Conversation Between seungklee and FairladyZ10PG
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 42
actually I rode in it, it's not bad...I don't really care about having a lot of power...sure it'll feel slow though coming from the Z...I prefer handling and balance rather than power haha
I think you should go with the sti. BRZ or FRS will be too slow without going forced induction. It'll be all show no go lol.
thinkin bout STi four-door or five-door hatchback (used), BRZ or FR-S
I ended up keeping the car. I sold my dd so I drive the z everyday now. Good luck with your sale. What are you getting next?
how r u? did u sell ur z? been tryin to sell mine
I still drive it. Gonna try to sell it sometime this summer.
no more 370z?

pm me ur numba, ill hit u up this week
if im in the area this week ill stop by, wat time do u end work? 5? same place?