Conversation Between tonmed123 and gleonard
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
Thanks for the response, I just got the FI exhaust installed today. Everything you said is right on. Sounds great to me. Like you said the only droning sound I heard was at highway speeds when you step on the throttle.
Im responding to you in reference to the FI exhaust system. As to the complaints on the drone on the highway, I feel that it dosent justify not getting the exhaust. It is minimal. One can only hear a slight drone for a second or two upon exceleration but after that it growls nicely. Now if those people complaining about a consistant drone then they are driving around constantly pumping the gas on the highway. Then again who drives that way anyway. The exhaust growls deep more than it drones. Compared to other exhaust sytems out there that will get your ears tired of hearing it, this one is not bothersome at all. Someone else I know had a stillen exhaust and they switch to FI. I am more than happy with mine. Ill keep you posted once I install the injen intake I got for it. But even then, I believe it will enhance the exhaust further. We will see.
Saw you got the FI exhaust with HFC and 18" resonators. I was thinking of going with the same setup but have heard some complaints with drone at highway speeds. Just curious to what your review is? Thanks!