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Chupacabra 04-01-2011 12:20 PM

^^ I think you would have to smoke 2 packs a day for 10 years to get to the Z price range;

$5/pack (Florida price)

$10 * 356= $3560

$3560*10= Z with sports package and nav... maybe even dealer fees, and tag, and carpets on the inside.

shadoquad 04-01-2011 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by MyZ4U2C (Post 1026077)
Once you make it through a couple days, the patch will literally make you forget about smoking, just a couple times a day you will think, I gotta smoke and then you will think oh yeah, I dont smoke, ...patch works pretty well, exercise will be good as well as mentioned above as you tend to gain a few pounds, get some healthy snacks to munch on, like carrots and take it one day at a time, it is pretty rewarding after you look back and realize you CAN quit. also might be good to jot down a list of why you dont smoke. here is one I made.


1. You get winded easy
2. You are killing yourself
3. You will have a dry mouth when trying to sleep
4. Your clothes will smell
5. You are wasting money you don’t have!
6. You are killing your workouts
7. You get a better nights rest
8. Your food tastes better
9. Your fingers will have yellow stains
10. You become a slave to smoking

no need for goodluck, you can do it, its all mental

That last one was a big motivator to me, and you can add to that list "All those times you wake up coughing uncontrollably." I don't miss that at all.

b1adesofcha0s 04-01-2011 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Chupacabra (Post 1026161)
^^ I think you would have to smoke 2 packs a day for 10 years to get to the Z price range;

$5/pack (Florida price)

$10 * 356= $3560

$3560*10= Z with sports package and nav... maybe even dealer fees, and tag, and carpets on the inside.

Ummmm, there are 365 days in a year :rolleyes:

Chupacabra 04-01-2011 12:26 PM

you are right... well that makes more money for a nice set of rims.. all the better.

4r3s 04-01-2011 01:10 PM

2pm. its been 14 hours since my last cig. I feel good for the most part but I feel like I need to go outside and sprint as far and fast as I can and scream as loud as I possibly can. I can imagine how ridiculous and hilarious that would be to witness.

Once I get free time at home I will be dishing out a whole lot of rep to everyone posting positive comments for me! Will be nice to be able to read everyone's names next to their post too once this bieber crap goes away.

shadoquad 04-01-2011 01:12 PM

4r3s, the good news is that if you can make it through the next 2 weeks, the worst of the cravings will be gone, or at least that's how it was for me.

4r3s 04-01-2011 01:21 PM

Well the whole reason I got serious about this was because the person I loved dearly and thought I would end up marrying left me so why not throw in another life changer while we're at it right? This happened about a month ago and I was literally physically sick from this and how messed up the whole situation was. Turns out she was not the women I was looking for or who she was showing me she was. When I got sick I lost about 10-15 lbs which is a lot when you only weight 150 to begin with. I used to work out a good bit but for some reason I slipped on that when I was seeing this girl. So this past week I started a new regiment. Monday,Wed, Fri/Sat I am back to lifting and I'm starting a new habit of jogging Tue and Thurs. I honestly only ran once this week bc of the weather but this is the plan and I am going to force myself to stick to it. I need to gain back that lost weight bad, so hopefully quitting and being physically active will help a lot on that front. Okay back to work!

tooohip 04-01-2011 01:38 PM

Good luck bud... I quit about 5 years ago now and it wasn't easy. I went cold turkey, no patches, nuttin...

Work was real hard as it was always a good excuse to give my eyes a break from the computer and go for a lap around the building while having a puff.

After I quit, I found myself staying inside more, but eventually just got up and took that lap while chewing a new stick of gum.

Get through the first month and it gets a lot easier!

tjlazer 04-01-2011 01:44 PM

Well my mindset was like this: Cancer sticks are $8 a pack here. 2 times $8 = $16 a day x 30 = $480 a month

Pretty darn close to a typical 370Z car payment I think!

Just think about that next time you want to smoke. LOL

Thats how I justify my car to people. I tell them, I could smoke a couple packs a day, or have my sports car with high car payment. And I am not able to quit. And I don't want to. LOL

GM_Traitor3.5 04-01-2011 02:03 PM

Good for you man! I need to give up the habit as well. 10 years now for me.

The health benefits and money savings are worth it... just need to quit cold turkey :excited:

Red__Zed 04-01-2011 02:18 PM

Good luck!

4r3s 04-01-2011 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by GM_Traitor3.5 (Post 1026528)
Good for you man! I need to give up the habit as well. 10 years now for me.

The health benefits and money savings are worth it... just need to quit cold turkey :excited:

Don't even try to fool yourself that you can do it cold turkey, you will be setting yourself up for failure. If you are serious start reading all the information available on nicotine addiction and what it does to your body most specifically your brain. Being aware of these things well help a lot but also can make you humble in that this is something that you will need assistance with both emotionally and physically. And the good thing is if someone truly cares for you they will be more than willing to support you in your decision and the process you just have to be willing to accept the help.

pssh listen to me, im only 17 hours in and talking like I'm an expert on the subject lol. Guess thats the attitude you have to take to kick this nasty habit to the curb.

ZCarMan 04-01-2011 03:50 PM

Best of luck man on your ordeal. I say that with the best of intentions because there will certain times as you probably already know that the urge will hit. For me it was just after each meal and anytime I had a drink (beer) in my hand I had to have a smoke. Smoked in the service for ten years and stopped cold turkey upon my return from my last deployment overseas. It was the second attempt. Its been almost five years now. The first two weeks are the most difficult. So hang tough and good luck!

4r3s 04-02-2011 11:09 AM

Day 1 = success, not a fun day but I'm still here and didn't smoke a single cigarette. Had a big test last night too, went to my favorite Thai restaraunt in baltimore and I always loved smoking after eating there, something about the smoke and the burning mouth from the peppers went well together. But I pulled through it!

Day 2: Started off kind of rough, probably from all the thai food from last night lol. Peeled that patch off and holy hell that thing is made to stay in place, that **** will get your attention real quick in the morning. You can't use the patch in the same place for about a week and you can't use it on places with hair...this could be an issue after a couple days...I'm somewhat dissapointed, the patch comes with a warning about vivid dreams being a possible side effect. I never remember my dreams so I was kind of hoping for this but nope not for me apparently, oh well maybe it just takes some time. Today I have plans to do some spring cleaning around here, watch some basketball, and then I have a date. She seems sweet but we will see, just hope I'm not jumping back in the pool too soon after I just ate.

rep has been given out as much as Im allowed to for today, will continue tomorrow.

b1adesofcha0s 04-02-2011 11:14 AM

That's awesome man, keep it up. I've never smoked myself, so I can't really give you advice from experience. What I can say is that everything is easier to do if you find someone to do it with you. See if you can get one of your friends to quit with you. You can both help each other out :tup:

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