Did they show up? The insurance people that is.
I hit a raccoon on way to work this morning so my chin spoiler is cracked underneath-my rocket is no longer perfection (it is however still driveable unlike yours:-(.
Good call Wayne! Cool on the rental..one last thing! Be more careful-I know this wasnt your fault but you ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have to watch the other guy- you know what you're going to do-he is the unknown factor...good luck, and sorry for 'the mom' talk! :-)
oh gawd-well-lets hope you DO NOT NEED him/her...should be a last resort-you're not expecting anything are you? what has the insurance company had to say?
Word from the wise:way back when i had a drunk driver hit and total my 2nd Z28-bank paperwork was still incomplete-insurance tried to jack me around regarding payoff , i had also reqeuested reimbursement for my trade-in costs. Long story short: a small fee paid to a local lawyer for a couple phone calls to insurance company is well worth it. Not saying yours will come to that but dont let them push you around-you pay your premiums-they need to pony up too-your knee looks ugly man! Hope you find another Z quickly. Will you get another PW do you think? Feel better soon:-)
I'm really glad youre ok guy...sucks that other drivers arent too careful and that you got caught in it. Hope youre not too banged up- in the end its just a car though so stop worrying and try to rest...