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Conversation Between z370z and Mhaddy
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. z370z
    05-12-2010 02:18 PM - permalink
    ya man, I'm thinking the same thing, I wanna do the nav and video by pass.... gonna keep an eye out for a nice switch to mount somewhere
  2. Mhaddy
    05-12-2010 01:58 PM - permalink
    That is awesome, thanks bud. When I feel ambitious and get off the first cuts to my car, I might try this - in for a little DIY?
  3. z370z
    05-12-2010 11:57 AM - permalink

    found this thread, i remember you talking about it one time, not sure if it's of any use but take a look
  4. Mhaddy
    04-30-2010 01:32 PM - permalink
    The DIY guide actually shows the parts you have to cut -- maybe it's been updated since you last looked at it? But thanks for the tips nonetheless, I'll try not to hold my breath as I'm cutting . No worries bud and if your plans change on the weekend, give me a shout.
  5. z370z
    04-29-2010 11:38 AM - permalink
    The DIY is pretty good, some parts aren't shown. One thing you will need to do is unbolt the plastic under liner under the engine, just at the front where it meets that black plastic lip (in order to get your wire routed to the plate hider)

    Another thing the DIY doesn't specify is that you actually have to cut two parts on the car. First the front plastic lip and second that black under liner. Only because if you don't the mount won't sit flush on the front bumper lip.

    You'll know what I mean when you get into it. It's actually really easy, more of a tweak as you go type of DIY. All i used was a sharp utility knife to cut the plastics! Good luck, I'd run out and help you but I'm working most of the weekend. Can't wait to see it!
  6. Mhaddy
    04-29-2010 10:47 AM - permalink
    Yeesh that was fast -- ordered on the 26th and it arrived yesterday. Heading over to my parents' place tonight to pick it up and hopefully get it installed over the weekend. Can't wait!

    I'll follow the DIY guide but are there any tips you can pass along or things not mentioned to be aware of?
  7. z370z
    04-26-2010 08:10 AM - permalink
    lol nice man, they won't disappoint!
  8. Mhaddy
    04-26-2010 07:06 AM - permalink
    All right, bit the bullet -- ordered the plate
  9. z370z
    04-11-2010 07:41 PM - permalink
    I'll take a look around, but I haven't seen it anywhere else... i must have paid with credit when I bought it!
  10. Mhaddy
    04-10-2010 07:43 PM - permalink
    Can't pay via PayPal in Canada on that site - looking to see if I can find it elsewhere - know of anywhere else to check?

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