Conversation Between TylerZ and jpritche
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
The reason I went with 1 12" sub was that not only was it cheaper, but for me personally it was less hassle. I have thought about selling my box and getting a box made for 2 10's but the thing that worries me is having enough air space for 2 subs. In my opinion the 1 12w3 is MORE than enough for the little space of the Z.
One last question. I'm real iffy on how I want my subs, look good an beat good. I think you said you have one 12" facing back? Does it look good in our little cars and I will be getting a w0v2 for now and upgrade to a w3 later. Cause like I said before joining this website I was thinking two subs 10"s would be better but im likening the idea of one 12" now