Cristobal09 |
01-08-2012 06:47 PM |
Originally Posted by Cristobal09
(Post 1475089)
I was in my Pilot when I was pulled over. When I asked him what I was doing he said "a little fast, 3mph over"..........I asked him if he was serious and he just ignored me. I just took it and went on my way. Its just its all the way up in Buffalo and Im not about to have my insurance sky rocket. Fortunately for me, my wife's grandfather (went to her grandmother's funeral) is on his death bed up there so ill have a reason to go up there later this month and can kill two birds with one stone. If he can hang on for at least 3 more weeks im fine, but better not be before or after.
Im going to hell.
God da*&it!!
So I was going to fight this horrendous ticket later this month when wifey's grandfather died, but of course, he decided to kick the bucket today! So I get to take another trip up to Buffalo.
I cant let this a$$clown cop beat me! UUUGGHHH what to do!!??
just pay the ticket and take a hit on my license and watch my insurance go up? Or fight the ticket (and HOPEFULLY win) but take a 16 hour round trip.