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Based upon my own experience and what I have read I believe that the transmission tracks the driver's inputs and selects from one of several preprogrammed operating modes that optimize the transmission's preformance in light of the driver's demands. In that sense i suppose it learns. In any event I have found that it has an uncanny ability to do the right thing in almost every circumstance.
Hey there. I just got your friend request. I added you.. I have been back in Bed. Man I am not doing well some days. As a family member said, " I am beating the odds", surviving so far. So I should count my Blessings.. Mike
Regular synthetic oils usually start as petroleum based but are so extensively altered that they are reclassified as synthetic. Synthetic oils provide superior lubrication, reduced friction and longer life. Synthetic ester oil has specific enhancements over basic synthetic oil that are of benefit to the 370Z. Nissan has applied a special finish ("diamond like coating" their term) to reduce wear and friction on critical components. This coating's benefits are optimized when synthetic ester oil is used. The valve train in the Z is especially hard on oil and the high output of the Z's engine creates a lot of heat, accordingly Nissan recommends the very best type of oil and requires frequent oil changes to ensure long engine life. Many oils have some ester characteristics but only a few are classified as ester oils. In our case it's just part of the cost of having a light weight, compact, high output engine.
The wife and I have been helping a friend redo her patio and yard. I got your message, I have to apologize for not responding. I'd be delighted to have that conversation Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of this week if that works for you. My home line is 949-589-4664 or my cell is 959-510-4920.