Conversation Between Pointman and CGMobile370Z
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 34
lol nice i cant seem to stop driving in circles i havent used the radio all day you were so right
Ill try and make a trip up there come mid nov when i get back from NC maybe we can get some other people together an have a little Z meet who knows
I almost went with no resonators lol just cause i wanted it loud
Yah i have stillen HFC an ima be driving to Elizabeth City, NC on Sunday so ima have a blast cant wait for the drive
12" resonators an didnt opt for the CF liked the stainless look putting it on friday if all goes as planned
I got my exhaust today

cant wait to put it on
Put some pics up on my profile
Got the headlights finished and installed today exhaust should be here tomorrow i cant wait ill try an post some pics when i get a chance
Yah that would be cool i leave for ecity, NC next friday for 2 weeks will have to be after that sometime. An i hate parking lots walked out to my car today to find a nice set of scratch all the way up the passenger side front bumper bout 1/2 inch wide an pretty much the whole length think it was from like a shopping cart. People have no respect for things if it doesnt belong to them eh what u gunna do. Hopefully i can get it in the body shop next week to get it painted out.
LOL yah i know its killing me that ima have to spend so dam much on rims to get the style i want wish forgestar wasnt a sh*t hole company i priced out the stoptech replacement rotors 4 our car at 590 shipped. They are drilled slotted vented but are 1 piece and i really want a 2 piece rotor.