s0ftimage |
09-21-2010 07:42 PM |
always read first
So, I deliberate buying a 16gb Compact Flash (CF) card as the ultimate solution for having and playing my favorite tunes in the car. Always available, no need to charge or carry around.
I go out and spend the $50 for the CF card and I spend a week loading all my music into it. I think the problem is solved and forget about it until the next Saturday. Saturday I go for a drive, and I find out that 6/8 of my music is missing; specifically what I wanted to listen to.
Three weeks and three re-shuffles later, and all my best music is still missing from the damn car.
Finally looked around on the web, and found out that the piece-of-crap Music Box has a 2000 song limitation, and can only read the first 2gb of the CF card.
Great, now I need to go pick 2gbs worth of my favorite songs and live with that..
I guess they figured that I can afford the car, but wouldn’t be able to afford more than 2000 songs?
Music storage failed!