Conversation Between ZMan8 and Rooster89
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
haha yes i does
I dunno. sounds good tho don't it?
Yes i am, I didn't realize we were know for being big lol
Your Ukrainian? that explains why your so tall!
Good luck with your school. Maybe we'll plan out some Chicago 370z cruise. We have like 9-10 that are part of out chicago group on here.
Maybe dude. All depends on financials. I recently terminated my employment to go back to school full time. so who knows if the money thing will work out. Sounds like a good time though.
Maybe I'll come out with you.
Same here. I was planning on hitting it up for the first time this summer.
lots my buddies go there but I personally never been. Maybe i'll go this season
Word. Do you ever make your way out to blackhawk farms? I know one of the windy city porsche clubs go there all the time.