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spitfire9200 04-28-2011 10:47 AM

keep it up man. My buddy bought an e-cig and tried to quit.. his weak *** gave up after the third day and he returned the e-cig. Sad.


4r3s 04-28-2011 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by spitfire9200 (Post 1078597)
keep it up man. My buddy bought an e-cig and tried to quit.. his weak *** gave up after the third day and he returned the e-cig. Sad.


I thought about trying the e-cig thing when I was preparing to quit. One of my friends used it to quit and hes been cig free for almost two years now. Funny thing is he never used it once just carried it around in his pocket as a safety net. I knew I wouldn't be able to do that and the device doesn't really get you away from breaking the oral and hand fixations.

Thanks again everyone for the moral support, I need it more than I thought and its helping probably more than you'd think. :tup:

4r3s 04-29-2011 01:19 PM

Started step 2 today, I can tell I'm getting less nicotine now too. My hands are all sweaty and I feel pretty jittery and anxious. Also have a slight headache but I think thats from my allergies, not really sure though. This whole process sucks and isn't fun but seriously anyone that thought quitting smoking would be fun is an idiot.

You know I've been doing a lot of reading on smoking and nicotine addiction recently and I'm just blown away at how cigarettes legal. Basically quitting smoking cigarettes is more difficult than quitting heroin or cocaine. NICOTINE - HARDER TO KICK...THAN HEROIN - I'm just in shock about this, I am in no way saying that they should make cigarettes illegal, but it just raises a lot of questions about our legal system and how laws are made. Clearly the government isn't making these types of laws because they care about their citizen's well being. I guess I already knew this because everytime the govn't ups the taxes on smokes they say its an incentive to quit but the reality of it is if even a quarter of the smokers out there quit the govn't would be f*cked by all the lost revenue, they don't want you to quit at all...

okay /endrant

shadoquad 04-29-2011 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by 4r3s (Post 1080520)
Started step 2 today, I can tell I'm getting less nicotine now too. My hands are all sweaty and I feel pretty jittery and anxious. Also have a slight headache but I think thats from my allergies, not really sure though. This whole process sucks and isn't fun but seriously anyone that thought quitting smoking would be fun is an idiot.

You know I've been doing a lot of reading on smoking and nicotine addiction recently and I'm just blown away at how cigarettes legal. Basically quitting smoking cigarettes is more difficult than quitting heroin or cocaine. NICOTINE - HARDER TO KICK...THAN HEROIN - I'm just in shock about this, I am in no way saying that they should make cigarettes illegal, but it just raises a lot of questions about our legal system and how laws are made. Clearly the government isn't making these types of laws because they care about their citizen's well being. I guess I already knew this because everytime the govn't ups the taxes on smokes they say its an incentive to quit but the reality of it is if even a quarter of the smokers out there quit the govn't would be f*cked by all the lost revenue, they don't want you to quit at all...

okay /endrant

To be fair, alcohol is an incredibly destructive drug, and when the gov't tried to outlaw it, the gangsters got rich and people still wanted to drink, which is why prohibition was very short-lived. So, if they out and out ban smokes, there would be an uproar. If they made harder drugs legal, there would be rough consequences in larger society. It's a catch 22 at this point, but I totally agree, raising the price on booze AND smokes, as they often do, will not cause people to quit smoking or drinking. It will only cause more hardships on the poor, who smoke and drink more than anyone, and fill politicians' pockets with more money to completely and arbitrarily waste. It doesn't deter addicts (because they're already addicted). The nature of addiction isn't, "Gee, I don't have as much money to afford my drug, guess I'll have to give it up."

Just like speeding cameras aren't deterrents to speeders. It's just a bill in the mail that gives money to contractors, who kick back some to local legislators.

tjlazer 04-29-2011 01:50 PM

Yes nicotine is the most addictive substance on the planet! I have seen stats like 90% of people who smoke get addicted. And the likes of ~30% for weed, and other drugs. I also saw that alcohol was a lot less around 30-40% !!!

Yes nicotine is more if not the same as Heroine! Incredible huh. And its legal and everywhere. And the price keeps going up....

90%. Cigarettes should be illegal and marijuana should be legal... its less addictive. But that would mean less sales and tax revenue.

With that said, you really need to get MAD at this and just quit the nicotine cold turkey and don't look back!

Do you like to be a prisoner to the cigs? (and patch)? You see how powerful it is. And the money you are throwing away to make others rich.

Keep reading up bro. That is exactly what you need to do, and get MAD... and kick it to the curb. You can do it.

tjlazer 04-29-2011 02:05 PM

and I have to disagree on alcohol. Maybe some unfortinate ones that have the gene, will get crazy addicted to alcohol, but most people are fine with it. Not so with Nicotine.

Yes you can get crazy on alcohol and cigarettes just get you a buzz and hooked. But you know what? I rather see cigs banned then booze.

I have done both and the booze doesn't do anything to me but get buzzed. See I don't have any unresolved issues to where I have to drink and get smashed. I drink responsibly. I never drink heavily and I have never got addicted to booze. I can do months without having a drop. I never need one to unwind or to get the edge off.

A few years ago I met a woman who I dated for a while who smoked a lot. I ended up trying it and smoked for a year. I started to get hooked and to this day want to go back. I saw first hand how addictive it is! It's EXTREMELY addictive compared to alcohol. (90% vs 30%). Just my take on it. I rather drink than smoke. I am terrified of it now. I feel if I was to bum one cig off someone I would go buy and pack and be a cronic smoker again. No thanks! I rather be a social drinker. I can control that....

shadoquad 04-29-2011 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by tjlazer (Post 1080576)
and I have to disagree on alcohol. Maybe some unfortinate ones that have the gene, will get crazy addicted to alcohol, but most people are fine with it. Not so with Nicotine.

Yes you can get crazy on alcohol and cigarettes just get you a buzz and hooked. But you know what? I rather see cigs banned then booze.

I have done both and the booze doesn't do anything to me but get buzzed. See I don't have any unresolved issues to where I have to drink and get smashed. I drink responsibly. I never drink heavily and I have never got addicted to booze. I can do months without having a drop. I never need one to unwind or to get the edge off.

A few years ago I met a woman who I dated for a while who smoked a lot. I ended up trying it and smoked for a year. I started to get hooked and to this day want to go back. I saw first hand how addictive it is! It's EXTREMELY addictive compared to alcohol. (90% vs 30%). Just my take on it. I rather drink than smoke. I am terrified of it now. I feel if I was to bum one cig off someone I would go buy and pack and be a cronic smoker again. No thanks! I rather be a social drinker. I can control that....

But the problem with booze isn't the addiction, it's the damage. Not many people get into car wrecks over a cigarette or joint. DUI arrests are pretty much a common occurrence, and plenty of people who aren't supposed to be driving due to prior arrests are out on the road all the time. Alcohol may be harder to get hooked on, but plenty of people drive when they are too smashed. If anything, that should be outlawed and nicotine addicts should be relegated to healthier alternatives.

I personally believe that we should be responsible for what we put in our own bodies, but alcohol is very damaging indeed.

tjlazer 04-29-2011 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by shadoquad (Post 1080584)
But the problem with booze isn't the addiction, it's the damage. Not many people get into car wrecks over a cigarette or joint. DUI arrests are pretty much a common occurrence, and plenty of people who aren't supposed to be driving due to prior arrests are out on the road all the time. Alcohol may be harder to get hooked on, but plenty of people drive when they are too smashed. If anything, that should be outlawed and nicotine addicts should be relegated to healthier alternatives.

I personally believe that we should be responsible for what we put in our own bodies, but alcohol is very damaging indeed.

Good points, but a responsible driver won't drink and drive. Just like a responsible driver won't drink cold medicine, or take prescription drugs that might make them drowsey.

True, a cig won't make you wreck, but it can destract your driving like eating and texting! And it destroys your health and others around you. But the major point is that once you are a smoker, you have to smoke several times a day to maintain the drug in your system. A typical drinker won't normally have to drink several times a day... and most will be a lot less likely be addicted. Lots of people like to drink. They just do it at home or get a cab if they do... It's the ones with a real problem that get into trouble.

How many times have you seen chain smoking fools driving around with a cig in their hand... Keep both hands on the steering wheel please. lol

shadoquad 04-29-2011 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by tjlazer (Post 1080609)
Good points, but a responsible driver won't drink and drive. Just like a responsible driver won't drink cold medicine, or take prescription drugs that might make them drowsey.

True, a cig won't make you wreck, but it can destract your driving like eating and texting! And it destroys your health and others around you. But the major point is that once you are a smoker, you have to smoke several times a day to maintain the drug in your system. A typical drinker won't normally have to drink several times a day... and most will be a lot less likely be addicted. Lots of people like to drink. They just do it at home or get a cab if they do... It's the ones with a real problem that get into trouble.

How many times have you seen chain smoking fools driving around with a cig in their hand... Keep both hands on the steering wheel please. lol

We're not talking about responsible behavior. We're talking about behavior involving substance abuse. And I don't think cigs are any worse than alcohol. More addicting? Yes. But there are less harmful nicotine sources than cigs. Society has already defined acceptable substance abuse. Don't believe me? Go to a coffee shop anywhere any morning. Caffeine is a highly addictive drug that has health consequences. You don't see a great rush to get rid of it, do you?

Kirkster 04-29-2011 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by shadoquad (Post 1080639)
We're not talking about responsible behavior. We're talking about behavior involving substance abuse. And I don't think cigs are any worse than alcohol. More addicting? Yes. But there are less harmful nicotine sources than cigs. Society has already defined acceptable substance abuse. Don't believe me? Go to a coffee shop anywhere any morning. Caffeine is a highly addictive drug that has health consequences. You don't see a great rush to get rid of it, do you?

Yea Coffee has at least 19 known rat carcinogens in it...

Bring on the Coffee!!!

tjlazer 04-29-2011 06:13 PM

Caffeine highly addictive? Hardly. No way near at the levels of Nicotine.

Funny as all the health professionals say the more coffee you drink the better at preventing cancer it is. But they do warn you want to stay under 5 cups as day as it can raise your heart rate and be counter productive. How many cigs can I smoke to help reduce cancers?

Coffee may help prevent cancer

Even if it is addictive (I'm sure it is, probably at the same level as sugar is), it's not bad for you and it won't make you withdraw like Nicotine. Some say Tobacco is bad but Nicotine is not and say it's like Caffeine. Wrong. Remember Nicotine is actually a poison. No comparison.


Originally Posted by Kirkster (Post 1080855)
Yea Coffee has at least 19 known rat carcinogens in it...

Bring on the Coffee!!!

Yep I rather drink lots of coffee and booze than suck down cancerous tobacco smoke...

b1adesofcha0s 04-29-2011 07:10 PM

Caffeine might not be as addictive or harmful as nicotine, but it can definitely be both if you take too much of it. Just think of how many people can't or say they can't function without their morning cup of coffee. Then there's the caffeine in soda too.

shadoquad 04-30-2011 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by tjlazer (Post 1080916)
Caffeine highly addictive? Hardly. No way near at the levels of Nicotine.

Funny as all the health professionals say the more coffee you drink the better at preventing cancer it is. But they do warn you want to stay under 5 cups as day as it can raise your heart rate and be counter productive. How many cigs can I smoke to help reduce cancers?

Coffee may help prevent cancer

Even if it is addictive (I'm sure it is, probably at the same level as sugar is), it's not bad for you and it won't make you withdraw like Nicotine. Some say Tobacco is bad but Nicotine is not and say it's like Caffeine. Wrong. Remember Nicotine is actually a poison. No comparison.

Nicotine isn't even listed as a carcinogen. It is "poisonous", but a lethal dose is not coming from regular small doses. Hell, enough alcohol will kill you as well. You can even poison yourself with water, believe it or not. Most of the health risks ARE associated with the additives in cigarettes, which include arsenic and tar.

Caffeine is bad for humans. It can lead to sleep deprivation, hyperactivity, and several stress-related conditions. It can be used to excess as well, and speaking from personal experience, it can have dramatic withdrawal symptoms.

I'm not defending smoking. I just think your attitude against one legal substance while accepting the other rapidly abused and similarly dangerous substances is hypocritical.

But we've veered way off topic. I think we both agree that cigarette smoking is bad for your health, and 4r3s here is doing a great service to himself by quitting.

b1adesofcha0s 04-30-2011 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by shadoquad (Post 1081284)
But we've veered way off topic. I think we both agree that cigarette smoking is bad for your health, and 4r3s here is doing a great service to himself by quitting.


tjlazer 04-30-2011 10:30 AM

Just trying to help him get mad so he can quit the nicotine... ;)

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