right direction. Ended up switching the schedule around this week since it was so nice out yesterday and took a short jog around the neighborhood. My cardio is obviously very deficient right now.

Day 5 so far has been pretty busy so I haven't had any real time till about now to think about a cigarette. Still waiting on the supposed weight you gain when you quit smoking, I really could use the extra 10-15 lbs back I lost last month...

shadoquad 04-05-2011 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by 4r3s (Post 1033774)
Still waiting on the supposed weight you gain when you quit smoking, I really could use the extra 10-15 lbs back I lost last month...

The weight gain is caused by two things. Now that the oral fixation of a cigarette is gone, you want to do stuff with your mouth still, which is why gum is a good idea. Also, nicotine aids digestion, so your metabolism will slow down a bit.

tjlazer 04-05-2011 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by 4r3s (Post 1033774)
Still waiting on the supposed weight you gain when you quit smoking, I really could use the extra 10-15 lbs back I lost last month...

The reason you gain weight is as follows:

1. Nicotine acted as a appetite sapressant. It made the liver release glucose into the bloodstream, which in turn made yuor body think it was full. So it crubed your appetite. After you quit you got your appetite back, plus you can start to smell better and food smells good! ;)

2. You had sometime to do on breaks, etc. After you quit, you have to replace that ~5 min "smoke brake" with someone else. Oral fixation like was mentioned. You will feel naked. Most people snack to fill that volid. And this is where you start to eat more and gain the weight.

3. Toxic tobacco smoke causes your heart rate to increase. If your heart is beating faster the whole day, that equates to more calories burned. They say a typical smoker burns like 300 more calories a day from just smoking. So when you quit, you are already not burning those calories. That is why woman who want to loose weight will take up smoking! :facepalm:

MyZ4U2C 04-05-2011 10:40 AM

It will get easier and easier as the days go by, already, I bet you dont think about smoking as much as day one, I didnt really even think about it unless I saw someone smoking. The cardio really helps to, It will give you a sense of accomplishment and I actually look forward to getting on the stair machine every day now lol

Chupacabra 04-05-2011 11:53 AM

hardest part of quitting was seeing the weight gain... I went up 11 lbs or so... and i was trying really hard to eat right...

After the 3rd month or so... I managed to sort my exercise schedule and eating habits, and have lost the lbs...

I did notice since I quit... i grew a sweet tooth... I would never used to order a piece of cheese cake after a meal... now I am ordering desert like a girl.

tjlazer 04-05-2011 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Chupacabra (Post 1034086)
I did notice since I quit... i grew a sweet tooth... I would never used to order a piece of cheese cake after a meal... now I am ordering desert like a girl.

You use to smoke a cig after a meal right? You had to replace that habit.

Maybe have a breathmint, or gum after a meal. Some people go brush their teeth after their meal. Keeps them busy and it's good for your mouth! Problem is for a guy, you would have to carry your toothbrush etc when you are out and about. We don't have a purse. lol

Ron 04-05-2011 12:24 PM

Subscribed. Keep it up man, You now have solid proof that you are bigger than that habit. Keep those updates coming, I showed this thread to my coworkers and they are now following it too ;)

shadoquad 04-05-2011 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by tjlazer (Post 1033835)
That is why woman who want to loose weight will take up smoking! :facepalm:

And then they keep doing it. Nothing sexier than a 45-yr-old barfly that smells like an ashtray wheezing and motioning you over, just to introduce herself with a deep, raspy voice that could be male.


superchargedg 04-05-2011 01:01 PM


4r3s 04-05-2011 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ron (Post 1034140)
Subscribed. Keep it up man, You now have solid proof that you are bigger than that habit. Keep those updates coming, I showed this thread to my coworkers and they are now following it too ;)


I've been packing the same lunch essentially for the past year or maybe longer and I think taste is starting to come back. I feel like today was the first time I've ever eaten what I usually bring. Looking forward to making tacos tonight for dinner! :happydance:

ZOLE 04-05-2011 01:54 PM

Hey man. Haven't checked into the forum in a while. Congrats on quitting, that's great! If you ever want to take your mind off things feel free to call me or stop by my house for a beer or two. We could also go for a jog around the neighborhood or even over to the cemetary down the road from me (it's actually quite nice).

On another note, I'll be around this weekend and if the weather cooperates I'll see you at the York road cruise.

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